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Thread: Fresh Co (ON) Mar 17 - 23

  1. #16
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    thanks ,cyn!

  2. #17
    Senior Canuck Rena13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenniWang View Post
    yup, regardless how i explain it, the Cashier even said " you can come back when it's not on sale." i'm a regular but this is my first time trying redeem chapman's i don't know why this happen. can i complaint to freshco's website?
    Why do so many cashiers give such a hard time to customers with coupons? They always argue or question them. It's so frustrating. Almost every time I use a coupon I need to explain it and 8 out of 10 times they still call someone else over to look over it. They're usually pretty straight forward. I understand that it's their job to make sure it applies... but again, coupons are usually very straight forward AND the store is going to be refunded for whatever the amount is.

    There's my rant. Maybe this post should go into the rant feed....

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