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Sun, Apr 5th, 2015, 01:17 PM #61
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I stopped by the doctor's office, just to get weighed on March 31. I gained back 5.6lbs in just over 3wks. I am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I needed my weight for my phone appointment with my hematologist later that afternoon. I am still throwing up about 50% of the mornings, and my stomach is still sensitive throughout the day. I will be 20wks pregnant with the twins tomorrow.
I debated on posting this next part.
Due to the injection bloodthinners that I take daily, I have to have specialized bloodwork done every 4-6wks while pregnant. This bloodwork has to be taken 3-3.5hrs after my injection time and shipped on dry ice to Regina for the test to be done. The test results are then sent to my hematologist in Saskatoon. I had this bloodwork done in January and again in March, but they were messed up both times. In January I received a phone call 8 days after my bloodwork had been taken to tell me that I needed to get it re-drawn. Regina's hospital had partially thawed my blood sample and was then unable to do the test. This certainly delays getting the appropriate information to my specialist in a timely manner. In March I chose to go early for bloodwork in case something else went wrong. I had it drawn on March 12, but my specialist did not have any record of it when we spoke on March 31. After this phone call I contacted our local blood lab, I was eventually informed that my blood samples had not been shipped out on dry ice until March 30. It is really frustrating because my hematologist makes informed decisions based on a combination of my current weight and the test results from my Anti-Xa level. The two women who draw the blood know how important these specialized tests are for my care, it is the processing lab that makes the mistakes while prioritizing things. The head lady at the lab is hoping that she fixed the problem by making a note on my file that it needs to be shipped out ASAP, and told me to get the other ladies to highlight a note on my paperwork each time that I go in for my test. I'm hoping that these issues will not continue throughout the rest of my pregnancy.
Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE our Canadian healthcare. I just don't like what the LEAN program has been doing to Saskatchewan's healthcare.
I'll post another update in a week, after my ultrasound.Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
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Sun, Apr 5th, 2015, 01:34 PM #62
This must cause a bit of stress. Hope you see improvement! Happy Easter to you and yours. We are lucky for our health care system but it's certainly gone down hill with cuts everywhere.
Mon, Apr 6th, 2015, 05:38 PM #63
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Sorry, reading this thread a little late.
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Mon, Apr 6th, 2015, 10:05 PM #64
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Great news that you have gained some weight!
That's crazy you have been having such trouble with the bloodwork stuff. Sounds more like incompetence than anything to do with Lean.
Would it solve the problems to have your bloodwork done in Regina?
Mon, Apr 6th, 2015, 11:55 PM #65
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I could get my bloodwork drawn in Saskatoon or Regina, but I need to get it done every 4-6wks throughout this pregnancy. When I was talking to my hematologist he said that the lab might have been waiting for enough orders for the Anti-Xa bloodwork before running a batch of this test, in order to save money.
Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
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Caddle Referral Code: ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus
Tue, Apr 7th, 2015, 12:43 AM #66
Sorry about your difficulties with your lab work.We are blessed to have the Healthcare that we do,however there are indeed shortcomings,here in Ontario too.Prayer offered on your behalf.
Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.
Tue, Apr 7th, 2015, 01:16 AM #67
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There used to be someone on here who had triplets. She breastfed them too. I can't remember who it was though. Maybe someone else will remember.
Tue, Apr 7th, 2015, 07:08 AM #68
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Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
Caddle Referral Code: ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus
Sun, Apr 12th, 2015, 12:38 PM #69
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Ok everyone. I had appointments in Saskatoon on Friday, so here is the big update. Saskatoon is 5hrs away from where we live.
The ultrasounds went really well in the morning. Both babies gave her great pictures of their spines, but needed convincing to let her check out their faces and hearts. Both babies measured 21wk 1day. The were both 14oz each. I really like that they continue to match in size and development. At the end of the appointment she gave me 10 pictures, including cute little ones of their matching feet, legs, etc.
Baby A is a boy, 159 bpm.
Baby B is a girl, 149 bpm.
These are grandchildren 6 & 7 for my parents. This is the first little girl!
The ultrasound technician also handed me a loot bag that she said they are giving to all the women. Half of its contents are quite helpful to me. It contained a variety of coupons and samples targeted towards expectant mothers and their families. I learned about a new $1 off coupon for my favourite nursing pads, so that will be going on my wish list. I also have a $10 off wub $40 at Babies R Us, which will be quite handy.
In the afternoon I saw my OBGYN's partner. I hadn't been to their office since Jan 23. I have gained back 9lbs since then. My blood pressure was ok, but still low. Based on my February 13wk ultrasound results, the doctors finally moved my due date. Instead of being due August 24, they are now due August 19. So I was actually 21wks 2days at this appointment. My belly sfh measurement was 25cm. Both babies are doing great.
I had a variety of questions answered based on information from my brother and SIL who just had twin boys in February, from fertility treatments. My SIL has had difficulties getting pregnant over the years and has had two miscarriages, so I wanted to ask questions of the OBGYN to know what I should expect in the coming months. My OBGYN does not routinely do non-stress tests on fraternal twins. I will need to have ultrasounds every 4wks from here on out to monitor their growth. I don't have to come back to their office until the end of May or early June, as long as things continue to go well. I am still under the care of my GP between appointments. Most women pregnant with twins go on medical leave between 28-32wks. I will be 29wks pregnant at the beginning of June, which is when I anticipate going onto medical leave. I am a substitute teacher and I want to do what is best for my entire family. This will also result in not having to pay daycare for the month of June.
When I left the appointment I went to add some last notes to my running document in my phone, to discover that it had all mysteriously disappeared. We were unable to retrieve the document from my phone, and I do not have any back-up copies of it because I couldn't figure out how to copy it onto my I do with all my pictures and videos. I cried about this because I lost all of my written notes about this entire twin pregnancy. I will be able to get some of the information from my doctors, but many were notes that would not be included in their records. It still stings that I somehow messed this up.Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
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Sun, Apr 12th, 2015, 12:58 PM #70
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So thrilled for you Angela that you have a healthy little boy and girl on the way-such a blessing! Sorry you lost your notes but so happy that your babies are healthy and you can look forward to starting your mat leave by the beginning of June!
Sun, Apr 12th, 2015, 06:08 PM #71
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So very happy for you that things are going well!
Coolest m-f twin names I ever read of are Aidan and Nadia - they are the same spelled backwards.
Sun, Apr 12th, 2015, 07:47 PM #72
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wonderful update about the babies health. All the ultrasound pics sounds so neat!! On the lost data ( notes on phone ) oh it sure is annoying, maybe as the days go by you might actually recall some of what you had written down. Thanks for this latest update.
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Sun, Apr 12th, 2015, 08:14 PM #73
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nice update -congrats a boy and a girl -so happy for you
Sun, Apr 12th, 2015, 08:19 PM #74
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Thanks for the update! Congrats on the little boy and girl! We will see if I add the fourth female grandchild on my side of the family or the first grandson. It will be a surprise! I am hoping for a boy for my dad as he has all daughters and granddaughters, but I know he sincerely doesn't care. The grandparents will be excited to have two new babes to dote over, especially little girl! Your mind must be filling with anticipation to greet these little two and your hands must be busy as you prepare for their arrival!!! What's cool is we will still have to wait to see which one is big brother or big sister and appears first!!!
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Sun, Apr 19th, 2015, 05:52 PM #75
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I saw my gp on April 30. Comparing my December 29 weight to my April 30 weight, I am +3.3lbs. My next ultrasound is on May 14, in Regina. I had to ask why the appointment was booked for a 2hr time slot, but they say it is because as the babies get bigger it usually gets harder to get all the measurements they want. I'll see my gp the following week, regarding the results.
Babies and I are both doing good. I haven't thrown up in 2wks, but my stomach continues to be sensitive. I have noticed that I am in more pain lately and continue to be tired. I'll be 23wks pregnant on Wednesday.Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
Caddle Referral Code: ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus
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