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Thread: Update July 3 - TWINS - I am having twins

  1. #76
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    That's really great, I'm sure all is fine i wouldn't worry about the length of the ultrasound.
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  2. #77
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    Good morning everyone.

    On May 4th I arrived at our local high school to substitute teach for the day. The VP instantly asked if I would stay and teach full-time until the end of the school year because the English teacher had suddenly left on medical leave with her own pregnancy. I accepted the position. The administration is obviously aware of my pregnancy and was just very happy that I was able to take over the teaching position starting that day. I guaranteed them until the end of May with the understanding that we will have to see how I am feeling in June.

    I'm not sure if I have already posted this information here before, but my OBGYN warned me that most women who are pregnant with twins go onto medical leave between 28-32wks. They usually have issues with quality of sleep and mobility. The last Wednesday in May is when I will be 28wks pregnant.

    Last weekend I completely ran out of my face cream, so I went to WM and bought a different one. It took me a few days of using it before I realized that it was the lotion that was making my face so bad. I have quite dry skin while pregnant, but this cream has made those areas very red, flaking, and now burning. Needless to say I am trying to get my skin to recover from this. I plan on calling the manufacturer of the face cream, which is WM brand and also returning it for a full refund at WM.

    On Monday night I had a very bad charlie horse in my left calf in the middle of the night. I had dh rub it until it went away, but it is now 4 days later and that calf is still very sore, although it has been improving. I went through this with LO but it still really sucks to be going through it again.

    Yesterday was my ultrasound at 26wks 1 day.
    Baby boy weighs 1lb 15oz. He has averaged 3.4oz a week in weight gain since my last ultrasound 5wks ago. His heart rate was 150bpm.
    Baby girl weighs 2lb 1oz. She has averaged 3.8oz a week in weight gain since my last ultrasound 5wks ago. Her heart rate was 128bpm, but the ultrasound technician said that was fine.
    They were both fairly active throughout the ultrasound. I currently have 4lbs of babies.
    Last edited by Angela273; Fri, May 15th, 2015 at 10:38 AM. Reason: forgot to add something
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  3. #78
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    So glad babies are growing well!
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  4. #79
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela273 View Post
    Hi everyone.
    I have mentioned in several threads that I am pregnant with our second child. Today was my 13wk ultrasound and we just found out that I am having twins, so babies 2 and 3 are on their way. Just to be clear, twins do not run in our family, so we are all quite surprised. However, it does explain some symptoms that I have been experiencing that are worse than with my son or that are new with this pregnancy. My neighbour has been insisting that she thinks that I am pregnant with twins, so I will tell her when I see her later this week.

    I am a high risk pregnancy to begin with due to my own per-existing medical condition, so I am already under the care of a GP, hematologist, and OBGYN. The babies will be born in Saskatoon, just like our son.

    DS will turn 3yrs old in early Sept. My official due date with the twins is August 24.

    The ultrasound tech told me that the babies are measuring at 14wks
    Baby A: 8cm long, 159bpm
    Baby B: 7.9cm long, 153bpm

    I'm looking forward to the responses in this thread.
    My mind is still processing the information and coming up with a variety of things we need to consider.
    I'm looking for advice, information on special freebies for twins, etc.

    Thank you!
    Thanks for the update. Great news about the length etc. Please, what is bpm?
    ROMEO, Angela273, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  5. #80
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Thanks Angela, it's great all is going well and really nice to hear from you again.
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  6. #81
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    Thanks for the update. Great news about the length etc. Please, what is bpm?
    I've got a lot of reading to catch up on after not reading this thread since your first announcement! I'm very happy you and the babies are happy and healthy!
    @Shwa Girl : bpm is beats per minute. Babies' hearts beat incredibly fast.
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  7. #82
    Coupify! Granger's Avatar
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    How wonderful! Love the updates Angela! I had a charlie horse in my left calf last night...I had this with my second pregnancy too. My calf aches for yours too, literally.
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  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    Thanks for the update. Great news about the length etc. Please, what is bpm?
    bpm = beats per minute (baby's heart rate)
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  9. #84
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    Congratulations.... I have no experience to offer ... just read an article the other day about the exhaustion ending at about 2-3 years of age though Sounds wonderful - life will not be the same
    ROMEO, Angela273, Ciel and 2 others like this.

  10. #85
    2y uterine cancer free Mia001's Avatar
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    ROMEO, Angela273, Ciel and 2 others like this.
    Thank's to DH who told me the grumpy Garfield was not at all representative of who i am

  11. #86
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Epsom salts (if you can get to soak your feet) or magnesium gel (apply to calf) to see if that helps.
    Hope you are eating protein with every meal and snack to support all your skin cells and give you energy for all that you are doing!
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  12. #87
    Canadian Genius DiamondLil's Avatar
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    I have no advice to offer, but I send my congratulations!!!! Twins!!!! Double the fun!!!! You must be so excited - I always wished I had a set, but never lucked out. Congrats again, I am so happy for you.
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  13. #88
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  14. #89
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    I'm 28wks pregnant today, the official beginning of the 3rd trimester. 9wks until term and the goal.

    I had a check-up with my gp last week regarding my bloodwork and the 26wk ultrasound. I have now gained 10lbs the entire pregnancy and the twins now have a combined weight of 5lbs. I passed all of the bloodwork (glucose challenge test, iron level, blood count, etc.) with flying colours for a pregnant lady.

    I've spent time off and on over the last week trying to arrange my OBGYN appointment and ultrasound in June, in Saskatoon. They finally got it somewhat sorted out. This next ultrasound will be just over 5wks after the last one, instead of the 4wks that I was told we should be doing. I have requested the afternoon of June 18 and the full day of June 19 off work in order to attend these appointments. This is the last day of classes before my high school English students head into exam week. Oh well, it's the best that can be arranged at this point because the doctor's office didn't schedule anything until I started contacting them again.

    Baby boy is the first that is supposed to be delivered, but he is currently in the breach position. I am really wanting to get him to turn. My gp warned me that we don't need to worry until 36wks, but that because they are twins the baby is less likely to get into the correct position. He also said that if he stays in the breach position, then they will want to do a c-section with general anesthesia because of my history with blood clots and being on a blood thinner. Once I get further along in the pregnancy I will be on a 12hr dosing of my injection blood thinner, just to make labour and delivery safer, no matter how they are born. I've done some research and am willing to try some things. Any safe suggestions on how to get him to turn his butt around?

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  15. #90
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Great news Angela. All I can offer are crazy ideas that others have suggested to me and they included frozen veg and a flashlight. Lol, don't ask. I only had 1 baby at a time so eventually he turned.
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