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Thread: All Purpose Rant Away Thread - 3.2.1 GO!

  1. #9376
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhlombardy View Post
    The motivation is completely intentional to quite literally make as many people possible to become queasy, ill, and emotionally disturbed. And they do so where the general public, CHILDREN included (as the point was made) dont have a choice BUT to view it.

    It's totally unnecessary.

    Why is it unnecessary?

    Why must society be sheltered from the images of the deaths that society not only permits but also performs and we all pay for. I'm pretty curious what your reasoning is here.

    'we kill babies, all of us do through our taxes, and it's pretty horrible, but don't show me a pic of what my taxes paid for... cuz that's abhorrent!' -bhlombardy

    Not sure how that works in your head but Ok then.

  2. #9377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnightly View Post
    i hate dirty feet!! i hate the foot prints they leave behind on clean flooring.. the mess they leave on clean carpets... i hate dirty feet! (flip flop feet make me cringe!) now if i can only get this through my kids head that if she comes in with dirty feet (pretty much any time she wears sandals) she has to wash her feet.. it's an endless battle
    I do not like dirty feet or toes either. It reminds me of a friend who used to work on a pig farm doing inoculations. They had to put on plastic suits and boots and step into pans of disinfectant on the way in and out of the barn--remove the suit and carry on. I was fond of the idea of foot disinfectant pans but was unable to find anything cute for such a purpose online. I'm also not sure many family or friends would comply...
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  3. #9378
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    I had a coworker and her husband over for dinner with her DD who was about the same age as me DD, I guess around 3. After dinner, the daughter with her bare feet was putting my DD toys between her toes, rubbing her feet on them, I mean really digging it in. All the blocks and every loose toy. The mom and dad were just watching and not saying a word. After they left, I put everything into a bucket and wash them. I never invited them over again.
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  4. #9379
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    loaded offers from go back to available
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  5. #9380
    Smart Canuck MillieH's Avatar
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    My son getting attacked while sitting at the park doing a video on his phone..

    Attachment 344254
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  6. #9381
    Smart Canuck Linda Evans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MillieH View Post
    My son getting attacked while sitting at the park doing a video on his phone..

    Attachment 344254 so sorry to read this, i hope he is ok.
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  7. #9382
    Smart Canuck MillieH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linda Evans View Post so sorry to read this, i hope he is ok.
    He got kicked in the head, so a "wait and see" he seems to be ok.. he'll be getting xrays early in the week to see if he has a spine fracture. It was such a random thing, it makes me rethink how we interact with people. Due to the fact, his phone was recording at the time, they were able to send the attackers pic to all cars in the area and they arrested him within an hour of the attack.
    Be sure to click like and post a brag if you get the deal.. It makes my day!!! Flattery may just get you more deals

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  8. #9383
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    How awful, Millie, sure hope he will be okay.
    Glad they caught the sick puke who did it.
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  9. #9384
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    Quote Originally Posted by MillieH View Post
    He got kicked in the head, so a "wait and see" he seems to be ok.. he'll be getting xrays early in the week to see if he has a spine fracture. It was such a random thing, it makes me rethink how we interact with people. Due to the fact, his phone was recording at the time, they were able to send the attackers pic to all cars in the area and they arrested him within an hour of the attack.
    OMG, so sorry to hear that. When I saw the original post and the broken attachment, I thought it was a light-hearted attack, like by puppies or some such... This, however, is certainly not what I was hoping to hear.

    Glad, however, they caught the guy..

  10. #9385
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    Quote Originally Posted by MillieH View Post
    My son getting attacked while sitting at the park doing a video on his phone..

    Attachment 344254
    @MillieH I am so sorry that this happen to your son . Hope he will be ok . I am glad the got the attackers.
    Ciel and MillieH like this.

  11. #9386
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    ok..i'm a tad annoyed.. i picked up a box of handi-snacks, the ritz cheese and crackers type for back to school lunches.. and they no longer include the little red plastic spreader.. how is a kid suppose to spread the cheese onto the crackers without the little red spreader? are they suppose to use their finger? the crackers are too big to dip into the little cheese compartment, do i now need to pack a knife for my kid to be able to spread the cheese? i thought the point of "handi-snacks" were they were handy and all contained within the little package

    i really don't get it.. how do you make a sandwich without a knife/spreader? if i wanted to break the cracker to pieces and dip it into the cheese i would have bought the breaksticks style
    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  12. #9387
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    Quote Originally Posted by MillieH View Post
    My son getting attacked while sitting at the park doing a video on his phone..

    Attachment 344254
    Well, after hearing that it makes my rant seem like nothing in comparison. I know if I was in your sons case, my step mother would be going crazy making sure that I was okay and that the person that attacked me was brought to justice. Yikes! That must have been terrifying to hear about too!

    My little rant. OSAP once again screwed me over. Nowhere did it say that they were going back to the old system of directly paying the school. I was planning on paying with the CT MC to get back a little extra, then pay it off with the OSAP money. But to my surprise and anger, I checked my Brock account and all my tution was already paid, which I didn't want. But plan on paying next semesters tuition ahead of the release date so the money goes right into my account instead of to Brock. So we'll still earn $26 in CT money, better than nothing I guess.
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  13. #9388
    Smart Canuck MillieH's Avatar
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    I think all moms freak out about things like this.. I'm having lots of anxiety.. It was all recorded, so I got to watch.. I would never recommend a parent do that. It is etched into my brain. The guy who did it was arrested within the hour.. pretty amazing really.

    I like how you think... being proactive for next time.. good on you!!

    Quote Originally Posted by johnb56789 View Post
    Well, after hearing that it makes my rant seem like nothing in comparison. I know if I was in your sons case, my step mother would be going crazy making sure that I was okay and that the person that attacked me was brought to justice. Yikes! That must have been terrifying to hear about too!

    My little rant. OSAP once again screwed me over. Nowhere did it say that they were going back to the old system of directly paying the school. I was planning on paying with the CT MC to get back a little extra, then pay it off with the OSAP money. But to my surprise and anger, I checked my Brock account and all my tution was already paid, which I didn't want. But plan on paying next semesters tuition ahead of the release date so the money goes right into my account instead of to Brock. So we'll still earn $26 in CT money, better than nothing I guess.
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    Be sure to click like and post a brag if you get the deal.. It makes my day!!! Flattery may just get you more deals

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  14. #9389
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    I purchased something from the walmart site for the first time. Order was for 3 items, it stated that 3 items were sent. Only 2 items were actually sent/received. It has been a headache getting it straightened out. It looks like it won't actually get figured out, and I am without the product and the money. Will never purchase anything from Walmart online again.

  15. #9390
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnightly View Post
    ok..i'm a tad annoyed.. i picked up a box of handi-snacks, the ritz cheese and crackers type for back to school lunches.. and they no longer include the little red plastic spreader.. how is a kid suppose to spread the cheese onto the crackers without the little red spreader? are they suppose to use their finger? the crackers are too big to dip into the little cheese compartment, do i now need to pack a knife for my kid to be able to spread the cheese? i thought the point of "handi-snacks" were they were handy and all contained within the little package

    i really don't get it.. how do you make a sandwich without a knife/spreader? if i wanted to break the cracker to pieces and dip it into the cheese i would have bought the breaksticks style
    Did you try them yourself? I got them, the crackers fit fine to dip/scoop when whole or in pieces. The crackers are denser than regular Ritz crackers, so don't break easily.

    I bought them for cheap when they came out, now the price has doubled!
    Newfiescreech, Ciel and GoJays like this.

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