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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
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    Hi, to all

    Spring is coming!

    It is great time to have fun with us in the store!

    Our store-The Bay Southcentre has Spring Gala Event in April 25(Saturday) from 11:00am to 7:00pm in the store.

    Our Estee Lauder Counter already has very nice skincare sets on the counter to meet different needs for our customers and our Beauty Advisor would like to show you 3 minutes beauty techniques as well.

    When you spend over $75 with any Estee Lauder Purchase, you could get lovely five pieces free gifts plus your free nail and hair service in April 25.

    For store Gala event, when you buy $10 Gala ticket, $8 could be redeemed for your cosmetics and fragrance purchase in April 25, and $2 would be donated to charity organization. Any customer who buys Gala ticket will get store goody bag and enjoy music, food, candy bar, and wine tasting as well. A lot of fun here!

    Come to join us to celebrate this spring time!

    If any question, please phone 403-2789520 ext 317 Estee Lauder Counter
    Attached pictures are our estee lauder skincare value sets and our Gala gift!!!! You will love it.

    Our Gala Gift for April 25:

    Name:  galagift.jpg
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Size:  8.5 KB
    Gift includes:
    Name:  gala2.jpg
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Size:  10.2 KB

    Plus you can get one fragrance sample or lipstick as your extra piece when you come to our store or phone us to do preorders for our
    (This one day Gala Event gift with purchase will be also valid for Skincare Sets purchase for April 25).

    The following is Our Skincare Sets Options:

    Daywear Set: $70
    Name:  esteelauderdaywearset.jpg
Views: 219
Size:  11.0 KB
    Revitalizing Supreme Set: $88
    Name:  esteelauderrevitalizingset.jpg
Views: 233
Size:  7.7 KB
    Advanced timezone set: $88
    Name:  esteelaudertimezoneset.jpg
Views: 224
Size:  10.2 KB
    Resilience Lifting Set: $105
    Name:  ESTEE LAUDERliftingfirmingset.jpg
Views: 225
Size:  9.8 KB

    Thank you for all your support for our store and our counter!

    Kind regards
    The Bay Southcentre
    Estee Lauder Counter
    This thread is currently associated with: Spring Shoes, The Bay
    Last edited by babypi2012; Mon, Apr 6th, 2015 at 09:52 PM.

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