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Thread: Love the Savings Feburary - 2015 Frugal chatter

  1. #586
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    @Ciel hope your tonsils are feeling better
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  2. #587
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    With March upon us just wondering if anyone is changing up their budgets, shopping plans, etc....I have a few ideas for us
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  3. #588
    Coupify! Granger's Avatar
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    These are purchases I have made since the start of 2015. I organized items for upcoming events today and thought I would share. I still have my clothing from Benevolence to share, but it is being washed so will do that in another post. These purchases will save me down the road!

    Name:  IMG_1447.jpg
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    SDM last week 50% off $6...$3 a piece
    -A little more than I usually pay for Valentine's, but I was one of the few parents that did Valentine's only for preschool and kindergarten. These ones have erasers with them. So I won't have mom guilt next year.

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    SDM 20X points $9.99-$3 coup = $6.99 a piece for new babe.

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    CT 50% off $40...$20 for DD#2 birthday March 7

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    Scholastic Book Order $15 for 10 so $1.50 each
    -Party favours for DD#2's party, nicer than loot junk. If I find other usable items at a good cost I may make bags, otherwise just the books

    Name:  IMG_1444.jpg
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    Total per basket spent $8.36

    SDM last week 50% of $6 unicorn stuffs...$3 each
    SDM 20X Valentine clearance: Bears $2 each, Angry Bird and Sofia Chocolate $1 each, Kinder Egg (not clearance) $1.61 a piece in a multi-pack
    Benevolence Baskets and grass new with tags 50 cents for baskets and 25 cents for grass
    The rest of the items were FREE (SDM clearance last year my mom bought and gave me)

    Name:  IMG_1445.jpg
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    Benevolence Basket and grass new with tags 50 cents for baskets and 25 cents for grass for new babe next year, egg deco items 25 cents each

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    SDM clearance last year my mom bought and gave me FREE

    Grand total for all above with taxes was about $95.
    Last edited by Granger; Sat, Feb 21st, 2015 at 10:24 PM.
    "There are more important things--friendship and bravery...."
    -Hermione Granger

  4. #589
    Smart Canuck
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    DH and I have been working on our tax returns-gah! 2 Canadian, 1 US and of course currency conversions between the two-no wonder I am tired. Anyway slowly we are getting there and maybe just waiting for 1 or 2 more info slips.

  5. #590
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    finally sitting down for a break, two turkeys cooked/cleaned. insides saved for soup tomorrow.
    2 loaves of banana bread. with an oopsie, seems we missed a er when emptying oven to bake them. it ended up melting inside.
    praying loaves don't smell like melting plastic.

    kitchen is spotless. just need to vacuum in morning, ready for guests.
    Be Strong
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    Simple as that!

  6. #591
    Canadian Guru
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    SIL texted me to ask if we wanted a crib that was given to her. We said "yes," so my brother will bring it over some time. My SIL is currently 36.5wks pregnant with their twin boys, but she likes to spend money on lots of stuff and often isn't a fan of second-hand items.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
    Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
    Caddle Referral Code:
    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  7. #592
    Coupify! Granger's Avatar
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    Two sets of twins in the family? A quadruple amount of love in your family this year!!! And congrats on the crib!!!

    BTW I finished editing my post above for those interested.
    "There are more important things--friendship and bravery...."
    -Hermione Granger

  8. #593
    Canadian Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granger View Post
    Two sets of twins in the family? A quadruple amount of love in your family this year!!! And congrats on the crib!!!

    BTW I finished editing my post above for those interested.
    Their set of twins is from fertility treatments. They have been married for about 10yrs. They lost one, have my 5yr old nephew, lost another 1.5yrs ago, then conceived the twins last spring with help. They did not have to go all the way to IVF, but they certainly had medical interventions to conceive these two boys. They will be born the next couple of weeks. Her 36wk ultrasound showed the babies are measuring 6lb 1oz, and 6lb 13oz.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
    Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
    Caddle Referral Code:
    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  9. #594
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    Morning! We made pasta for dinner last night too Nancy and I was thinking the same thing on how cheap it was at home compared to what my friends were spending as I knew they were out to dinner at a fancy place.

  10. #595
    Coupify! Granger's Avatar
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    Here it is clothing deal, $8 for all! All name brand Maternity and two pairs of pants for DD#1.
    "There are more important things--friendship and bravery...."
    -Hermione Granger

  11. #596
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    Name:  image.jpg
Views: 146
Size:  63.1 KB I wasn't sure exactly what we were going to make but took chicken out to defrost before we left for hockey. So added Alfredo sauce ( asked son his choice, white sauce or tomato based) and then added asparagus and fresh mushrooms. It was really good. Ds had seconds and there is a bit left for him for lunch today.

  12. #597
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Great deals Granger, seems like you are all set for Easter, Valentines day and baby on the way....keep on the great work.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  13. #598
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Angela great that you are getting a free crib, let's hope she decides to get rid of more stuff (lol)
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  14. #599
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    lizzie good luck with the taxes, fingers crossed you get a return or pay very little
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  15. #600
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    What's everyone making for supper?
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

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