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Thread: All Purpose Rant Away Thread - 3.2.1 GO!

  1. #8296
    🌙✨ Candini's Avatar
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    ^ I`m with you on that , girl.

    Everyone on my social media: * Currently at X Airport Can`t wait for (Insert magical warm paradise here) *

    Grumble grumble.

  2. #8297
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    Quote Originally Posted by anastasia1009 View Post
    putting up curtains - brand new place and I need four panels. go to walmart not enough choices and not four panels. I go to Giant Tiger - four panels $40.00 amazing - go home and too short. Go back today get curtains and they are too heavy and bent my rod but good length. so now I have to find two new rods. all I want to do is keep the cold out and the four windows are so cold. do I walk to Canadian Tire/Home Sense/Bouclair? or wait until tomorrow
    Wow that would be so annoying. I too can't find decent curtains that block out sunlight. Have you tried Sears?
    Last edited by barbis9; Fri, Mar 10th, 2017 at 10:42 AM.
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  3. #8298
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    The Walmart policy concerning price matching and coupons is as follows: Ad Match can be used in conjunction with a single coupon.
    My store categorically refuses to apply coupons to a price match because a price match is viewed as an offer (which all coupons have written as a disclaimer).
    I have explained a hundred ways how they are misinterpreting the wording to no avail. I have contacted Walmart asking for clarification that I can actually show the CSM next time this happens, but it's getting to be ridiculous to fight over the ability to price match and use a coupon. I am not even sure if Walmart will get back to me. Perhaps it is best to call...but I don't have an hour to spend on the phone either..

  4. #8299
    Smart Canuck toronto166's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by d.ot View Post
    The Walmart policy concerning price matching and coupons is as follows: Ad Match can be used in conjunction with a single coupon.
    My store categorically refuses to apply coupons to a price match because a price match is viewed as an offer (which all coupons have written as a disclaimer).
    I have explained a hundred ways how they are misinterpreting the wording to no avail. I have contacted Walmart asking for clarification that I can actually show the CSM next time this happens, but it's getting to be ridiculous to fight over the ability to price match and use a coupon. I am not even sure if Walmart will get back to me. Perhaps it is best to call...but I don't have an hour to spend on the phone either..
    My suggestion d.ot is to get in writing. If you do it over the phone, they can deny it. I use Facebook and always get an answer immediately. Good luck.

  5. #8300
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    Quote Originally Posted by toronto166 View Post
    My suggestion d.ot is to get in writing. If you do it over the phone, they can deny it. I use Facebook and always get an answer immediately. Good luck.
    Thank, didn't even think of going through facebook! Will definitely do that.

  6. #8301
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    Quote Originally Posted by d.ot View Post
    The Walmart policy concerning price matching and coupons is as follows: Ad Match can be used in conjunction with a single coupon.
    My store categorically refuses to apply coupons to a price match because a price match is viewed as an offer (which all coupons have written as a disclaimer).
    I have explained a hundred ways how they are misinterpreting the wording to no avail. I have contacted Walmart asking for clarification that I can actually show the CSM next time this happens, but it's getting to be ridiculous to fight over the ability to price match and use a coupon. I am not even sure if Walmart will get back to me. Perhaps it is best to call...but I don't have an hour to spend on the phone either..
    That is why I call it Walfart because it is such an annoying store. Even if you have a coupon with a photo of the product and no price matching - they just stare at the coupon not sure what to do......grrrr.
    Newfiescreech, web3 and d.ot like this.

  7. #8302
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    To the annoying double load transport truck - why did you even bother to get on the QEW if you were going to move at a snails pace, cut me off and than exit where I wanted to but couldn't because of your erratic driving? The next exit wasn't for miles and in spite of your crappy driving I wasn't going to risk my life exiting beside you and become a pancake in the process.
    Newfiescreech, Ciel and toronto166 like this.

  8. #8303
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    Took dd to HMV to use up the rest of her gift card before our store closes, only to find out they stopped taking gift cards as of March 1st.
    Found the cutest bikini top at Old Navy, come home to order the matching bottoms(online only colour), sold out in my size online.

  9. #8304
    Smart Canuck web3's Avatar
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    Another walmart couponing rant...
    Cashier read 1 per purchase on the Orville popcorn coupon and wouldnt let me get 3.
    Tried to explain the poor coupon wording, differnces between purchase and transaction. Denied.
    Same transaction bought 2 Persil, used 2 $2 coupons. Again she tries to say "it says one per purchase" ...but this coupon actutally says right after that line "limit 4 coupons in same shopping trip" reinforcing the illustration I was trying explain previously. She rolled her eyes and entered both in.
    I wasnt going to bother trying to use the other Orville coupons. At this point the line was long and I could feel the eyes searing into my back of impatient ppl waiting.
    Train your employees Walmart!
    Why does it have to be a fight to use a coupon....

  10. #8305
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    Quote Originally Posted by web3 View Post
    Another walmart couponing rant...
    Cashier read 1 per purchase on the Orville popcorn coupon and wouldnt let me get 3.
    Tried to explain the poor coupon wording, differnces between purchase and transaction. Denied.
    Same transaction bought 2 Persil, used 2 $2 coupons. Again she tries to say "it says one per purchase" ...but this coupon actutally says right after that line "limit 4 coupons in same shopping trip" reinforcing the illustration I was trying explain previously. She rolled her eyes and entered both in.
    I wasnt going to bother trying to use the other Orville coupons. At this point the line was long and I could feel the eyes searing into my back of impatient ppl waiting.
    Train your employees Walmart!
    Why does it have to be a fight to use a coupon....
    Quote Originally Posted by barbis9 View Post
    That is why I call it Walfart because it is such an annoying store. Even if you have a coupon with a photo of the product and no price matching - they just stare at the coupon not sure what to do......grrrr.
    Agreed @web3 , always a struggle when it comes to the wording, that's why I left my local RCSS and drive about 15 minutes to go to the next closest RCSS.
    @barbis9 love the name calling to old Wally, I've got so accustom to calling RCSS "Stupidstore" because of my location here (Ajax), but the one I shop at now (Whitby), much better, but there is always work to be done, mainly their interpretation of their PM policy. States "limit 4 at a competitor's advertised price", but can't PM multiple competitors there for the same item. Oh well, still better than declining valid coupons and calling their meat "The sh*t stuff"
    Newfiescreech, barbis9 and Ciel like this.

  11. #8306
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    -having a bad fall 19 days ago the bruises have gone -but alas still have been dealing with pain on my right arm (have seen the doctor) just wish my pain will go away in the 3 -4 weeks he said it may take -tired of pain

  12. #8307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyssia510 View Post
    Took dd to HMV to use up the rest of her gift card before our store closes, only to find out they stopped taking gift cards as of March 1st.
    Found the cutest bikini top at Old Navy, come home to order the matching bottoms(online only colour), sold out in my size online.

    Nooooooo! I'm borrowing your rant @Lyssia510 we have unused gift cards too
    Last edited by Durham Couponer; Fri, Mar 10th, 2017 at 11:14 PM.
    Join the Ajax Coupon Group:!/groups/119179048289492/

    Use Instacart for free credit towards your order! Earn cash in a flexible part time job! Referral code KRISTAJ961A3

  13. #8308
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    carry a coupon that says "one per customer" and show it to them to compare "one per customer" vs "one per purchase" or tell them that you're willing to go back and line up for another transaction... though i haven't had something like this recently.

    i line up in the cashier where another customer (ahead of me) price match or coupons a lot so i know the cashier will know what to do when they get to my stuff (Lol)...

    on another note: i found out gift cards is a third party transactions and so it's excluded in the promo.. why couldn't they just say "exclude gift cards" in the fine print in the flyer instead of "third party"... i mean they point out no lotto, etc.
    i thought i would get the 10,000 bonus points for buying $100 in gc at no frills.... oh well, i would use the gift cards anyway lol.

    oh, and no raspberries stock at rcss or the toilet paper that i wanted to buy -__-

    HMV gift cards - what do you do with the unused gc then? do they have to give you back the money?
    Last edited by Aquaria; Fri, Mar 10th, 2017 at 11:17 PM.

  14. #8309
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Have to go to Barrie today, on one of the worst weather days of the year...... well, I'm assuming as I don't normally follow Barrie weather. If you don't hear from me again it's because I'm frozen to death on the side of the 400 Unfortunately, it's not something I can get out of either. Dammit.

  15. #8310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candini View Post
    ^ I`m with you on that , girl.

    Everyone on my social media: * Currently at X Airport Can`t wait for (Insert magical warm paradise here) *

    Grumble grumble.
    No I don't mind what other do on Social Media. Its about society not letting me do away with my career.
    Newfiescreech, barbis9 and Ciel like this.
    "Freedom is a myth, love is non-existent and privacy is delusional! No right to live or die"

    Like for me no apparent reason!

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