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Thread: Shoppers Coupons getting a bit stingy.

  1. #31
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    That is crazy! I manage 3 cards (with 3 different addresses/households, 3 phone numbers) I never bothered signing hubby up, since 3 was plenty. I've only ever had an issue with my dad's card once, and I handled that via Facebook. My family has no idea what I all do at shoppers. They just give me lists of stuff they need, I buy it for them, and come redemption time they get free stuff too. I use whichever card(s) have the best offers that week.
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  2. #32
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    I was the person who asked on facebook and this was the response:

    Shoppers Drug Mart Hello Linda, the Optimum program is an individually based program and as such requires all applicants to apply for an Optimum card in their own name. Each customer can only have one Optimum card. Thanks! - SA
    momi, kimijeen and WINNIPEGZELDA like this.
    Zoombucks are back: Please consider using my link to sign up again:

  3. #33
    Senior Canuck WINNIPEGZELDA's Avatar
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    Thanks for doing that.
    I keep going back but I don't think they'll reply to your comment to their answer.
    I don't think they want to publically say anything about spouses with cards.

    Funny part is I found the original receipt today.

    Noticed 1500 bonus points on that big bottle of advil I bought yesterday. I should return it and rebuy for the points but still shaking my head over yesterday.

    Quote Originally Posted by momof3heathens View Post
    I was the person who asked on facebook and this was the response:

    Shoppers Drug Mart Hello Linda, the Optimum program is an individually based program and as such requires all applicants to apply for an Optimum card in their own name. Each customer can only have one Optimum card. Thanks! - SA
    Last edited by WINNIPEGZELDA; Wed, Apr 29th, 2015 at 08:47 PM.

  4. #34
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    That is the most riduculous thing I've ever heard is be ing on them.

  5. #35
    Senior Canuck WINNIPEGZELDA's Avatar
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    Yep. I was a real pushover.
    I open hubby's email, print, cut out, make a shopping list, so rep insisted I manage his card so like me having 2 cards.
    Hubby watches tv and says - just let me know when you're ready so we could go shop.

    One simple call to ask if points will be awarded or not turned into many calls and his card being cancelled (at her insistence) as she said I'm with him when he shops so like card is mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Glendon Preece View Post
    That is the most riduculous thing I've ever heard is be ing on them.
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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by WINNIPEGZELDA View Post
    Yep. I was a real pushover.
    I open hubby's email, print, cut out, make a shopping list, so rep insisted I manage his card so like me having 2 cards.
    Hubby watches tv and says - just let me know when you're ready so we could go shop.

    One simple call to ask if points will be awarded or not turned into many calls and his card being cancelled (at her insistence) as she said I'm with him when he shops so like card is mine.

    I know I won't be popular for saying this, but if you didn't do all this for your hubby, would he have and use an Optimum card? Based on what you have said in this thread, I suspect the answer is no. So can't you see how SDM would view this as you being the sole manager of his account, which in fact makes it as though you have two cards?

    And yes, I know some others do the same for their spouses, children and/or parents. As we all know, just because something happens, doesn't mean that it meets the terms and conditions set out in agreements.

    btw Winnipegzelda, I don't think you were deliberately trying to contrevene terms of use. You seem like a very honest person.
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by super807 View Post
    I know I won't be popular for saying this, but if you didn't do all this for your hubby, would he have and use an Optimum card? Based on what you have said in this thread, I suspect the answer is no. So can't you see how SDM would view this as you being the sole manager of his account, which in fact makes it as though you have two cards?

    And yes, I know some others do the same for their spouses, children and/or parents. As we all know, just because something happens, doesn't mean that it meets the terms and conditions set out in agreements.

    btw Winnipegzelda, I don't think you were deliberately trying to contrevene terms of use. You seem like a very honest person.
    Agreed, they have every right to feel that if you are "managing" someone else's card, then it's not really being used by them and therefore not their card. You can shop for whomever you please and still get them 20x the points with your own card. Some of you are admitting that you cherry pick and use whichever card gets the best offer. Shoppers Drug Mart does read these forums, bet your life on it, and quite frankly they can do what they like. They can also just cancel cards, which they have done plenty of in the past. You can protest "they can't do that," but they can, and there isn't much anyone can do about it.
    Again, not a popular thing to say and I'm not looking to argue with anyone or be right. It just is what it is. Like I have said before, the fact that you can get 40% return on your purchases with just 20x the points alone should be respected, because no other rewards program holds a candle to that. They have devalued points in the past as well...could happen again any time.

    SIGN UP!!! SIGN UP!!!

  8. #38
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    Having to cancel your hubby's card because you manage it is the most arsinine thing I have ever heard about Shoppers. What if your husband decides down the road that he wants a card... is he allowed to sign up again? Or has he been banned for life? Seriously ridiculous.
    walkonby likes this.

  9. #39
    Senior Canuck WINNIPEGZELDA's Avatar
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    Sorry to take up so much space on here with this issue, I am still upset over this.
    Mainly because I don't go alone with 2 cards in my pocket.
    Like everyone else, we go together and one of us uses their card for the whole purchase.
    Like everyone else, he or I use their card to pay, depending on who got the better email offer.

    The problem is when a person in the same house is NOT CAPABLE of using a computer or smart phone.
    Someone else in the house would have to print offers for them.
    In my case, hubby doesn't even know his password for his own on line banking. He just tells me who and how much to pay and I do it on line.

    In my house, I have a 38 year old son, works full time, lives with autism. He is not capable of handling his affairs. Would probably throw my computer across the room with frustration. I have power of attorney to handle all his medical, legal, and financial affairs. I do all his banking on line. He also has no clue to his account numbers and passwords. Any problems, everyone calls me. He doesn't even have a clue how much $ is in his accounts.

    I buy all his food and personal items, lots of it at SDM.
    Based on what happened to me, he would be denied his own card because I would have to "manage" it for him. Like I do with all his affairs.

    If my son, or anyone in similar situation, was to move out, he could not have his own card to purchase items for his apartment.
    Because, I would have to print/download his offers, meet him at the store, then help him when paying. Also "manage" his account on line.

    I thank you for trying to help me understand what went wrong, I can see a problem if 1 person obtained a card for mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog,...kept all the cards in their purse, then "managed" all the cards by being the only 'real' person shopping.

    I am just pissed I paid for that with no abuse intent.

    Hubby has had his card since at least 2000.
    I registered his card for email offers spring of 2014.

    January 2015 I called 1-800 to ask how to use an offer. The rep helped me, then HE suggested that I get a card too. I was surprised and happily registered, got the card in the mail, registered on line for email offers too.

    Since end of Feb, of course we pick one or the other card to shop on (best offer).
    SDM could not possibly believe that spouses don't talk to each other.

    So basically, if one has a mental disability, physical disability, not able or don't know how to use technology, then they can't receive or use personal offer because someone else has to help ("manage") that for them.

    Sorry for ranting again, but it's hard for one to understand if one doesn't live with "managing" all affairs for another. This is just normal for me, day-to-day. EXHAUSTING!

    Quote Originally Posted by super807 View Post
    I know I won't be popular for saying this, but if you didn't do all this for your hubby, would he have and use an Optimum card? Based on what you have said in this thread, I suspect the answer is no. So can't you see how SDM would view this as you being the sole manager of his account, which in fact makes it as though you have two cards?

    And yes, I know some others do the same for their spouses, children and/or parents. As we all know, just because something happens, doesn't mean that it meets the terms and conditions set out in agreements.

    btw Winnipegzelda, I don't think you were deliberately trying to contrevene terms of use. You seem like a very honest person.
    Last edited by WINNIPEGZELDA; Thu, Apr 30th, 2015 at 11:36 AM.

  10. #40
    Senior Canuck WINNIPEGZELDA's Avatar
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    Just to clarify, I am NOT upset that his card got cancelled. When rep said that, I told her that was fine, I have not problem with that, neither did my husband. Told her it would be easier for me to manage anyways.
    I did not argue this happening.

    edit: Rep asked if hubby was willing to transfer his pints to my card then cancel. We both said yes. SDM did not cancel without the ok to do so.

    It's the way the whole day evolved with the phone calls, the questions, the reason for cancelling, and the rapid firing of questions and quick determination that I am cheating.

    I was quite surprized and shocked at the reason. Eliminates many people who need someone to can open the email, print, and cut for them.


    I wish I had recorded the conversations.
    Last edited by WINNIPEGZELDA; Thu, Apr 30th, 2015 at 12:22 PM.
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  11. #41
    Senior Canuck WINNIPEGZELDA's Avatar
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    I know I'm still a newbie at this, but I do NOT go to shoppers with hubby's card and use his offers.
    We are there together. HE hands over his card and offers.

    SDM said "managing" means opening email and printing for him

    I don't think there is any couple out there, where one spouse goes to shoppers alone, purchases ONLY the items they personally eat and use, comes home, and stores in their own cupboard.

    Then the other spouse goes alone to do the same.

    Makes no sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by annedougherty View Post
    Agreed, they have every right to feel that if you are "managing" someone else's card, then it's not really being used by them and therefore not their card. You can shop for whomever you please and still get them 20x the points with your own card. Some of you are admitting that you cherry pick and use whichever card gets the best offer. Shoppers Drug Mart does read these forums, bet your life on it, and quite frankly they can do what they like. They can also just cancel cards, which they have done plenty of in the past. You can protest "they can't do that," but they can, and there isn't much anyone can do about it.
    Again, not a popular thing to say and I'm not looking to argue with anyone or be right. It just is what it is. Like I have said before, the fact that you can get 40% return on your purchases with just 20x the points alone should be respected, because no other rewards program holds a candle to that. They have devalued points in the past as well...could happen again any time.
    Last edited by WINNIPEGZELDA; Thu, Apr 30th, 2015 at 01:27 PM.
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  12. #42
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    re: several optimum cards in a household
    Isn't this the same as with PC plus cards? I have my family's cards (one of the extras they provide), and they have mine as well. If I can get a better offer on one of their cards, I use it, and vice versa. I think all they care about is that you spend money at their store.
    @WINNIPEGZELDA , I think they screwed things up for you. Any person who took the time to understand your situation (your hubby shopping with you, etc), would see that no violation happened. With so many competing stores and rewards programs, you would think they would want to hold onto your business. Anyway, it may be worth getting your hubby another card, but I wouldn't blame you if you didnt want to call their 1800 number for awhile!

  13. #43
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    The 5 days delay on points is a real hassle for these transaction coupons. It's 5 days later, and the points haven't show up.

    Spent about 20 minute explaining what was purchased, what points were expected and then waiting for Rep to investigate. Investigation seems to take them a long time, but in the end, she said my receipt was correct and I should have been rewarded 16,000 points (on $60 purchase).

    On final, she said wait 1 more day, and then call back tomorrow.
    momi, amira84 and WINNIPEGZELDA like this.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by d.ot View Post
    re: several optimum cards in a household
    Isn't this the same as with PC plus cards? I have my family's cards (one of the extras they provide), and they have mine as well. If I can get a better offer on one of their cards, I use it, and vice versa. I think all they care about is that you spend money at their store.
    @WINNIPEGZELDA , I think they screwed things up for you. Any person who took the time to understand your situation (your hubby shopping with you, etc), would see that no violation happened. With so many competing stores and rewards programs, you would think they would want to hold onto your business. Anyway, it may be worth getting your hubby another card, but I wouldn't blame you if you didnt want to call their 1800 number for awhile!
    Yes you are right....
    I don't think this should be an issue....
    I called sdm HO and was told each person(18 years of age or older) can have his or her own shoppers optimum card and I Also don't see any thing that specifies that only one card per household is allowed in their FAQ guidelines.
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