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Thread: WHAT is YOUR best deal this week?????

  1. #23416
    Canadian Genius
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    Pharmaprix Bonus Redemption

    Running out of soda so got 15 various Coke, Dr. Pepper Crush for $6.79 each. Redeemed 70K for $100

    One place had one complete shelf double stack of Olay red, blue, yellow, white, and purple products with 50% stickers. They were $24 even on the shelf. So we got all the purple ones, 5 x Cream 24, 1 x Cream 24 MAX, 1 x eye cream, 1 x yellow MAX serum
    6000pts WUB2, $12 each
    Bioderma micellar water 11.99, 8000pts each, Bioderma hand cream $10.49 8000pts each
    When we went to pay at the beauty counter, we tell her that it's 50% off.

    She scans and it's $24 and we say you have to take off 50% off. She sees the price and say these are already 50% off. We say no, that's not how it works and try to explain. Then another cosmetician says, "No no no, that impossible, it's $24, not $12." Then they ask this random guy with a gun and asks him about it and he agrees with them. DH asks him if he's a manager and he says no. So we ignored him. Why would we pay $24 for old stock when we could pay the same price for new stock?

    Finally DD had enough and took one of the creams to the front and asked how they would ring it up and they said scan, then take 50% off so we pay $12.
    Went back to beauty and said we were going to pay in the front. She goes by herself to confirm with the front and says we can pay in the front. Also, Bioderma has a gift with purchase (you have to ask for it)
    I won't say anything about the intelligence of these beauty girls. There were like 5 of them. All clueless
    Last edited by couponmummy; Tue, Nov 28th, 2023 at 10:25 AM.
    Poirot, Shwa Girl and Linda Evans like this.

  2. #23417
    Canadian Genius
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    After we came home, I realized that the purple and yellow MAX were part of the 50% sticker.

    I had a major case of FOMO (fear of missing out)

    We went back there the next day and confirmed that the MAX products were also $24 each

    5 x Olay Retinol 24 MAX $24, reg. $56.99
    3 x Olay Vitamin C + Peptide MAX $24, reg. $56.99
    $8 filler
    Redeemed 130K for $200
    Received 24,000 points (6000pts WUB2) This is not advertised on the website. The website offer is 10K WUS $50 so no points if you redeem
    Tweets77, Shwa Girl and MrsMer like this.

  3. #23418
    Canadian Genius
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    DD wanted to go out again so just came back.

    Please check all the prices on the Olay. Most of the sale were $29.99
    I scanned the yellow serum MAX and it was $56.99, the purple serum MAX was something like $38.99 but the Olay purple retinol 24 MAX cream was $20.99!!

    Got 8 x Olay $20.99, 24K points
    3 x Bioderma micellar water $11.99, $24K
    8 x Bioderma hand cream $10.49, 64K
    DD bought some lip balm 5000pts WUB2

    Subtotal $401.73
    With tax $461.44
    Redeem 250K for $400
    Paid $61.44
    Got back 127,015 points

    Got 10K somewhere, I'm thinking it's WUS $50 on Olay but we didn't spend, we redeemed so it's a mystery but we are not complaining, lol.

  4. #23419
    Smart Canuck
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    our local Shoppers just started stocking fresh fruit and veggies. I scored a SCOP on a cucumber. Rang in at 2.49 and was priced at 1.99. The fresh produce will be a nice score on seniors days if they're stickered..looking forward to shopping there more often.
    30 295.60 52.80

  5. #23420
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    500 points from Villagio bread was a surprise!

  6. #23421
    Canadian Guru
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    Scop Avocado oil spray from Independent

  7. #23422
    Canadian Genius Tweets77's Avatar
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    Agreed @sona ..Shoppers is overpriced. I purchased things like my favorite John Frieda shampoo and conditioner, Retinol, the mascara discovery box ( I find it a great deal cause you can get a full sized one of your favorite mascara from the 6 choices in the box). Also, my favorite Benefit industrial strength undereye concealer and a few treats (chocolate).
    Thatdone likes this.

  8. #23423
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    At Loblaws,

    2 day deal..redeem 70 dollars in points and get another 10 extra free.

    2 day, buy pc shepherd’s pie and chicken pie…16.49 but get 8000 points each.

    Had an offer, spend 100 dollars get 10000 points

    Bought 6 plus a milk to get me over 100 dollars.

    48000 points plus 10000 points for redeeming 70 dollars plus 10 dollar loyalty.

    Cost 32 dollars for approximate 100 dollar purchase.

  9. #23424
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    Penningtons - looking for a beach coverup. Found a black and white dress that will work Reg. $119 bought for $5.

    Did the same kind of deal for 2 tops Reg. $59.99 bought them for $1.54 each on the clearance rack. 40% off store wide plus another 20% off for signing up for their newsletter plus my birthday suprise.
    Last edited by dagney; Wed, Nov 29th, 2023 at 04:42 PM.
    Purdee, Tweets77, 2shopmom and 5 others like this.

  10. #23425
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    During " Friday Night Magic Hour" at SDM tomorrow night these should all combine to make for some inexpensive cookies. I can't remember who it was here in the past that wanted a heads-up for this deal if it came up again but here it is !
    Name:  Screenshot_20231130-101024.png
Views: 378
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    Name:  Screenshot_20231130-101008.png
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    Name:  Screenshot_20231130-100934.png
Views: 384
Size:  340.2 KB
    Last edited by MrsMer; Thu, Nov 30th, 2023 at 11:43 AM.

  11. #23426
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    Noticed an email today from Air miles offering the ability to exchange dream miles to cash miles or vice versa. It's a targetted pilot project, so check your email.

    I have always found Dream miles useless/poor value...

  12. #23427
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    A local upscale market sent out a coupon for free tortierre's as an Xmas appreciation gift to it's customers. It is too expensive for me to shop there regularly but that tortierre is just delicious and enough for about 6 portions.
    coupon girl and Shwa Girl like this.

  13. #23428
    Canadian Genius
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    Pharmaprix Friday Night Magic

    10 x PC Begium cookies 8000pts WUB2 = 40,000pts
    10 x PC cookies 600pts personal offer = 6000pts
    10 x PC cookies 600pts personal offer = 6000pts
    300pts/$2 PC Cookies personal offer = 16,500pts
    20x = 32,700pts

    Total 109.90
    109.90 - 32.70 - 40 - 6 - 6 - 16.50 = 8.70or .87 each
    Total points earned 101,200

    Last edited by couponmummy; Sat, Dec 2nd, 2023 at 04:11 PM.

  14. #23429
    Smart Canuck
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    RCSS 10-pound bag of carrots for $2
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  15. #23430
    Smart Canuck Linda Evans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sona View Post
    Just curious, what kind of items did you buy. I just find everything overpriced there.
    Everything IS overpriced.....i did the same deal...130,000 points for an amazon fire tablet, ended up paying $10- plus the tax. ive been wanting a new tablet (even though the price was jacked up). im ok with that.

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