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Thread: September 2016 Frugal Chatter Thread - ALL Welcome!!

  1. #106
    Canadian Guru
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    Rainy but still humid day here today!

    Had 2 pick ups within 5 mins of each other last night. $25 in the crap sold jar (A little tykes kitchen I found on the side of the road $10 and 4 x Tide pods (paid $8.28 for all) sold for $15 )

    Tonight I will make homemade pizza (bought the 2 pk thin crust on sale for $2.49 yesterday at RCSS) Have everything else needed at home.
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  2. #107
    CaToonie juliemadden's Avatar
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    @Angela273 is so lucky to live in an area that has community clothing swaps!

    I can't afford to stock up very much these past few months. Probably because i rarely use coupons. So many policies.. Any tips?

    I heard of online second hand clothing shops offering 10$ credit every time you refer a friend plus that person get's a credit too. Free clothes anyone?
    Last edited by juliemadden; Thu, Sep 8th, 2016 at 11:12 AM.
    Giseledta, Angela273 and Ciel like this.

  3. #108
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    It's been a productive day so far. Reminder: my furnace can't run because we are waiting for it to be replaced. The house was 20 when we got up this morning. I made a small catch of strawberry banana fruit leather, which gets finished in the oven. Second load of laundry is in the dryer. It is now 22 in the house, 15 outside and it has been raining off and on the last two days. It rained and hailed hard enough yesterday that my street was flooding again. I picked cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden, which we ate in our turkey wraps for lunch. I have large over ripe tomatoes waiting to be used. I plan on turning them into pasta sauce with onion, grated carrot, and grated zucchini in it. I'll simmer it on the stove before using my immersion blender on it. I can freeze some of it for another day.

    We we are supposed to sign the paperwork for my used can after Dh gets off work this evening. I'll need to put the plates and Packard policy on the van tomorrow before I take it home.

    Last st week we registered our son for gymnastics. Last night we registered him for CanSkate. We automatically have to pay for two calendars as their fundraiser. I posted on garage sale Facebook groups as soon as I got home last night. I sole one this morning and the other is pending pickup tomorrow morning. I still need to do the gymnastics fundraiser to get my $20 back and sell raffle tickets for our church.

    edit: I folded the two loads of laundry while kids were napping.
    Last edited by Angela273; Thu, Sep 8th, 2016 at 06:05 PM.
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  4. #109
    Smart Canuck
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    Angela, this is a great recipe for making tomato sauce in the oven.I make it every year and freeze it, I like the way the flavors caramelize, it brings the flavour of the tomatoes out.Plus far less watching and stirring than on the stove, might keep you a bit warmer too!!! the recipe calls for mashing it up together but I use my food processor of my immersion blender because I like a less chunky sauce.
    Last edited by thriftygranny; Thu, Sep 8th, 2016 at 05:10 PM.
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  5. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by thriftygranny View Post
    Angela, this is a great recipe for making tomato sauce in the oven.I make it every year and freeze it, I like the way the flavors caramelize, it brings the flavour of the tomatoes out.Plus far less watching and stirring than on the stove, might keep you a bit warmer too!!! the recipe calls for mashing it up together but I use my food processor of my immersion blender because I like a less chunky sauce.
    Thanks. I should maybe try a version of this. I'm trying to use some carrots and zucchini to get extra veggies into kids without having to prepare additional veggies to go with a meal. I think I'd have to roast the root veggies first, then add the other ingredients, but I still like the idea.
    Last edited by Angela273; Thu, Sep 8th, 2016 at 06:51 PM.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
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  6. #111
    Coupify! Granger's Avatar
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    Well the first week of school is almost done and I am adapting! Working mornings and mothering the baby afternoon until the other two get off the bus at 3 with a husband home at 5:30 sure segments the day in a way that makes it disappear quickly.

    I love my teaching partner and excited to have the math/science portfolio. I will miss reading to the class, but I can naturally teach to my strengths which requires less planning for me! Though I did spend 5 hours sorting forms, printing curriculum and unit planning last night. None today! Going to the fair with my family.
    "There are more important things--friendship and bravery...."
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  7. #112
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    @Natalka stunning photo of the double rainbow
    @avoncallingu you sorry I didn't know you got a new puppy or cannot for the likes of me remember, when did you get her?
    Angela273, Ciel and SassyAshley like this.
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  8. #113
    Canadian Guru jasperandchar's Avatar
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    Evening all,

    Productive day pulled 6 cups of rhubarb from the freezer and made rhubarb crips. Also pulled frozen pears from the freezer and made walnut/Pear muffins (24) left 10 out for lunches and snacks and froze the rest for another day.

    Super humid here again today, the ac is running but I will turn it off shortly as it's starting to cool outside.

    Tomorrow MIL is doing groceries and I will tag along, I need to photocopy our prescription receipts and mail in for reimbursement as I'm trying to do this as we reach x amount vs. the procrastination of submitting 1 years worth which is very overwhelming for me. Going to pop into Rexall as stamps are 10% and I'll get the max of 3.

    Wishing everyone a great evening
    2019 is the year that we continue to save before we buy!!!

  9. #114
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    J& C - we adopted a little mini-Schnauzer from a South Korean couple who had to go back home to South Korea and couldn't take her. We really didn't know she wasn't spayed and she is in heat so we can't get it done for a while.
    We called her Sadie. She is learning English commands really well and how to live on the 4th floor of an apartment condo.
    She's really a sweetie.
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  10. #115
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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  11. #116
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    We bought the van last night for $500 more than we wanted, but got a nice price on an extended warantee for the next 2yrs. I paid nearly 1/3 in cash. We wanted the loan, which is exclusively in my name, to improve my already good credit rating. It shouldn't take me too long to pay it off because this was a planned purchase, if you get what I mean. I'll be plating it and purchasing the package policy later today. The new car seats for it should arrive on Monday. Now that I have a different vehicle, my truck is going into the shop to get repaired from the hail and accident damage, then we plan on private selling it. We were going to trade it in towards the van, but we were offered 1/2 of my truck's value.

    Today is our son's 4th birthday, it is hard to believe. We will be baking cupcakes this morning. I bought small bubble swords in 4 different colours as a birthday surprise for him and the daycare boys, they were on clearance for 29c each at WM. The bubble swords are not a party gift. He will get his actual presents from us this evening. Just this week he started to count the sleeps until his birthday.
    Last edited by Angela273; Fri, Sep 9th, 2016 at 10:31 AM. Reason: fixed a few errors
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    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
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    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  12. #117
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    TGIF!!! Beautiful sunny day here to start the day off. Hoping this work day goes by quickly!

  13. #118
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    I was having issues posting yesterday. I certainly can't wait until this wedding is over. After paying for the suit, we've had to drive to a different city twice for alterations. Then, DH had to attend the bachelor party and paid for the groom and himself. Then, he had to pick up and buy the food, and yesterday, he went to get his hair cut at an expensive place to hopefully have his hair come out evenly. So far, I think we're well over $1,200 and he still has to drive two hours away and back for the rehearsal dinner and take the day off work. There's still the gift to consider. He said it's the last wedding he'll ever be best man at, but I'm sure if anyone else asks him, he'll be doing this all over again.

    We've spent much more on this wedding than our own. :S My mom has commented that it's hard to save money when your husband is spending it with both hands, or something like that. It's a phrase that gets lost in translation.

    His haircut is not worth the $50 spent, I think. This morning, it still looks uneven but I didn't want to say so. They wanted to rebook him in five weeks. Ha ha ha ha, I say!!

    I am not impressed with Payless Shoes. After confirming Wednesday that they had LO's dress shoes in stock and that the price was $14.99 and I could use my $6 off coupon, DH was charged $39.99 Thursday night. Of course the store is two hours away, so now I have to find another location and my $6 off coupon is gone, and that is super annoying that she said she would honour the price given. Exactly what price was she referring to?

  14. #119
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning All,
    Our trip to Costco was a great success and by this I mean we did not come home with a lot of extras. I find I always have a small panic attack at cash when they tell me the total and I have to remind myself on most of these items we are now stocked up for at least 3 to 6 months if not more.

    Lately we have been buying more and more of our household items there. I find when items like Downy, Paper Towel and various other items that when they go on sale you cannot beat this price and you are stocked up for quite some time. Also on certain items since we have to use a specific brand, we have to use Downy due to my skin issues and we have to use Finish in our Dishwasher or our dishes to do not come out clean. It works our a lot easier to buy at Costco vs constantly watching the sales since it is becoming harder and harder to price match lately so I seem to be trying to run to 5 stores a week and I just cannot keep up with my schedule.

    Has anyone else has issues with Price Matching lately? Our local No Frills is constantly changing who they will and will not price match and in all honesty it makes no sense. Going in one direction they will price match stores that are a 45+ min drive and we do not even get the flyers for here but other stores that are only a 20 minute drive and we get their flyers in our paper they will not match anymore. They say they did a survey (funny I was never asked on any of my trips) and have found people will drive the stores 45+ minutes away but won't drive to the stores 20 minutes away. Personally I think this is the lie when you look at it they are willing to price match the higher end stores further away which do not offer the same savings the closer stores offer. Plus last time I was in the cashier refused my price match of sour cream for $1.48/tub at RCSS (25 minutes away and we get their flyer) but told me I could Price Match Independent for $2.49/tub (45 minute drive and we don't get their flyer). Seemed a little off to me.

    Oh well, time to get back to my day and try to get my presentation for next week done. Have a great day everyone.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  15. #120
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyAshley View Post
    Has anyone else has issues with Price Matching lately? Our local No Frills is constantly changing who they will and will not price match and in all honesty it makes no sense. Going in one direction they will price match stores that are a 45+ min drive and we do not even get the flyers for here but other stores that are only a 20 minute drive and we get their flyers in our paper they will not match anymore. They say they did a survey (funny I was never asked on any of my trips) and have found people will drive the stores 45+ minutes away but won't drive to the stores 20 minutes away. Personally I think this is the lie when you look at it they are willing to price match the higher end stores further away which do not offer the same savings the closer stores offer. Plus last time I was in the cashier refused my price match of sour cream for $1.48/tub at RCSS (25 minutes away and we get their flyer) but told me I could Price Match Independent for $2.49/tub (45 minute drive and we don't get their flyer). Seemed a little off to me.
    I think it's certainly hit or miss sometimes. Some cashiers have an idea in their head of a certain price they won't go below, or if the price says save up to $x.xx, they won't allow you to save more than that. Other cashiers will PM if you just tell them the price. They don't even care to see the ad. Some cashiers scrutinize the coupon, and hand it back if you have more than one per transaction, others will take as many as you're purchasing in the same transaction. That's one of the reasons why I take so long at the store. I'll wait an extra half hour not to get hassled at the register for something I know should be allowed.

    Once the new baby comes, I'm sure I won't be able to, but until then, I think I will try to save my nickel and dimes since we have been spending so much lately.

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