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Thread: Doesn't It Just Grind Your Gears When.....

  1. #31
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    ...your local tearpad thief/shelf clearer hits every single frickin' store in your city
    ...people don't leave a trader rating upon receiving their end of the trade. I shouldn't have to remind them.
    ...people type "your" instead of "you're" and vice versa. Or "could of", "should of", "would of". It's HAVE. HAVE!!!! Careless spelling and grammar really gets my goat.
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  2. #32
    Smart Canuck Carla54321's Avatar
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    ~ When people who do not have children park in the "reserved for customers with small children" spots. Especially when it's pouring rain and you have 2 kids under 2 and have to drag them half a mile to get to the store.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by salady View Post
    Aaaahhhhh can't tell you how many times this has happened to me! It's awful.
    I HATE when that happens!!!
    barginb likes this.

  4. #34
    The ONLY Diva of SC! saveadollardiva's Avatar
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    -Don't you hate it when you go out of your way for people and than they turn around and than make you look like the bad guy?
    -I hate it when people throw their garbage on my side of my property!
    -I hate it when I see a tearpad and find nothing there!

  5. #35
    Shameless Reps FTW krysta lynne's Avatar
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    22 (100%) find out your kid has been causing a whole bunch of $hit at school and you were NOT informed by anyone
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  6. #36
    Smart Canuck Carla54321's Avatar
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    ~ When you leave your 2 year old for one second and she puts nail polish on your couch that is 2 weeks old.
    anisa, kidsteph, Koolaid and 2 others like this.

  7. #37
    Senior Canuck Zia_Stephie's Avatar
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    ...when you get stung by a bee & you are extremely allergic/anaphalatic, while pregnant and then have friends and family say "While try to be more careful"...I'm sorry, I didn't ask to be stung and brought to the ER..But thanks I'm fine
    jessep13, Koolaid, Aimz and 3 others like this.
    Zia_Stephie really wants you as my swagbucks referral...PM me and I'll send you the link. Thanks!

  8. #38
    Canadian Genius xox2010's Avatar
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    when there are literally 100 empty lockers in the gym locker room and someone just HAS to lock their stuff up next to mine.
    when people come to the gym and stand around and talk the entire time, blocking the equipment
    Koolaid, Aimz, alicia and 1 others like this.

  9. #39
    Smart Canuck pumpkin9211's Avatar
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    539 (100%) empty mailbox on a mailday!
    ....the plastic CP bags(yes, we know... you're sorry)

    ....Pimples(I'm 31, why do I still have to deal with this?!?!)

    ....Bad Hair Days!

    ....Swimsuit shopping(this might relate to my previous comment about cheesecake )
    anisa, Koolaid, Aimz and 7 others like this.

  10. #40
    Junior Canuck xXtiggerXx's Avatar
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    ...When people use my road as a garbage dump. There have seriously been entire rooms worth of torn down drywall dumped there, as well as paint cans, tires, a stove, bags of garbage/recycling, concrete planters, the list is endless. Be responsible for your own junk

    ...when people let their dogs run free at an on-leash only beach, letting their dogs crap all over the place where people swim and jump all over kids. And the best line- "Oh don't worry, he's friendly" as it runs over and attacks my dog on his leash.
    Koolaid, BC Gal, nessa23 and 2 others like this.
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  11. #41
    Smart Canuck Sunshyne1's Avatar
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    when you're driving and you let someone in and they don't give you a "thank-You" wave!!!

    really??? Dude, I give thank you waves even if im sitting in the passenger seat!

    oh, and this:
    Quote Originally Posted by ashokia View Post
    At least you're not getting MOO'd at!
    made me a little sad :o( Did someone seriously do that to you????
    Last edited by Sunshyne1; Wed, May 30th, 2012 at 04:23 PM.
    anisa, Koolaid, Aimz and 4 others like this.

  12. #42
    Smart Canuck
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    When it is Raining when you get up LOL
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  13. #43
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshyne1 View Post
    when you're driving and you let someone in and they don't give you a "thank-You" wave!!!

    really??? Dude, I give thank you waves even if im sitting in the passenger seat!

    oh, and this:

    made me a little sad :o( Did someone seriously do that to you????
    I'm with you on the hand wavingI always acknowledge some-one who does that.

    While I've never been moo'd or oinked, I know women who have.....
    wolfwoman and barginb like this.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  14. #44
    Smart Canuck alicia's Avatar
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    -I run on an inside track when it's raining. When the daycare kids run unsupervised and "willy-nilly" on the track basically tripping you on a frequent basis. I am just trying to run my 5k... Don't run in between me and my running buddy, go around, and don't stop instantly because I will accidentally plow the kid over...
    -When you miss a SwagBucks code by seconds
    -That with my iPad I have to type in my email and password for all my different sites rather than auto fill.
    -Bikers who zig-zag from the road to the sidewalk depending on the traffic. You follow the rules of a car, not whatever is best for don't see me driving onto the sidewalk in my car when traffic backs up!
    -Servers who clear away dishes before everyone is done so that you're sitting there watching the other person eat.
    barginb likes this.
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  15. #45
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    @ Darth, you would be super duper proud of me, as I have not spoken, texted or even emailed my brother since my son's birthday party! I was actually starting to doubt myself and wonder if I wasn't overreacting so I'm glad I posted!

    @ Sunshyne1, yup, I get moo'd at a lot actually. My walk home from work puts me in the path of two high schools and we all know how mature some teenage boys are. LOL. Now that I have a baby stroller in front of me most of the time I get moo'd at a lot less though. Guess mom's are sacred?

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