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Thread: Start making your redemption shopping list! :D

  1. #31
    Frosh Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by scouponer View Post
    Yes you can you one coupon per if you buy 4 pkgs you can use 4 coupons.
    Word of warning though...sometimes you will get cashiers that interpret that differently and not allow you to use multiple coupons for the same product in your transaction. My SDM has always been pretty good about it but with some of the crackdowns we are hearing about esp on internet coupons, you just need to be prepared. Good that you have tear pad coupons so hopefully will minimize any potential debate.
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReallySC View Post
    Word of warning though...sometimes you will get cashiers that interpret that differently and not allow you to use multiple coupons for the same product in your transaction. My SDM has always been pretty good about it but with some of the crackdowns we are hearing about esp on internet coupons, you just need to be prepared. Good that you have tear pad coupons so hopefully will minimize any potential debate.
    Thank you, I will keep this in mind, might have good luck as they are tear pad coupons.
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by marste View Post
    Good morning. I am starting my redemption list and have a question. Royale Tiger paper towel is 4.99, I have 4 tear pad coupons, each for 1.00 off and plan on buying 4 packages. The coupon states "Limit one coupon per purchase", does this mean I can use one coupon for each package I buy (4), or just one coupon in total?

    Thanks in advance for your reply, this is only my second time redeeming, so I am a little cautious.
    Quote Originally Posted by scouponer View Post
    Yes you can you one coupon per if you buy 4 pkgs you can use 4 coupons.
    Quote Originally Posted by ReallySC View Post
    Word of warning though...sometimes you will get cashiers that interpret that differently and not allow you to use multiple coupons for the same product in your transaction. My SDM has always been pretty good about it but with some of the crackdowns we are hearing about esp on internet coupons, you just need to be prepared. Good that you have tear pad coupons so hopefully will minimize any potential debate.
    You might want to carry a copy of SDM's coupon guidelines with you. It states you can use one coupon per product. You can print the policy out from their website (bottom right of the home page). Then you can show it to the cashier if there are any problems

    Last edited by Silk; Fri, Apr 8th, 2016 at 07:22 PM.

  4. #34
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glendon Preece View Post
    Keep in mind folks that even when you redeem you can stilg et bonus points on items that don't have a spend amount attached to them. Example I'm going to redeem on Thurs for the Clarisonic alpha fit tool which has 20k attached to it's purchase. Since it's not a money amount I'll only end up using 75k instead of 95k! So offers like buy 2 get 2k etc shoudl still technically work even on a redemption.
    so Dassange's 20x points(flyer) should work when I'm redeeming??? btw I would also be using the bogo coupon if that makes a difference.
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    You might want to carry a copy of SDM's coupon guidelines with you. It states you can use one coupon per product. You can print the policy out from their website (bottom right of the home page). Then you can show it to the cashier if there are any problems

    Thank you very much, great idea, I will do that.
    Silk likes this.

  6. #36
    Senior Canuck chillys-willy's Avatar
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    My list: Diaper and wipes (for a friend), milk, eggs, silk, cookies, latex gloves, frozen fruit, butter, bread, Star Wars movie for DS (He will be thrilled), salmon, chocolate for DH, etc. Mostly just staples with a few fun things for the kids and diapers for a friend. As with all of you, I try to find value for my points so they are not wasted because they were hard earned.
    aussie likes this.
    Just joined, an organization that funds micro-loans to people in developing countries. I love the idea that the $25 I saved in groceries can be given to a fish woman with 5 children in the Philippines to help grow her business.

  7. #37
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Hmm if dessange is included I may just redeem just wish there was cashback hmmm I think I'll wait

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  8. #38
    Smart Canuck
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    I'm going to a redemption today. Checked out my shoppers yesterday and found lots of great stuff. My son collects Funko Pops and they have 3-4 he wants. Nerf guns that my other son wants. Will put away for cmas or bdays. Will get some food and avene face cream.
    coupon girl likes this.

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