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Thread: Loblaws Coupon Policy

  1. #31
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    I guess I was lucky... for my van houtte purchase, i was able to use the $2 CZ coupon and a $2 newspaper coupon

  2. #32
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    The link for the Policy isn't work I wonder if you can tell me where you got it from I will try find it. I had the same problem today it really didn't make any sense to me. The got pasta that was on sale for .99c I used my .75c coupon I only got 4 that's it and he left the cash to check on the coupons for about 5 minutes which of course upset the other people waiting when he came back he said you can't use all 4 because that means you would pay only .24c I said yes that's why I am buying them then he says the manger said that if I buy 4 and use 4 coupons that would mean I'm getting the pasta for free I said well NO that would mean I'm paying .24c x 4 that's not free. Then he said well if you want to buy 20 and use 20 coupons you have to have 20 different transactions and I said well if I did that I still would be paying only .24c each so whats your point. Then I said well I only want 4 and I'm not making 4 transactions because it makes no sense so I only got the 1 and said I would contact Loblaws to see when they changed their policy. So now I want to check out their policy because I contact them.
    Last edited by phoebew; Sat, May 25th, 2013 at 01:06 PM.

  3. #33
    Senior Canuck Slaney's Avatar
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    I've been having problems at our Moose Jaw RCSS lately too. A couple weeks ago the cashier was fine but the supervisor came to enter her password & says "we'll do it this time but you're only supposed to use 1 coupon" I said no when I buy 4 & the coupon says 1 per perchase I'm using 4 but she just kept acting like I was stealing & she was doing me a favour so I emailed & complained. Yesterday the supervisor was fine but the cashier yells at me once I bagged everything that she needed to see it all! Then she empties 1 bag on me & does she rebag it? No! & and I was already mad at the store at that point because the pharmacy ripped me off another gift card.
    I'm going to Regina Monday, I'll see if they're any better.
    I am currently looking for coupons for non parishable foods or grocery coupons good until December to help with Christmas food helpers.
    If you have any to trade please PM me.

  4. #34
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    Loblaws gave me lot of trouble on "per purchases" at North York station, same thing at RCSS Don Mills/Eglinton. Most other stores did not have me trouble. Recently, FreshCo and Walmart told people to bring coupons to their stores (ad), FreshCo and Sobeys seems be more coupon friendly.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColleenMGorecki View Post
    lt seems that everyone wants to make there own rules. l had a problem with Walmart like that, talked to assistant manager and then next day another manager says NO so what can l say
    same thing here. Surprising when WM policy is so lax.

  6. #36
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    RCSS at weston road & Lawrence has 1 cashier that has a hard time getting it through her head when you get something very cheap or free with a coupon. So now I purposely look for her and bring any coupons to her just to make a point, so the last time I went there she saw me and disapeared. Get your first 3 deliveries for Free

  7. #37
    putting the kettle on.. sweetproserpina's Avatar
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    In a similar vein- I was at my RCSS last week and was pricematching the barilla pasta (I think from FB) and had two coupons to use on top of them, and the cashier wouldn't let me use the coupons. I'm sure I've done both before- and they get reimbursed for the coupons anyway. This cashier is a sweetheart and is always patient with my various pricematches and coupons, so I didn't bother to argue but..

    Is this their policy? No coupons on a pricematched item?
    I love free books! Earn points at Swagbucks and get great Amazon GCs or Paypal $$.
    RLF: Goldfish!!, Butter, Astro Yogurt, Triscuit Thincrisps...

  8. #38
    jlh is offline
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    I have issue with my Loblaws in general, one cashier keep putting one per customer to the limit, even though wording said per purchase. Also my Loblaws won't let me use coupon for clearance item either

    In general Loblaws is not a coupon friendly store for me, in the other hand, RCSS is generally better.

    In many stores, once cashier noticed you have a good deal, they start to think it is wrong, and reject your purchase, or try to say you had something wrong

    Loblaws company policy really only saying one coupon per item, no stacking allowed:
    2.13 One coupon only per item purchased may be redeemed during each store visit, even if a limit statement is not included on the coupon. Coupon stacking is not allowed.

  9. #39
    🌙✨ Candini's Avatar
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    Loblaws in my area I find is a bit, 'higher class' if you will?

    I had a FPC for Ivory Snow and the cashier had no idea what is was

    Flipped it from front to back, front to back, ' Is this like, I don`t know, like a cheque or something? '

    LIVE SIMPLE likes this.

  10. #40
    🌙✨ Candini's Avatar
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    In other words, I try to keep my couponing minimal at my local Loblaws.

  11. #41
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    Shopper's is really bad for this!

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