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  • 2 Post By QueenH
  • 1 Post By Shwa Girl

Thread: Brant United Way Sale

  1. #1
    WantMore QueenH's Avatar
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    Awesome sale today if you were one of the first 50 ppl. I waited 4 hours and went through in less than 10 minutes. Only things left was a bunch
    - of Ziploc bags and Containers each box $1.25
    - 12 Windex Microfibre Cloths for $5.
    - Large jar Nutella $4
    - box of Ziploc Space Bags $5
    - Off family bug spray $2.50
    - Windex Touch up $1
    - Windex refill bottle $0.50 950ml
    - Ferrero 24 pm $6
    - Glade sense Spray $3
    - 400 ct individual.wrapped straws $0.50
    - waterproof shoe protector $2

    there was laundry detergent but limit 1 per person, sanitary maxi pads, some Pantene shampoo but no conditioner. There was lots of large jewelry boxes for $10. Sold out of all the dishwasher detergent, fabric softener. Sold out of all the paper products and household cleaners other that Windex. Windex was sold by the case $5. Lots of cat toys and litter scoops. I'm looking forward to volunteering for next years sale.
    This thread is currently associated with: Maxi
    Last edited by QueenH; Sat, Jun 6th, 2015 at 03:48 PM.
    Ciel and Shwa Girl like this.

  2. #2
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    you did great
    you should put in the brag section too
    Ciel likes this.

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