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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Hamilton, ON
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    254 (100%)

    Expired on: Fri, Jul 15th, 2016

    Baby Deals of the Week!
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    There are lots of baby coupons out there!
    Check out the following links for reference:
    Dollars & Cents Scan Thread 2014
    Current Insert Coupons 2014
    Websaver, Brandsaver and Coupons

    Atlantic SuperStore
    Huggies or Pampers Club Size Plus $32.99
    Huggies or Pampers Club Size Training Pants or PC Club Size Diapers $24.99
    Huggies or Pampers 3x Wipes or PC Jumbo Diapers $7.99
    Enfamil A+ Refill or Nestle Good Start Concentrate or Ready To Feed $39.99
    Heinz or PC Organics Strained Food 4/$3

    Food Basics

    Huggies or Pampers Jumbo Pack $11.99
    Johnson's Baby $3.99
    Goodnites or Huggies Pull Ups $16.99

    None Advertised

    Giant Tiger
    None Avertised

    Loblaws ON
    Huggies or Pampers Club Size Plus $33.99
    Huggies or Pampers Club Size Training Pants or PC Club Size Diapers $24.99
    Huggies or Pampers 3x Wipes or PC Jumbo Diapers $7.99
    Enfamil A+ Refill or Nestle Good Start Concentrate or Ready To Feed $41.99
    Heinz or PC Organics Strained Food 4/$3

    Huggies or Pampers Wipes $2
    Heinz or PC Organics Pouches 2/$2

    Metro (ON)
    Baby Mum Mum $2.99
    Pampers Club Pack $33.72
    Similac $21.99
    Gerber Snacks $2.49
    Pampers or Huggies Wipes $2.99
    Simply Kids Training Pants $11.99
    Gerber Organic Cereal $3.99
    Gerber Entrees $2.49
    Johnson's Baby $3.99

    No Frills (ON) | No Frills (Atlantic) | No Frills (West)
    None Advertised
    RCSS (ON)

    Pampers or Huggies Club Size Plus $33.72
    Pampers or Huggies Club Size Training Pants $24.98
    Enfamil A+ Or Similac Concentrate or Ready To Feed $46.98
    Pampers or Huggies 12x/13x Wipes $19.98
    Nestle Good Start $27.98
    Johnson's Baby, Q Tips, Dove Baby, or Penaten $3.98
    Aveeno Baby $5.98

    RCSS (West)
    Pampers or Huggies Club Size Plus $33.72
    Pampers or Huggies Club Size Training Pants $24.98
    Pampers or Huggies 12x/13x Wipes $19.98
    Nestle Good Start $26.98
    Johnson's Baby, Q Tips, Dove Baby, or Penaten $3.97
    PC Organics Pouches $1
    Huggies Jumbo Packs Including Little Swimmers $10.99
    Pampers or Huggies Super Boxed Diapers or Training Pants $24.99
    Pampers or Huggies Wipes or Zincofax $7.99
    Johnson's Baby $4.99
    Rexall Brand Baby Toiletries $2.99
    Enfamil A+ or Similac Advance $28.99
    20% Off Avent or Nuk Accessories
    25% Off Aveeno, Live Clean, or Baby Bee
    Q Tips, Vaseline, or Dove $4.99

    Shoppers Drug Mart
    Huggies Super Boxed Diapers or Training Pants $23.99
    Pampers Jumbo Diapers $12.99
    Pampers Jumbo Training Pants $10.99
    Baby Life Toiletries $2.99
    Enfamil A+ Concentrate or Reafy To Feed $49.99
    Pampers or Huggies Wipes $2.99
    Pentaten or Attitude Toiletries $4.99
    Gerber Graduates or Baby Mum Mum $2.99
    Love Child Food Pouches $1.79
    Q Tips or Vaseline $2.99
    Desitin 15% off
    Medela or Playtex Accessories 15% off
    Nestle Baby Cereal or Gerber Cereal Twists 2/$7

    Sobeys (ON)
    Huggies Mega Pull Ups or Goodnites $18.99
    The Honest Company Diapers $21.99
    The Honest Company Toiletries $9.99
    Compliments Wipes $2.99
    Nestle Gerber Snacking $2.49


    None Advertised
    Toys R Us / Babies R Us
    Select Braun Thermometers $59.97
    40% Off Safety 1st Health And Grooming
    50% off Babies R Us White Contour Change Pad $17.47 (till Sunday)
    Little Tykes No Back Boosters $14.97 (till Sunday)
    Brica Fold N Go Travel Bassinet $29.97 (till Sunday)
    July 8th to 10th Save up to $100 an all Cribs, Dressers, and Change Tables
    25% off Nursing Cushions
    40% Off Swaddle Me Wraps
    25% off Lambs and Ivy Bedding and Decor
    20% Off Nike Infant Apparel
    25% off Cloud B Infant Sound Machines and Night Lights
    15% Off All Mattresses
    25% Off All Babies R Us Sheets
    25% Off All Breathable Bumpers
    40% Off Huggies Jumbo Diapers and Boxed Wipes
    20% Off Diaper Genie Pails
    20% Off Summer Infant and VTech Monitors
    20% Off All Diapers Bags
    25% Off Brica Car Seat and Stroller Accessories
    25% Off All Carriers
    20% Off All Gates
    15% Off Infant Feeding And Accessories

    None Advertised

    Pampers or Huggies Largest Box $38.44
    Parents Choice Pouches $1
    Pampers Splashers $10.97
    Enfamil A+ Concentate or Ready To Feed $49.98
    Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams Big Box or Huggies Pull Ups or Goodnites Giga Box $29.97
    Parents Choice Giant Pack Diapers $19.94
    Pampers or Huggies Largest Box Wipes $24.98
    Similac or Isomil Non Omega $21.67
    Last edited by annedougherty; Sat, Jul 9th, 2016 at 12:09 PM.

    SIGN UP!!! SIGN UP!!!

  2. #2

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