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Thread: WHAT is YOUR best deal this week?????

  1. #16846
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    Good news today at RCSS they will now price match up to 12 of same items, this will work well with tomorrow’s on health and beauty $25 get 7500, Dove personal offer and coupons, price match Zehrs
    Today pm Zehrs chef boy r dee .88 and used .50 pay it forward coupon, 5 uncle bens bistro $2.88 each spend $12 get 3000 used 5 FPC, pm Fortinos for Zabiha cold cuts .99 used $1 tear pad coupon and personal points $1 get $200, good thing Food Bank is open today

  2. #16847
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Grammy View Post
    Good news today at RCSS they will now price match up to 12 of same items, this will work well with tomorrow’s on health and beauty $25 get 7500, Dove personal offer and coupons, price match Zehrs
    Today pm Zehrs chef boy r dee .88 and used .50 pay it forward coupon, 5 uncle bens bistro $2.88 each spend $12 get 3000 used 5 FPC, pm Fortinos for Zabiha cold cuts .99 used $1 tear pad coupon and personal points $1 get $200, good thing Food Bank is open today
    That sounds amazing. I will have to check mine, my parents, and my friends RCSS'. Would be nice if they are changing that...
    sweetmomma and Shwa Girl like this.

  3. #16848
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Grammy View Post
    Good news today at RCSS they will now price match up to 12 of same items, this will work well with tomorrow’s on health and beauty $25 get 7500, Dove personal offer and coupons, price match Zehrs
    Today pm Zehrs chef boy r dee .88 and used .50 pay it forward coupon, 5 uncle bens bistro $2.88 each spend $12 get 3000 used 5 FPC, pm Fortinos for Zabiha cold cuts .99 used $1 tear pad coupon and personal points $1 get $200, good thing Food Bank is open today
    Thanks again @Big Grammy . Good to know that RCSS is being more friendly with the price matches.
    sweetmomma likes this.

  4. #16849
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Job brag: Ontario Premier Ford announced this week that the proposed cuts to health care workers will be on hold for 2019. I work in health care. Thanks Premier Ford!

  5. #16850
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Grammy View Post
    Good news today at RCSS they will now price match up to 12 of same items, this will work well with tomorrow’s on health and beauty $25 get 7500, Dove personal offer and coupons, price match Zehrs
    Today pm Zehrs chef boy r dee .88 and used .50 pay it forward coupon, 5 uncle bens bistro $2.88 each spend $12 get 3000 used 5 FPC, pm Fortinos for Zabiha cold cuts .99 used $1 tear pad coupon and personal points $1 get $200, good thing Food Bank is open today
    Thank you for posting @Big Grammy always nice when you can get stuff for free or almost free to donate
    I am hoping the RCSS that I shop at will have the same PM limit. I am going to be all over this deal tomorrow would also be a great donation for the youth shelter or food bank. Keeping my fingers cross
    Shwa Girl likes this.

  6. #16851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    Job brag: Ontario Premier Ford announced this week that the proposed cuts to health care workers will be on hold for 2019. I work in health care. Thanks Premier Ford!
    Great news.
    We do not need any more cuts to health care
    Silk, sweetmomma and Shwa Girl like this.

  7. #16852
    Smart Canuck Miss Molly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    Job brag: Ontario Premier Ford announced this week that the proposed cuts to health care workers will be on hold for 2019. I work in health care. Thanks Premier Ford!
    Glad to hear it and a big thank you to everyone who protested and signed petitions against his cuts.

    Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
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    My Tangerine Key is:39626323S1

  8. #16853
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    Stopped at No Frills for their 1.00/2.00 sale

    I purchased 4 x 1.00 pineapples and had a personal offer of 300 points each. Great deal at .70 each
    Also bought a couple of the seedless watermelons for 2.77 each and two jars of Vlasic pickles at 2.00 each

  9. #16854
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    RCSS - PM Zehrs Dove mens bars 11 @1.99, PM Shoppers Dove dry spray deodorant 11 @4.99 = $86.76 includes tax
    Used $38.50 coupons, paid $48.26
    Points - In store - Dove dry sprays 1500 each = 16500
    In store spend each $25 personal case 7500 x 3 = 22500 (had to go to customer service to get those, no problem, added immediately)
    Personal Dove $3 = 600 = 15000
    Total Points 54,000

    Another good match to spend $25 is in store Lever bars and bw spend $5 get 2000, PM Sobeys $2.49
    Also looks like they still have soft-soap 1.47L in store 1000 points (or maybe an old sign?)

  10. #16855
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    5 x 450g Black Diamond cheese block at 3.99 each
    5 x 1.00 CO51 (should get a dollar bonus as well)
    31 air miles (25 for over 25.00 as I purchased other things as well and a personal offer of 5 for BD and 1 for every 20 in purchases)

    Too bad the personal offer was only good for one bar as I would of gotten another 20 air miles
    Last edited by Thatdone; Thu, May 30th, 2019 at 07:25 PM.

  11. #16856
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Grammy View Post
    RCSS - PM Zehrs Dove mens bars 11 @1.99, PM Shoppers Dove dry spray deodorant 11 @4.99 = $86.76 includes tax
    Used $38.50 coupons, paid $48.26
    Points - In store - Dove dry sprays 1500 each = 16500
    In store spend each $25 personal case 7500 x 3 = 22500 (had to go to customer service to get those, no problem, added immediately)
    Personal Dove $3 = 600 = 15000
    Total Points 54,000

    Another good match to spend $25 is in store Lever bars and bw spend $5 get 2000, PM Sobeys $2.49
    Also looks like they still have soft-soap 1.47L in store 1000 points (or maybe an old sign?)
    Thank you for posting@Big Grammy you did awesome. The RCSS that I shop at still have a 4 limit for PM. I was there this morning and was able to PM 4 soap 4 body wash and 4 shampoo. And I Dove from Sobeys . When I didn’t get my points I went to customer service. And was then told there is a correction notice that the Poins offer starts tomorrow. So I returned everything and will do it tomorrow. Your shop was better than mine so I will try to copy yours finger cross it works
    lotsasavings and 2shopmom like this.

  12. #16857
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    @flemeth could you please advise if you were price matching with loblaw 1.99 at RCss? That would be great if they did that I have none of the stores close by that is offering the 1.99 deal. Thank you.

  13. #16858
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    @savabuck I was not PM with Loblaws $1.99 was told that it is an exclusive offer at Loblaws and Zhers. I was able to PM there Shampoo for $2.99 and Sobeys has the Dove $2.49

    But every store is different because another member was able to PM the Loblaws flyer sale. I guess it depends where you are located.
    Last edited by flemeth; Thu, May 30th, 2019 at 11:07 PM.

  14. #16859
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    Thank you. One more question for anyone the pc member offer applies to anyone with a pc optimum card or do you have to have a pc master card to be a pc member? Thank you.

  15. #16860
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    Quote Originally Posted by savabuck View Post
    Thank you. One more question for anyone the pc member offer applies to anyone with a pc optimum card or do you have to have a pc master card to be a pc member? Thank you.
    I would assume as long as you have an Optimum card.

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