I am new to this forum. I needed a place to go for advice as I am unsure how to handle things. My son is is grade 2. He is friends with 2 other boys in his class. These 2 boys tend to leave my son out as they are quite close so it leaves my son tagging along. Today it was the worst it's been. They completely snubbed my son and walked right by him. Wouldn't acknowledge him in the line up. The worst of it is, one of the boys walks to school with my son and is all friendly until he gets to school and sees his other friend. Then my son becomes invisible. He has been complaining that when they are together they don't talk to him, and confused as to why he gets talked to one on one by these boys but not when in the group. My son just wants to play with everyone, and can't figure these two boys out. Problem is, he won't give up on them. He has other friends in the class that he enjoys time with inside the class but at recess and lunch he always falls back to these two boys. They will play with my son but it's more the two of them talking and my son tagging along. My son can be a little shy so when I suggest that he ask someone else to play with at recess he isn't so keen on that. This is all really starting to bother my son and now he is talking about not wanting to go to school. The commotion of recess is intimidating to my son so these two boys are a source of comfort when he is outside so he's reluctant to let go. I'm thinking about talking to the teacher about helping my son take the risk of asking different kids to play. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I know my son needs to figure this out, but I don't want it to get to the point where my son in wandering outside alone at recess because he's too shy to get in there with other kids. He is a well liked boy in his class, but is putting all of his attention on these two boys who are too wrapped up in each other to be the kind of friends that my son is looking for. Any advice, especially from people who have been through this, is greatly appreciated!