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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #20446
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    Good morning @GoJays
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  2. #20447
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    morning all.

    Last edited by danger_dan; Fri, Aug 14th, 2020 at 07:45 AM.
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  3. #20448
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    i'm done.
    i'm finishing up this one last email and shutting the computer down.

    people (not my SC family here) are f***ing ridiculous "requesting" things at work an hour or two before they need them done.
    I'm still backlogged from my week off, and I'm not just dropping my other work so you can f***ing get away early on a Friday. F***ing deal with it.

    sorry, need ed to vent.
    Have a wonderful weekend folks.
    Natalka, Silk, Lynn49 and 3 others like this.

  4. #20449
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    ^^^ you vent man! @danger_dan you take your weekend and enjoy the R & R, there is always next week.

    This a.m. I awoke with one of those " hard to swallow " throats, which can often mean the start of strep! argh!!
    Been trying to get some extra sleep and using my Cepacol lozenges to fight it off.
    We'll see if that helps any.
    Silk, Lynn49 and GoJays like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  5. #20450
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Happy noonhour!

    Didn't have much of a sleep, hoping I can nap soon.

    Around suppertime, got a message from my son to not make nor order food in, he said he would bring it. I
    So he shows up with boxes and boxes from a local company which is a butcher shop which does a lot of catering. It was food from my siblings - why? My sister told. Milan flowers were nice but you can't eat them.

    However, there are only three of us. There was a huge tray of sliced meat, cheeses, three dozen buns, huge veggie and dip tray, squares and cookies, and a box of appies.
    Last edited by Natalka; Sat, Aug 15th, 2020 at 07:43 PM.

  6. #20451
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    Hi @Natalka - In a previous post you talked about having a "a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." I was just wondering if you know that's the name of a children's book? It's called Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. It's a cute book. And that was my life these past 2 weeks - I walked around saying "I'm having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week"

    Here's to better days ahead for the both of us - for all of us!

    Have a Wonderful, Incredible, Fantastic, Glorious Weekend, Everyone!
    Natalka, ROMEO, Lynn49 and 1 others like this.
    Have a great life!

  7. #20452
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    Rant away, @danger_dan - Love it I did the same yesterday - but in my journal. The language was too 'salty' for public ears I rarely use foul language so I even surprised myself!

    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    i'm done.
    i'm finishing up this one last email and shutting the computer down.

    people (not my SC family here) are f***ing ridiculous "requesting" things at work an hour or two before they need them done.
    I'm still backlogged from my week off, and I'm not just dropping my other work so you can f***ing get away early on a Friday. F***ing deal with it.

    sorry, need ed to vent.
    Have a wonderful weekend folks.
    ROMEO likes this.
    Have a great life!

  8. #20453
    Know what matters...
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    Thanks @GoJays for your posts. Gave me some much-needed laughs. Was going to pick a favorite but too many to pick just one (Tried to rep you but apparently I haven't spread it around enough.. )
    Natalka and GoJays like this.
    Have a great life!

  9. #20454
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hello my friends! As I have been saying lately, Tootie has been "off her oats". Turns out that she has blood in her urine which could be Crystal's that might be cured with an 14 day antibiotic shot which she will get tomorrow morning. Next possibility- stones for which she might need surgery last possibility- bladder cancer for which there is not much to be done.

    I'm in despair and, of course, praying for the best. Poor muffin has been in pain. So please say a prayer for my little girlie or send us your healing thoughts.

    Thanks in advance!
    cabmonk, GoJays and walkonby like this.

  10. #20455
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    @avoncallingu hey I’m around sometimes but I’m often just worn out. I’ll try to be around more often. One issue for me. I’ll type a long thread and move the screen to see what I wrote. Then it will snap back and everything is gone. My anxiety can’t take things like that. Or constantly typing the wrong thing and because of the small keyboard on a phone it takes forever to type something it gets frustrating. Hope everyone has a good weekend though.
    Silk, walkonby and Shwa Girl like this.

  11. #20456
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Hello my friends! As I have been saying lately, Tootie has been "off her oats". Turns out that she has blood in her urine which could be Crystal's that might be cured with an 14 day antibiotic shot which she will get tomorrow morning. Next possibility- stones for which she might need surgery last possibility- bladder cancer for which there is not much to be done.

    I'm in despair and, of course, praying for the best. Poor muffin has been in pain. So please say a prayer for my little girlie or send us your healing thoughts.

    Thanks in advance!
    Good morning @avoncallingu so sorry to hear that Tootie is in pain . Praying that the antibiotics work and she is back to her self soon will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers as I know that this will be a difficult time for you
    cabmonk likes this.

  12. #20457
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Chat later!
    DD cutting my hair shortly. Yay!
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  13. #20458
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Ok, back and gorgeous again!

    @avoncallingu , I hope Tootie's problems turn out to be minor and that she's back to her sweet, healthy self very soon.

    Jenny has been listless lately, tries but can't go up stairs, even to hop on and off our low deck. She saw the vet a couple of days ago, nothing obvious to note, her weepy eye is just that, no blockage, her recurring ear blockage is back, so more drops and cleaning to be done. Odd those 2 problems are both on the left side. Could be arthritis, so we have antibiotic drops to give her each morning. It has put a bit more of a trot in her step, but by the evening she struggles again.
    She goes back in 2 weeks if she's not improved.

    @danger_dan , I feel so sorry when management mismanages their staff, and it seems that's what you're up against. Just continue to give them your best, but don't let them intimidate and push you around. Perhaps a serious conversation with someone might help? Enjoy your well-earned weekend!

    @walkonby , tea with unpasteurized honey (which has antibiotic and antifungal prooerties) or just let that honey drip down your throat. I hope this doesn't turn into strep.

    Another day on the island, everyone but me will be at the beach, keeping distances of course, but I can't do it, so I'll be here in air conditioned comfort until we all get together for games after dinner. We enjoyed guitars and singing at the campfire last night, so another evening of music tonight.

    Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Sat, Aug 15th, 2020 at 01:56 PM.
    Natalka, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  14. #20459
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    ^^^ you vent man! @danger_dan you take your weekend and enjoy the R & R, there is always next week.

    This a.m. I awoke with one of those " hard to swallow " throats, which can often mean the start of strep! argh!!
    Been trying to get some extra sleep and using my Cepacol lozenges to fight it off.
    We'll see if that helps any.
    @walkonby hope your throat feels better .My remedy usually be some hot ginger tea with lemon and honey
    Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  15. #20460
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    i'm done.
    i'm finishing up this one last email and shutting the computer down.

    people (not my SC family here) are f***ing ridiculous "requesting" things at work an hour or two before they need them done.
    I'm still backlogged from my week off, and I'm not just dropping my other work so you can f***ing get away early on a Friday. F***ing deal with it.

    sorry, need ed to vent.
    Have a wonderful weekend folks.
    @danger_dan you are allowed to be upset. Sometimes people we work with has no consideration and like to take advantage of a person good nature glad you take a stand and did not drop everything to please them
    Lynn49 and danger_dan like this.

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