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Thread: Official Trade Rates 2014 - v2

  1. #151
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel_2011 View Post
    shoot... i got my cereals mixed up - it's the All Bran cereal BOGO coupon... would the rate be the same? i have no idea cuz we don't eat either one, lol
    I would think so
    Same for the bogo special k (expired now)
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  2. #152
    Smart Canuck Ladybug2011's Avatar
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    I would like to trade a gift card (either Walmart or Tim Hortons) for 8 Astro Zero pins so I can get a free LUG bag. What would be a fair $ amount of the GC to trade for these pins?

    I would love to hear your suggestions. Thanks.

  3. #153
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    I traded 8000 points for 8 pins last year so I would say $10 gc
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  4. #154
    Smart Canuck Ladybug2011's Avatar
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    Thanks Anna. Now that you mention it, I can also offer SDM points. Good idea.
    Last edited by Ladybug2011; Thu, Jan 22nd, 2015 at 03:23 PM.
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  5. #155
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    How are people trading the PINs? At what value? For me, I'm thinking it probably wouldn't be worth trading them for a very low amount (someone said $10 GC?!?) since I'm buying them at $3 a tub and $5 for the multi-packs. I can't eat the yogurt (gelatin and sucralose...yuck!) so end up donating them to a food bank. Yet the stores near me have plenty of the yogurts with PINs in stock and I'd be happy to help someone for a fair trade. Hmm. Just throwing that out there..."fair value" I think works different for everyone. I would most likely just want my money back in trade value but then again, you are probably better off trading with someone who CAN eat the yogurt too so it works out as a deal for them but a free bag for you. I dunno!
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  6. #156
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    I just traded 8 pins for a $15 amazon GC.

    I paid $16 for the yogurt and donated it to the foodbank. I already bought 8 for myself and there's no way the kids will eat more than that.

    Honestly if I didn't feel for the trader (who initially PM'd me) I wouldn't have bought more. I wanted her to get the bag because she really wanted one.

    But even for $15, I'm still out $1 plus gas and time. Not much so I don't mind but it wouldn't be worth it for me to buy the yogurt just to trade the pins at that rate.

    I see people offering $10 and there's no way I'd trade. Simply because I'd be out money (again I give the yogurt to the foodbank).

    I guess it just depends on each person - ie. What the person spends on the yogurt (some people have gotten amazing deals with PC plus and coupons etc) or what the bag is worth to someone.

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  7. #157
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bargain_hunter_lola View Post
    I just traded 8 pins for a $15 amazon GC.

    I paid $16 for the yogurt and donated it to the foodbank. I already bought 8 for myself and there's no way the kids will eat more than that.

    Honestly if I didn't feel for the trader (who initially PM'd me) I wouldn't have bought more. I wanted her to get the bag because she really wanted one.

    But even for $15, I'm still out $1 plus gas and time. Not much so I don't mind but it wouldn't be worth it for me to buy the yogurt just to trade the pins at that rate.

    I see people offering $10 and there's no way I'd trade. Simply because I'd be out money (again I give the yogurt to the foodbank).

    I guess it just depends on each person - ie. What the person spends on the yogurt (some people have gotten amazing deals with PC plus and coupons etc) or what the bag is worth to someone.

    Yep. This. I did not account for gas, plus time, going to the store, then coming home and cutting the peelies off and writing them all down, etc etc. I guess it all comes down to how badly does someone want this bag and if they're willing to "hire" you to go and get the PINs for them and compensate you fairly for it. But for $10 way. That ain't happening.
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  8. #158
    Canadian Genius redhdlois's Avatar
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    I guess it makes more sense for people that use the yogourt to trade. That way they are not only using the yogourt; but also receive something in return for the (pins) trade. I'm sorry, but I can't compensate you for yogourt that you choose not to eat. All the coupons I trade have required my time, gas, etc.

  9. #159
    CaNewbie raldine's Avatar
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    Hi! Some trade canadian tire $. Did anyone traded? How do you go with regular coupons?
    I have saved a total of $2071.71 since April 25, 2011. (Note:This was only like 7 months into couponing)

  10. #160
    Trade Mod FallenPixels's Avatar
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    I would trade it as any other GC personally
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  11. #161
    CaToonie eggroll's Avatar
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    How should I value the Green Giant FPC WUB Hamburger Helper coupon versus a $4 Chapman's coupon? The Green Giant would save me $2 but I'd have to spend $1 on the HH ( I'm going by sale prices here.) The Chapman's gets you a couple of free products.
    Would you value it at 2x GG FPCs = 1x $4 Chapman's? 3x GG FPCs?
    All opinions welcome.

  12. #162
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eggroll View Post
    How should I value the Green Giant FPC WUB Hamburger Helper coupon versus a $4 Chapman's coupon? The Green Giant would save me $2 but I'd have to spend $1 on the HH ( I'm going by sale prices here.) The Chapman's gets you a couple of free products.
    Would you value it at 2x GG FPCs = 1x $4 Chapman's? 3x GG FPCs?
    All opinions welcome.
    I would think 2 is fair
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  13. #163
    Smart Canuck
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    I'm new to trading and don't trade often so don't know if this is a fair trade.

    2X $4 Chapman for 2 FPC for berries (max value $3.50)? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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  14. #164
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joandstef View Post
    I'm new to trading and don't trade often so don't know if this is a fair trade.

    2X $4 Chapman for 2 FPC for berries (max value $3.50)? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
    At a quick glance sure 2/2 but the chapmans are hard to come by so i would see more like 2x$4 chapmans for 4xfpc berries
    I recently traded 5 berries and 2 christie fpcs for 4x$4 chicken

    $4 chapmans=$4 chicken are more equal value
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  15. #165
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Michele View Post
    At a quick glance sure 2/2 but the chapmans are hard to come by so i would see more like 2x$4 chapmans for 4xfpc berries
    I recently traded 5 berries and 2 christie fpcs for 4x$4 chicken

    $4 chapmans=$4 chicken are more equal value

    Ok thanks. I was thinking that but wasnt sure.
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