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Thread: The Kanery - Bulk Food Staples Delivered To Your Door

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
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    There is a new small business in the North End called, "The Kanery". The young man running it sells bulk food staples (e.g., 7-grain cereal, local honey, couscous, organic seeds, organic beans, peanut butter, etc) and will deliver your orders in Halifax on his trusty bike! The prices listed on the website seem very reasonable. He told me that right now, delivery is free (but double check if you order).

    I just placed a small order for family members in the city. I'll let you know how it goes!

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  2. #2
    Smart Canuck
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    I placed my order online (from BC) two days ago, and it was delivered to my mother (in Halifax) by hand this afternoon. She was very happy with the quality of the items she received (organic sunflower seeds, organic pumpkin seeds, organic couscous, organic red quinoa, and pitted dates) and said that the young man was friendly and polite. Two thumbs up!
    marste likes this.

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