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Thread: Time of Use Electricity Rates

  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frugalbigmama View Post
    Ok thank-you. I missed the calculator info.
    If you use the calculator use the current rates starting from November 1, 2020.

    Lot of the comparison they show is based on old rates, which no longer exist.
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  2. #77
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjthemanto View Post
    If you use the calculator use the current rates starting from November 1, 2020.
    Lot of the comparison they show is based on old rates, which no longer exist.
    You do not have a choice to use anything but the 2020-Nov-01 rates for tiered and TOU detailed comparison. It is not something you can choose. Not sure where you could possibly see older rates in the comparison tool? Or are you referring to the simple/quick single month analysis? Doing a single monthly comparison will not give you a good enough analysis IMHO. Take the time to do the detailed analysis for the winter period.

    It even states that on the page

    • Calculations are based on electricity commodity prices for the Regulated Price Plan (Time-of-Use and Tiered) effective November 1, 2020."
    Last edited by GoodBoy; Tue, Oct 20th, 2020 at 09:50 AM.
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  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjthemanto View Post
    Yes. In most cases.

    Not even 750 KWh that is for commercial, for residential the threshold is even higher at 1,000 KWh, for winter.
    The one bill I entered in the calculator was a difference of $17.50. Will dig out bills from each season and give it a try.
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  4. #79
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    That is a sizeable difference! Assuming Tiered was cheaper. If you do it for the 12 months detailed option (not one month at a time simple) you should get a good picture IMHO
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  5. #80
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    According to the calculator it will cost me $2.82/year more if we go with tier pricing, but since technically I am supposed to be working remotely (currently short staffed so in the branches helping out). I feel like we will use more electricity this year on peak just because we are home so I am going to try tier pricing. If we notice our bills really going up we will move to TOU.
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  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodBoy View Post
    You do not have a choice to use anything but the 2020-Nov-01 rates for tiered and TOU detailed comparison. It is not something you can choose. Not sure where you could possibly see older rates in the comparison tool? Or are you referring to the simple/quick single month analysis? Doing a single monthly comparison will not give you a good enough analysis IMHO. Take the time to do the detailed analysis for the winter period.

    It even states that on the page

    • Calculations are based on electricity commodity prices for the Regulated Price Plan (Time-of-Use and Tiered) effective November 1, 2020."
    Not the OEB calculator.

    The various utilities have their own comparison from last 12 months where they have some old rates mentioned.
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  7. #82
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    Just looked at my spreadsheet tracking for hydro two years ago and noticed another thing that tips it to tiered for us.

    In the summer of 2019, which was not included in my 12 month analysis, when we were on regular TOU rates, not the govt subsidized 2020 rate, it would cost us much less on tiered due to running ductless AC in the middle of the day.

    So another reason to switch for us. Why pay the very high for AC In the middle of a summer day.
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  8. #83
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    This morning, I went through the current bills folder to see if Hydro One printed anything about the pricing change form. Nothing found. There's a reason I save utility inserts with customer updates or rate changes...

    For those who heat on electricity--I guess the summertime allotment of 700 kwh is not much if A/C is something in use during hot weather. But the wintertime allotment might not be much better when it's 1000 kwh. I will get the past winter and summer bills out when I use those numbers to get an idea whether tiered pricing might be a good move for our family. Our household heats and cooks with natural gas but it's computer use, the washer and afternoon/evening television or online streaming where most of the electricity goes (oh yes, lighting too). While we have LEDs in some lighting fixtures, I have yet to find an LED bulb that gives the warm glow like an incandescent bulb. And I have to figure out if there's an LED version of a compact fluorescent bulb using a light/venting fixture in the basement bathroom as the bulb (1 of 2) has blown out. Not a fan of compact fluorescent (and the fact that it's considered hazardous waste when used is another headache, as I cannot bus and drop off the bulbs at the City sites (need a car for entry)).
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  9. #84
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    Staring at washing machine at 3pm. NOPE lol
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  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by dyalect View Post
    Staring at washing machine at 3pm. NOPE lol
    That is exactly why we switched to tiered. No longer do we need to worry about when we do stuff.
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  11. #86
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    Toronto Hydro now allows you a one click switch on their website - no longer do you need to fill in a form and email it in. On that same page they showed me savings with Tiered over TOU in both price periods. Their savings were even more than my calculations so I think we made the correct decision. And if not, we can always switch back in the future. I doubt we will do that however.

    Our tiered rate will come into effect around the 20th of this month (Nov) as that is the start of our next billing cycle.
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  12. #87
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Has anyone been switched to tier pricing?

    If so did you get confirmation?

    Can you see anything online in your Hydro account to show you have been moved to tier pricing?

    I requested a change back in October, I got an email saying my request has been received and I would get an email when my request has been processed. On what would have been the last day of my billing cycle I got an email just saying my request has been made and will take effect on my next billing cycle, which to me would mean the next day. I have logged into my Hydro Account but cannot find anything to indicate what type of billing is applying to my account.

    I do not want to blindly believe the email as it really gives no details other than a change will be made on my next bill and then end up with a ridiculous bill next month as I am still on TOU.
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  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Has anyone been switched to tier pricing?

    If so did you get confirmation?

    Can you see anything online in your Hydro account to show you have been moved to tier pricing?

    I requested a change back in October, I got an email saying my request has been received and I would get an email when my request has been processed. On what would have been the last day of my billing cycle I got an email just saying my request has been made and will take effect on my next billing cycle, which to me would mean the next day. I have logged into my Hydro Account but cannot find anything to indicate what type of billing is applying to my account.

    I do not want to blindly believe the email as it really gives no details other than a change will be made on my next bill and then end up with a ridiculous bill next month as I am still on TOU.
    I am on tier pricing since Nov4 since that was the start of my billing cycle I applied for this since October I think it was the second week when it become available. You will be able to see it once your billing cycle start. Hope I did not confuse you with my explications
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  14. #89
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    Just received my Nov 2020 Hydro bill. It was the one now with TOU from Nov 1 2020. It was a chunk higher obviously than previously so it will be a good comparison to see when the next bill comes in as I am now on Tiered.
    Last edited by GoodBoy; Sun, Nov 29th, 2020 at 12:05 PM.
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  15. #90
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    I feel the same, our Hydro usage is down overall but since we are home all the time now even doing the bare minimum our Mid Peak & High Peak usage has gone up
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