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Thread: FREE Lug Bag (MSRP $100) WUB Astro Zero Yogurt (8 PINS req'd, S/H included)

  1. #1036
    Smart Canuck LisaLisaBoBisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tjthemanto View Post
    Question: Help - I’m stuck on the payment information page!

    Answer: Our system requires that you enter a credit card to move the transaction forward. Once your coupon has been entered, your total will be $0.00, and your card will not be charged.
    Is this really happening for others ? I understand they don't charge your CC , but I was never asked any where for my CC..& my bag arrived perfectly fine. Is this something new in their system , going forward ? I think they are just lying & there is NO such requirement in their system

    What about some under age people & other adult people who don't have a CC , but do have 8 PINS , how will they order if the system forces them to enter a CC, irrespective of whether its charged or not.
    I think this was the "easy" answer to explain their glitchy system..There is an instance in which the coupon code area does not appear and you get stuck on the cc info page etc.. Won't allow to proceed log in log out etc still nothing.. I think that happens when you enter your mailing address but don't check the box underneath that says "this address is also my billing address". I think it's their systems way of generating a billing address (even though you aren't billed) as they said. The receipt shows a mailing and billing addy - so yeah, that's why that happens but they themselves likely don't even know it.. This isn't something that likely comes up for them often enough to know the actual reason for it and I'm sure people have had this happen and complained about it so this is "their" explanation because they aren't smart enough to figure out why it is really happening for this promo..

    ETA: The way to fix it is by going back to MY Account, Support, Edit Profile, Under Edit Shipping Address you click "change" and then make sure to check the box that says "this address is also my billing address". THEN no payment page will appear..
    Last edited by LisaLisaBoBisa; Sat, Feb 28th, 2015 at 03:45 AM.
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  2. #1037
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    Good to know , I am wary of giving my CC to others unless its absolutely necessary..irrespective of whether its charged or not.

    With all the glitches in the system, you never know when they will accidentaly bill your CC or not. And then its a nightmare & headache getting the charges reversed as you might have inadvertently agreed to something the fine print

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaLisaBoBisa View Post
    I think this was the "easy" answer to explain their glitchy system..There is an instance in which the coupon code area does not appear and you get stuck on the cc info page etc.. Won't allow to proceed log in log out etc still nothing.. I think that happens when you enter your mailing address but don't check the box underneath that says "this address is also my billing address". I think it's their systems way of generating a billing address (even though you aren't billed) as they said. The receipt shows a mailing and billing addy - so yeah, that's why that happens but they themselves likely don't even know it.. This isn't something that likely comes up for them often enough to know the actual reason for it and I'm sure people have had this happen and complained about it so this is "their" explanation because they aren't smart enough to figure out why it is really happening for this promo..

    ETA: The way to fix it is by going back to MY Account, Support, Edit Profile, Under Edit Shipping Address you click "change" and then make sure to check the box that says "this address is also my billing address". THEN no payment page will appear..

  3. #1038
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    Quote Originally Posted by albianne View Post
    I was thinking that if you have two people at the same address who both want to take advantage of this promotion, maybe going forward it's best to call or email Lug and explain situation, maybe they would except a scan or fax showing the two names on pcs of separate mail with the same address. My mom lives with me but she gets mail as I do in our own names at the same address. Thant might alleviate any concern from Lug that one person was ordering two for themselves.
    Did both of you get it ? If so that's great ..Not fair for your mom to miss out just bcoz she lives at the same addy . I am not sure but I think both of you did

    Quote Originally Posted by albianne View Post
    Ditto here, my mom just got an email from Lug saying her purple which was ordered on the 8th has been fulfilled. So patience is the key.
    Last edited by tjthemanto; Sat, Feb 28th, 2015 at 10:49 AM.
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  4. #1039
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    damn how have i only noticed this now! still in stock?

  5. #1040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrsaver View Post
    damn how have i only noticed this now! still in stock?
    Yes..but hurry . Won't last for long , & some popular colours go fast & are OOS sooner..& you might get stuck with a god awful colour

    Its a long process , finding PINS , entering on Astro site , uploading pics/wishes , receiving a email code from Astro , ordering from Lugs, Waiting for UPS shipment.

    Finding PINS & getting a good sale price for the Yogurt & actually finishing/storing all that yogurt is the hardest

    Could take almost a month from start to finish , if you follow the instructions properly to finally receive your bag , but worth it ..a few glitches here & there in the system though..I had no issues..patience is the key though
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  6. #1041
    Canadian Genius redhdlois's Avatar
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    I will be happy and grateful when I receive my matter what the colour (or whether or not it's the "deluxe" model ) !

  7. #1042
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    Offering 9000 SDM pts for a full set of pins. Pls Pm if interested.
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  8. #1043
    Roman Empress salady's Avatar
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    The cranberry red is OOS!!!
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  9. #1044
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    anyone in vancouver who just wants a bag? I got one for my sister, cranberry red, as a surprised bday gift but apparently she has a bag of the same shade and wants a green. so I have to find 8 more pins and then buy the green. but for now, anyone for cranberry red? pm me for trade! or if you want to trade with hunter green, i'm totally up for that too!
    Last edited by Jboys'mom; Sat, Feb 28th, 2015 at 02:39 PM.
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  10. #1045
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jboys'mom View Post
    anyone in vancouver who just wants a bag? I got one for my sister, cranberry red, as a surprised bday gift but apparently she has a bag of the same shade and wants a green. so I have to find 8 more pins and then buy the green. but for now, anyone for cranberry red? pm me!
    Maybe someone will trade the cranberry for the green
    I would but im in ontario
    And i dont have green lol
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  11. #1046
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    that's nice of you. but yeah that would work too! trade red for hunter green or black works!

    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Michele View Post
    Maybe someone will trade the cranberry for the green
    I would but im in ontario
    And i dont have green lol
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  12. #1047
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    Last edited by Jboys'mom; Tue, Mar 3rd, 2015 at 02:21 PM.
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  13. #1048
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jboys'mom View Post
    anyone in vancouver who just wants a bag? I got one for my sister, cranberry red, as a surprised bday gift but apparently she has a bag of the same shade and wants a green. so I have to find 8 more pins and then buy the green. but for now, anyone for cranberry red? pm me for trade! or if you want to trade with hunter green, i'm totally up for that too!
    On Astro's Face Book page , 1 poster has started another FB page for trades ..I guess a local in person swap in a crowded public space might work better than shipping the bag due to mailing cost & never receiving the bag.
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  14. #1049
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    When my daughter who lives in a different province ordered her bag, she used my credit card number and I believe she told me at the time that she accidentally said that the billing address was the same as the delivery but it didn't seem to matter, she just needed a credit card number to get to the next page as it wouldn't let her proceed without a credit card and then of course when she applied the promo code there were no charges to the credit card anyway. So from her experience I would say that when you enter a credit card, the billing address of the credit card is not being verified. Hope this helps.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jboys'mom View Post
    has anyone ordered a bag and have it shipped somewhere but for the CC info (number and billing address) is different? i'm thinking i should have the bag sent at my sister's place but she doesn't have a CC so for the billing and CC number, i will use mine..
    Last edited by albianne; Sat, Feb 28th, 2015 at 05:54 PM.
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  15. #1050
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    Quote Originally Posted by albianne View Post
    When my daughter who lives in a different province ordered her bag, she used my credit card number and I believe she told me at the time that she accidentally said that the billing address was the same as the delivery but it didn't seem to matter, she just needed a credit card number to get to the next page as it wouldn't let her proceed without a credit card and then of course when she applied the promo code there were no charges to the credit card anyway.
    This is something new from LUGS..forcing people to give their CC , even if its not going to be billed.

    Weird I was never asked for a CC anytime anywhere ..& I have ordered 2 bags so far - 1 for me & 1 for a relative..2 different colours at 2 different addy at 2 different times , none required a CC , that page didn't even pop up

    Both orders went through without a glitch, without CC required at anytime. Some are able to order without CC & other's have to give about being inconsistent from LUGS
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