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The most expensive part about owning a home is the constant repairs, replacements and upgrades that you have to make in order to keep your home well maintained and its value as high as possible. The importance of home maintenance is often under estimated, causing homeowners to spend more money on repairs that could have been avoided. It is true that home maintenance is costly, but you can do it on a budget. Here is some advice for home maintenance that all homeowners should consider.

Fix before replacing items

When household items break, or start to wear out, it is easy to just get rid of them, but replacing certain items like furniture can be expensive. There are several tools that can help you repair household items and make them look and feel like new again. Furniture scratches and dents are inevitable, especially if you have children. According to the Budget Decorator, furniture markers are great to have on hand in order to quickly conceal scratches that happen over time. Keep other tools on hand that can help you unclog drains so you do not have to hire a plumber to solve bigger problems that arise due to clogs. Keep extra paint on hand so you can easily touch up your walls when necessary. If you repair items instead of replace them, you will save hundreds of dollars, and you will be amazed how nice your home will remain.

Watch tutorials and trust your skills

Many homeowners always hire professionals when it comes to household projects, but hiring professionals is expensive and can be avoided most of the time. If you do not think you are crafty or creative enough to complete certain projects, think again. Spend some time online viewing tutorials for projects you want to complete. You will be shocked at how easy most projects are. Trust your skills. It might take you a little longer than the professionals to complete the project, but it is definitely worth it when you save money.

Repairing and refurbishing furniture

Do not be so quick to get rid of furniture that looks worn out. Furniture is among the most expensive household items to replace, so save yourself that money by repairing or reupholstering the furniture you already have. Reupholstering furniture is much easier than you would think, and it can give your home a new and modernized look. Consider repurposing furniture you do not necessarily have a need for. Remove the drawers and hardware from a dresser, give it a fresh coat of paint, and turn it into a bookshelf. Repurposing furniture is a great way to add uniqueness to your home without spending a lot of money on new furniture. Saving money by completing projects like these allows you to invest your money in upgrades such as granite countertops or new appliances!

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Source: thebudgetdecorator .com/diy-money-saving-home-repairs/