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Thread: ☼ *Traditional Train* for NEWBIES! ☼ENDED

  1. #1
    Coupon*ista mandolimed's Avatar
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    Expired on: Wed, Aug 1st, 2012
    I have ALOT of tearpads - that I want to share with all the newbies out there!
    I remember when I first got into everything-I had NO idea
    what I was doing and I had no idea when or where to get coupons from!
    This is a good place to start!
    Name:  stock-footage-animated-border-of-purple-flowers-daisy-with-vine-growing-across-alpha-channel-inc.jpg
Views: 4955
Size:  6.5 KB

    A traditional train works that I start by sending a bundle of coupons to the first person who joins,
    who takes out what they want , replaces the coupons with equal $ value (or as close as possible)
    and forwards it onto the second person who has joined and so on.
    The last person on the train mailed the remaining coupons back to me.

    I will include little "packages" for each rider within the envelope containing popular coupons that the riders are not allowed to touch. - to make sure that everyone gets something good on the train! I will also include coupons to each of you from your top 10 wishes coupons (explained further below)

    Boarding Pass: Each rider will have to include 2 stamps in the envelope for me, for conducting.

    **absolutely no crap coupons like nicorette, hair dye, multiple insert, smelly products that barely anybody buys, etc***

    Minimum expiry date on replacing coupons is *EXTREMELY* IMPORTANT! None before July 31! Do Not replace a bunch of July 30+ expiries with June 30. Once this train gets to the mid way rider, June 30 will not allow enough time for the remaining riders to use in time. Be diligent. For the first rider ONLY-if there is a June 30th expiring coupon that the 2nd or 3rd rider might be able to use you may include this. I hope you all can see how any expiries before June 30th are not a good idea.

    Only join if you agree to remove and replace and mail the envy back out quickly---if not, myself or other riders may have to leave negative feedback. It is only fair to the entire train to be quick. Having the envy for a couple of days is reasonable, but an entire week is not. Please, respect that other riders are looking forward to receiving the envy - and do not hold onto it! - you wouldn't want to be stuck waiting for it either.

    Sorry if my rules seem "harsh" - but I know what its like to receive a train with crappy coupons that is not worth my time or postage

    **Also, a chance to receive wishlist coupons**:
    RESERVE your spot on the thread, and include a list of you *top 10 most wanted* coupons that are EASY to obtain (no high value coupons such as Free Product coupons) so that the riders can try including something that you want! (you would only include coupons for the next person you are mailing to off their *top 10 most wanted*-although this is optional, it is a great way to share and be generous with your fellow couponers)

    I will include a copy in the envelope of the order of riders/mailing addresses/top 10 list and instructions.
    Name:  stock-footage-animated-border-of-purple-flowers-daisy-with-vine-growing-across-alpha-channel-inc.jpg
Views: 4955
Size:  6.5 KB
    Name:  trianupdates.gif
Views: 381
Size:  13.0 KB

    --------train 1: mailed out sun june 2

    ---received & mailed to next rider June 13.
    2-kears10---received & mailed to next rider June 19
    3-Sacktowngirl---received & mailed to next rider July 3 LOST????? no replies from rider pm'd multiple times.
    Anna Michele
    7-back home to mandolimed (conductor)

    -------train 2: mailed mon june 3

    1-sbert---received & mailed to next rider June 13.
    ---received & mailed to next rider June 21.
    3-MissFonzie--received & mailed to next rider June 26.
    4-Giddymonkey-received & mailed to next rider July 4
    5-cindy-received & mailed to next rider July 17
    6-leannhillier-received & mailed to next rider July 27
    7-back home to mandolimed (conductor)-received home AUG7-thankyou everyone!

    more explanation:
    So, There will be a mixture of tearpad, online, and a few popular insert coupons. You will open it, remove the "package" marked just for you, plus any of the coupons you want from the bundle! If the previous rider has left any coupons from your top 10 list, you'll take those too.

    The coupons that you remove from the bundle, you'll replace with coupons of equal value (if you remove $15, you'll replace with $15) The idea is that you may take a milk coupon, but not need a cheese coupon-and replace the milk coupon with a cheese coupon/etc.

    You will include 2 stamps for me in there, for conducting.

    After that, you'll look at the next person you'll be mailing it to on the list-and their "top 10" wishlist coupons and see if you have anything to give them in there. You will clearly mark who the coupons are for, and mail it off to the next person. (their address will be given on a sheet of paper)
    This thread is currently associated with: N/A
    Last edited by mandolimed; Tue, Aug 14th, 2012 at 11:22 PM.
    ღ ღ Coupons are my Money ღ ღ ღ ღ

  2. #2
    Canadian Genius PurpleBunny89's Avatar
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    I'd love a seat, I've never been on a traditional train before so I would like to find out more information. So you pay postage to mail envelope to me. Is this like a gigantic yellow envelope or just a regular sized one? Then I have to take out, put in new envelope and mail to next person?
    Insert Clever Signature Here

  3. #3
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    hey, I would like a seat please

  4. #4
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    Love to ride!!

  5. #5
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    I would love to join if there is still room...really new to this so you'll have to talk me through

  6. #6
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    I would love to try this too.....Ive never done a train before...sounds like fun! do we need to PM our top ten wanted list? or just write it here?

  7. #7
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    My top ten list:

    $2 Kellogs Red Peelie
    $5 Maple Leaf Portions
    $2 Olay Bodywash
    $1 Colgate Palmolive Call in
    $1 Sunkist Snacks
    $2 Tide
    Koolaid Jammers (if there is such a thing)
    $2 WUB 2 Dare Products
    $1.50 Black Diamond Shredded Cheese
    Any kids lunch items coupons

  8. #8
    Coupon*ista mandolimed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleBunny89 View Post
    I'd love a seat, I've never been on a traditional train before so I would like to find out more information. So you pay postage to mail envelope to me. Is this like a gigantic yellow envelope or just a regular sized one? Then I have to take out, put in new envelope and mail to next person?

    I'll walk EVERYONE through anything they need walking through!

    So, purplebunny ... seeing you are the first to join, I would start by mailing an envelope to you with all the coupons. It will be in like a 5" x 8" envelope. There will be a mixture of tearpad, online, and a few popular insert coupons. You will open it, remove the "package" marked just for you, plus any of the coupons you want from the bundle! I will also include coupons from your "top 10" list if I have!

    The coupons that you remove from the bundle, you'll replace with coupons of equal value (if you remove $15, you'll replace with $15) The idea is that you may take a milk coupon, but not need a cheese coupon-and replace the milk coupon with a cheese coupon/etc.

    You will include 2 stamps for me in there, for conducting.

    After that, you'll look at the next person you'll be mailing it to on the list-and their "top 10" wishlist coupons and see if you have anything to give them in there. You will clearly mark who the coupons are for, and mail it off to the next person. (their address will be given on a sheet of paper)

    Hope that helps!
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  9. #9
    Coupon*ista mandolimed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cozzy View Post
    I would love to try this too.....Ive never done a train before...sounds like fun! do we need to PM our top ten wanted list? or just write it here?
    you can pm or write it here-i will have it included on a sheet of paper in the envelope.
    ღ ღ Coupons are my Money ღ ღ ღ ღ

  10. #10
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    May i ride
    sharkie likes this.
    JOIN NOW WIN BIG in the Survivor Pool starting in the Spring
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  11. #11
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    me please...

  12. #12
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    I'd love a seat if there is still room.

  13. #13
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    I'd like to join please!

  14. #14
    Frosh Canuck
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    Can I have a seat please?

  15. #15
    Coupon*ista mandolimed's Avatar
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    1 spot left!
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