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Thread: At the end of my leash

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck Melissa13's Avatar
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    I need some help/support. I'm at a crossroads with my dog. Not knowing what the right next step should be.

    I have had my dog Chelsea for 7.5 years. I adopted her when she was 3 and a half from a shelter. It was clear she was a special needs dog when I picked her up from the shelter and heard her scream because the lady just wanted to clean her back end. They didn't really know her story but she was most likely abused etc.

    The first couple years with her were sometimes a challenge. She is a very high strung dog, lots of anxiety, thinking that everything is out to get her. But I could deal with it.

    When she was around 5 she started developing seasonal allergies and each year since its been getting worse and worse. Now it's all year, no breaks because we barely get any snow. She has allergies to grass, pollen, most likely dust mites. She just licks her paws until they are raw and near bleeding. Plus with her being so difficult, I can barely put anything on her paws, she will scream, try to bite. It's so exhausting.

    The vet gives predisone but you can only give that for a few weeks and I've tried everything, natural products, benadryl, other OTC drugs, sprays, shampoos. NOTHING WORKS.

    This year and a half has been really bad, she's started flicking her back legs against the carpet and giving herself rug burn and then on walks rubbing them on the pavement. So I literally could not take her out for walks. She would rub her legs and scream and I couldn't get her to stop. It was horrible. Back to the vet for more predisone which I'm weaning her off of now. 2 days of giving her a lesser dose and she has started itching again.

    I just don't know what to do. She's obliviously suffering and I'm so stressed. I've started having nerve pain in my shoulders/arms which I'm sure has something to do with dealing with this for the last few years.
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  2. #2
    Smart Canuck
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    Have you tried dietary changes?
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  3. #3
    Smart Canuck Melissa13's Avatar
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    Yes. I so wish it had something to do with her food.
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    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    I have no advice, but my deepest sympathies for what you have gone through and for what poor Chelsea has lived with all this time. Your patience and compassion have been admirable, I do hope that someone on here will be able to direct you to a solution or recommend a home remedy. Best of luck.
    abbasgirl likes this.

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  5. #5
    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    Hi Melissa,

    I know others will likely disagree with me, but perhaps it's time to let her go (as in euthanize) My Gosh, she sounds like she's suffering physically and psychologically. It seems to me you are too dear.

    You were a saint to try so hard to help her, but whatever health issues she has are probably not fixable. I can imagine the agony of that decision but sometimes you can win the battles but not the whole war. It's very likely Chelsea was the product of a backyard breeder hence the health issues, poor little thing. But you gave her the opportunity to be truly loved and you saved her and gave her the best she could get. Now maybe you have to make one last act of love. . the hardest one.

    I can't tell you how sorry I am. I'm absolutely crazy about dogs and it kills me to see anything suffer. It's not fair but you can consider yourself "Mom" of the Decade. Don't you forget that!

  6. #6
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    That's such a hard situation, but I agree with Mortgage Queen if she is suffering and nothing more can be done then its time.

    Poor little thing to go through all that. And you also. It sounds awful.

    Sending prayers and hugs your way.

  7. #7
    Smart Canuck Melissa13's Avatar
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    Thanks for responding ladies.

    I was thinking about the above. I guess I just needed some support with the decision because it feels like I'm giving up (even though I know I've gone above and beyond what I can do). Just have to get up the courage to talk to the vet about it. Maybe put her back on predisone for a few more weeks so I can spoil her with her favorite things. Sigh.

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    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    One word of warning on that Melissa. . . it will be 100 times harder to euthanize her while she "seems" healthy on the predisone. . .although I admire the fact that you want to spoil her. I hate to see you suffer anymore than YOU have either.
    terry2144 likes this.

  9. #9
    Smart Canuck Melissa13's Avatar
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    True. That's where I'm at right now. She's just a tad itchy with giving her the pills every other day. So it makes me feel super guilty.

    But now in the last few days she's decided she doesn't like her leash being put on and flinches back which is great.

    I haven't had her current vet that long (2 annual visits) so I'm struggling with calling. Thinking she may think I'm nuts for suggesting it. Its always easier to write it down then to explain in person. But I'll get there.

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    CaToonie Britanica's Avatar
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    Try using lavender in the home to ease the anxiety. Lavender scented cleaning products, candles, ect.
    You can try a thunder jacket as well, google it. As for allergies, you can get some salt lamps to help when she is indoors. Sometimes pets who are sulfur deficient suffer from allergies, so adding some MSM to her food may help as well.
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  11. #11
    Luv Saving People Money MortgageQueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa13 View Post
    True. That's where I'm at right now. She's just a tad itchy with giving her the pills every other day. So it makes me feel super guilty.

    But now in the last few days she's decided she doesn't like her leash being put on and flinches back which is great.

    I haven't had her current vet that long (2 annual visits) so I'm struggling with calling. Thinking she may think I'm nuts for suggesting it. Its always easier to write it down then to explain in person. But I'll get there.
    Vets have seen it all. Like I said, I'm nuts about animals and I can clearly see you've done your best. . . .so I'm sure an experienced vet will too. If it makes you feel better, perhaps you can send them an email describing what you told us. Maybe you can call the day after to discuss an appointment.
    Melissa13 likes this.

  12. #12
    Smart Canuck
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    Just going through old saved threads and came across this post.

    How is your dog doing now? Hope all is well.
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