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Thread: 2015 Magazine issues with coupons (excluding Walmart Live Better)

  1. #31
    I <3 SmartCanucks. Momof3girlies's Avatar
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    Awesome thread! Thank you.
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  2. #32
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Alive December 2015 (at health food sections/stores)
    -$1 off Zevia 6pk of natural sugar pop
    -coupon for CoQ10 product
    (will get better details next week)
    Last edited by Ciel; Mon, Dec 28th, 2015 at 12:58 PM. Reason: wrong year typed
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  3. #33
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    City Parent Holiday Happenings & Gift Guide 2015
    p. 25 $5 off your next purchase of $25 or more (at PJ's Pets, Oliver Pets & co. or Petculture). Exp. Dec. 24, 2015. Limit one
    coupon per customer-cannot be combined with any other store coupon or used towards the purchase of Gift Cards.

    Forever Young December 2015 (Hamilton/Halton edition)
    p.11Coupon-join in December and save the $88 Building fee. Promotion applies to new member of the Peter Gilgan Family YMCA only. You must present this ad to redeem the building fee savings. Valid photo ID is required. Offer expires Dec. 31, 2015.*Join as a family; save 25%. YMCA of Oakville
    p.10 Black Forest Inn (Hamilton)-Bring this ad and receive 20% off the main entree. Limit of two customers per coupon. Valid until Dec. 30, 2015. Please present coupon when ordering. Not valid on holidays.
    p. 7 Golden Griddle (Fennell Ave. E. location, Hamilton). coupons
    -daily after 4pm: $5 off dinner-buy 2 entrees & 2 beverages (excluding alcoholic beverages) and get $5 off. Not valid holidays or with discounts, specials or coupons. Exp. Dec. 30/15
    -buy 2 W/E buffets of equal value & get $5 off. Same restrictions as coupon above.

    City Parent
    December 2015 (Niagara/Hamilton/Halton)
    p 2-four coupons for Factory Shoe Outlet at 2394 Fairview St, Burlington. All are valid until Dec. 31/15.
    $5 off any purchase of $29.99 (before taxes) or more. Not valid with any other coupon or offer. Some exceptions apply.
    $10 off any purchase of $59.99 (before taxes) or more. Ditto above.
    $15 off any purchase of $99.99 (before taxes) or more. Ditto above.
    $20 off any purchase of $149.99 (before taxes) or more. Ditto above.

    p3. Corbetts Ski + Snowboard-Bring in this coupon and get 10% off any 2015/16 Junior jackets or pants. Offer valid until Dec. 14/15. Offer cannot be used with any other promotion. Offer is based on regular priced items only that are 2015/16 products.

    p10. same YMCA of Oakville membership offer as in Forever Young.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  4. #34
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Snapd Hamilton December 2015
    (free community paper)Three coupons on the back page-
    Boston Pizza @ 425 Bingemans Centre Drive, Kitchener-$10 off min. $40 purchase. Exp. Dec. 31/2015

    Cdn Clay and Glass Museum-Bring this coupon to the Gallery Shop and get $10 off when you spend $50 or more

    Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory-Show this ad and receive 15% off Regular Admission-some restrictions apply; cannot be combined with any other offers. Ad shows Flight of White, Dec. 5-to Jan. 30 exhibit name.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  5. #35
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    *US coupons found in US Magazines* @Raeja @vw_girl
    Martha Stewart Living Dec 2015/Jan. 2016
    -Save $1.50 on any two Bertolli Riserva sauces (15oz or 24oz excluding twin packs or multipacks). Exp. March 7/16*Max two identical coupons allowed in same shopping trip.
    -card 15% off Holiday cards; use code MSLHOLIDAY. Exp. Jan. 1/16

    Womens Day Nov 2015
    Save $2 on one bag of Purina Pro Plan brand dry cat food Savor Shredded Blend. Exp. March 31/16.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  6. #36
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Idees Cadeau 2015-Le Journal de Montreal, 10 decembre 2015

    p. 67 10% off helicopter ride when you mention code JDMR44
    p. 1 QC residents only-online purchases=free delivery on the purchase of $100 or more. Conditions apply.
    p.74 Un Detour en Provence (Montreal) -coupon is worth 10% off all regular price items at the store
    p.33 expired-DeSerres Dec. 10 coupon for a 20% off Friends and Family event for the day.
    p.20 Chance to win a supper spectacle for 2 when you subscribe to our e-newsletter.
    p.22 $10 off the regular price for June (2016) shows only of the Odd Couple (Drole de Couple)
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  7. #37
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    View Magazine, Dec 17-23.

    p. 12 ad for ESP Psychic Fair (Jan. 15-17)-save $3 on admission with the ad. Fair will be at the Courtyard Marriott, Upper James St.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  8. #38
    Smart Canuck
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    Canadian Living:
    $5 any Marcelle product, 04507387, March 31, 2016
    $1.50 any Gold Bond Ultimate Healing hand cream, 06804507, March 30, 2016
    $3 any Gold Bond Ultimate lotion or cream (127g, 160g, 225ml, 368ml, 400ml, 411ml), 06804480, March 30, 2016
    Ciel likes this.

  9. #39
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Toronto Star Dec. 24 & Hamilton News community paper
    Save $3 when you purchase any Motrimax 12 hour (pain relief) products. Offer good in Canada except in Quebec. Dec. 31/2015 expiry.

    Is this clever target marketing or what? For all the lifting one might be doing this week and wanting some back pain relief...
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  10. #40
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashoo View Post
    Canadian Living:
    $5 any Marcelle product, 04507387, March 31, 2016
    $1.50 any Gold Bond Ultimate Healing hand cream, 06804507, March 30, 2016
    $3 any Gold Bond Ultimate lotion or cream (127g, 160g, 225ml, 368ml, 400ml, 411ml), 06804480, March 30, 2016
    Thanks, ashoo! I'm going to put your coupons in the 2016 thread too!
    ashoo likes this.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  11. #41
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Time to take out the Dec. 31 coupon expiries! Blue box time.
    Anna Michele likes this.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

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