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Thread: All Purpose Politics and News Thread

  1. #16
    Canadian Genius gryphon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kparker1786 View Post
    I have to agree. My husband is American so we both follow what's going on there and we both are NOT fond of Occupy...... Mainly the students who are whining because they got student loans and are expecting to pay them back..... Seriously?! It's a loan, you pay your loans back. When I got OSAP, I looked into it and researched what the average interest rate was and I was okay with it. In the US they complain they didn't know what the interest rates were, well there's your first mistake dummy! *sigh*
    Its the gimme generation.
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    Canadian Genius gryphon's Avatar
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    One thing that doesnt help when it comes to the occupy movement is media like the Toronto star treating it like it has made a big impact, like they are real players in the political scene and that they are (in their minds) not only still relevant but growing.

    Which is all bull.
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  3. #18
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gryphon View Post
    One thing that doesnt help when it comes to the occupy movement is media like the Toronto star treating it like it has made a big impact, like they are real players in the political scene and that they are (in their minds) not only still relevant but growing.

    Which is all bull.
    Perhaps they should occupy a job.

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    Didn't want to give this it's own thread because it will probably set off a firestorm from the faithful but I will never understand the stampede.

    There are other ways to show horses.

    They can no longer brush it off as an isolated incident. Happens every year.
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  5. #20
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Of course it's unfortunate and sad when there are horse deaths.

    I can understand you not understanding the Stampede, just as I may not get other Eastern Canadian cultural things.

    In this incident, it was unexpected that the horse went down (they are vet checked before racing) and the others as a result.
    These horses are doing what they love to do, and they are well taken care of by their drivers/owners. Often they are rescued from other racing which they cannot do any more.
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  6. #21
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Joe Arpaio:Obama birth certificate needs further investigation... head/desk...

    When Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio scheduled a news conference to discuss the findings of his "birther" investigation just two days before a civil-rights case against his agency gets under way, it drew a knowing sigh from longtime observers.
    Tuesday's event was not the first instance in which a well-timed Arpaio news conference has coincided with potentially negative news involving his office.
    Arpaio's supporters say the timing of Tuesday's event, revealing results from the sheriff's volunteer investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, was purely coincidental.

    JoeBoy proves Obama never actually born

    In fact, Arpaio’s “posse” of investigators into the national security threat (true quote!) that is B. Hussein are so good at their jobs, they even found the 95-year-old former state employee who signed Bamz’s birth certificate in the first place! But wait! If they found the employee who signed it coming up on 51 years ago, wouldn’t that mean it hadn’t been forged? Oh you sweet, simple thing. No. You see, “It’s the codes.”
    The AP is on the case!
    Mike Zullo, the posse’s chief investigator, said numeric codes on certain parts of the birth certificate indicate that those parts weren’t filled out, yet those sections asking for the race of Obama’s father and his field of work or study were completed.
    Zullo said investigators previously didn’t know the meaning of codes but they were explained by a 95-year-old former state worker who signed the president’s birth certificate. Zullo said a writer who published a book about Obama’s birth certificate and was aiding investigators let them listen in on an interview he conducted of the former state worker.
    There you have it. “Codes.” Codes that said parts of it were left blank, even though they were filled in. You have to get up pretty early in 1961 to fool Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
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  7. #22
    Canadian Genius gryphon's Avatar
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    At least seven people were killed and some 30 others were injured Wednesday in a terror attack on a bus carrying Israelis in Burgas, some 400 kilometers east of the Bulgarian capital of Sofia. Bulgarian media reported that the explosion took place while the bus was still in the terminal of Sarafovo Airport.

    Bulgarian Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov said police were investigating two possible causes of the blast - that an explosive device was put in the bus before the tourists boarded or that the explosives were in the tourists' luggage.

    The explosion occurred at around 5 pm, as Israeli tourists who arrived in Burgas on a charter flight boarded buses that were supposed to transport them to a local hotel. The blast took place on only one of the buses.
    According to media reports, an 11-year-old child and two pregnant women were among the injured. Fortunately, the pregnant women were lightly injured. The evacuation of the injured has been completed.

    According to the Magen David Adom emergency services, some 30 Israelis were injured in the attack - three are in serious to critical condition.

    The Foreign Ministry said six people were killed when the blast went off, and another person died at the hospital. Bulgarian news agencies said a tour guide and the driver of the bus were among those killed.
    Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has called for a situation assessment following the attack. He was also briefed on the available details by Bulgarian FM Nikolay Mladenov.

    Following the attack, the Shin Ben has suspended all flights bound for Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said that during a meeting held about a month ago, Mossad representatives did not warn Bulgarian officials of the possibility of a terror attack, the Sofia News Agency reported.
    Plevneliev stressed that Bulgarian authorities took all the appropriate measures to protect the terror attack victims.
    However, Ynet's military analyst Ron Ben-Yishai said a warning regarding a similar attack in Burgas was lifted some two months ago.
    Security sources said that there was no intelligence indicating that Israelis traveling in the area may fall prey to terror attacks.
    "An explosion occurred in a passenger bus with Israeli citizens at the Burgas Airport," Burgas Mayor Dimitar Nikoliv confirmed. Bulgarian security forces and emergency medical teams have blocked off the area. The airport has been closed as well.
    The blast took place at 5.30 pm, on one of three buses shuttling Israeli tourists across the terminal. Bulgarian media aired conflicting reports on the nature of the explosion – whether it was perpetrated by a suicide bomber or by an explosive device, detonated remotely.
    The Foreign Ministry has formed a team of experts that will fly to Burgas and assist local authorities in the investigation.
    The Israeli Embassy in Sofia has been mobilized and is ready to assist the team, which includes ZAKA disaster recovery officials, in identifying the victims and ensuring that the injured and other Israelis that were unharmed return to Israel as soon as possible.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that, "All the signs are pointing to Iran. Only in the past few months we've seen Iran try to target Israelis in Thailand, Indian, Georgia, Cyprus and more.

    "The murderous Iranian terror continues to target innocent people. Iranian terror is spreading worldwide... Israel will react to it with force," he said.

    Defense Minister Ehud Barak added that the Israeli defense establishment will not rest until the perpetrators are apprehended.

    Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz has opened the ministry's situation room at Ben Gurion International Airport following the massive change in incoming and outgoing flights schedule.

    As a precautionary measure, the Aviation Authority has ordered to delay 11 Europe-bound flights after a terror threat was made against flights heading to the continent. In Bulgaria, flights headed to Israel have been delayed as well.

    An eyewitness told Channel 2 News that Bulgarian authorities were slow to respond to the event, adding that search and rescue teams and paramedics "didn’t seem to care too much. They took a while getting these two small fire-extinguishers to fight a burning bus, and the airport's fire truck took over 15 minutes to get there."

    Shosh Eyler, who was on one of the buses that escaped the blast, told Ynet that the blast took place seconds after the groups boarded the buses. "The bus next to ours just exploded. There was smoke everywhere and people were running hysterically. We got off the bus and local security officers got everyone into the terminal immediately."

    Burgas is the second-largest city on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and a favorite summer destination for Israeli tourists.

    The explosion comes on the 18th anniversary of a 1994 bomb attack on the headquarters of Argentina's main Jewish organisation by an Iranian-backed Hezbollah suicide bomber, which killed 85 people.

    Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Israel's Channel 2 TV said there was no advance intelligence on an attack in Bulgaria.

    But counterterrorism expert Boaz Ganor said Iran and Hezbollah were the most likely culprits. He told The Associated Press that all the indications pointed toward them. He also cited the arrest of a Hezbollah operative in Cyprus in recent days who was suspected of preparing a similar attack.

    "This is probably a parallel operation and likely not the last in a series," he said. "All this looks like Hezbollah, Iran or a combination of the two."
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    George ZImmerman now claims it was "god's plan". lol Maybe he is building up his case for temporary insanity .

  9. #24
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    George ZImmerman now claims it was "god's plan". lol Maybe he is building up his case for temporary insanity .
    Or playing to a very large demographic in the US (some of whom may well be on his jury).

  10. #25
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Witness 9 accused Zimmerman of sexually molesting her

    Despite a last-minute rush to the courthouse by the defense to keep a witness’ damaging story out of public view, on Monday prosecutors released a recorded statement from George Zimmerman’s cousin, who said he molested her for 10 years when they were both children, beginning when she just 6 years old.
    Dubbed “witness 9,” the woman is 26, lives in Central Florida, and — like most other witnesses in the case — her name was not released. She called investigators several days after the shooting of Trayvon Martin to say that Zimmerman and his family were racists who disliked blacks. The evidence released Monday shows she also called the Seminole County state attorney about three weeks later with more-serious allegations.

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  11. #26
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    George ZImmerman now claims it was "god's plan". lol Maybe he is building up his case for temporary insanity .

    For some strange reason, Martin's parents disagree

    "I simply really don't know what God George Zimmerman's worshipping because there's no way that the God that I serve had in his plans for George Zimmerman to murder my son," Martin's father, Tracy Martin, told Norah O'Donnell.
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  12. #27
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    If he molested her when she was 6, then he was 8. If it went on for 10 years then they were both minors the entire time. Not that it's right, but two children is different than an adult and a child. (And where were the parents? An 8 year old is hardly a master criminal) If it's even true, rather than somebody looking for publicity and maybe a book deal. Sorry, I'm getting cynical in my old age.

  13. #28
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    Israeli Lawmaker destroys copy of The New Testament

    Calling the Christian faith’s New Testament a “despicable book,” a right-wing Israeli lawmaker tore up a copy of the biblical text and threw it in a trash can as one of his aides took pictures that he later released to Israeli media. Lawmaker Michael Ben-Ari, of the far-right National Union Party, blamed Christianity and the New Testament for the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe that led to the slaughter of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

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  14. #29
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Penguin View Post
    I expect the reaction of Christians will be swift. Expect hundreds of thousand of Christians to not be rioting in the streets, not burning down buildings and embassies. And dozens of people will not be killed.

    Notice he didn't try that with the Quran...?

    Edit: That said, the guy is a bit of a doofus. Israel's strongest supporters are America's Christian right. Can't have an Apocalypse without a State of Israel, dontcha know...
    Last edited by DaveP; Thu, Jul 19th, 2012 at 04:29 PM.

  15. #30
    Canadian Genius gryphon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Penguin View Post
    One of many taking advantage of the death of Rav Elyashiv, one of the chief rabbis in Israel which has thrown off the balance there somewhat and is quite disgusting how many are trying to use it to their advantage.
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