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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #196
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Hello every1. I've been so very busy, but had to pop in to say hi, and see what's been going on. OMG

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  2. #197
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    @22hicks, our DD has a miserable cold and they all rely on Buckey's liquid...she says it's the only way she can get a decent night's sleep, it helps her congestion and breathing so much....Are you though your antibiotics? Maybe that stuff will help you at night....
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    I'm still shaking!!!!

    I was in the recroom doing some crafting when I heard a loud thud upstairs and Jenny

    started barking wildly....and she didn't stop barking. So I went upstairs and omg, the heavy smell of some guy's cologne was at the top of the stairs! Like Drakkar Noir! Jenny came up to me, not barking, so I opened the front door and our neighbour was shovelling his driveway..I asked him if he saw anyone, and told him what happened and he said he'd stay there with my front door open while I looked around the house, making sure the back door was locked, etc, and by then that scent had totally disappeared!

    Honestly, it was like walking into a cloud of that type of cologne, it would give you a headache!
    Anyway....nothing amiss, but I don't think my heart is going to stop pounding for a while....

    I won't be going downstairs again, that's for certain! I really am still shaking.....that heavy, thick scent!!!! It's like I can still smell it, it was that strong!

    What on earth do you make of it?!!! It's been about 5 minutes and my heart is still pounding and I'm shaking!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    ^^^ NOT the kind of thoughts I want to think ( you having a stroke! ) , but then again thinking a stranger was in your house is no more of a comfort either. Keep us posted.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Walks, I'm still shaking, I was that scared. Then I thought: who would break in wearing THAT heavy a cologne?!!
    Quote Originally Posted by thriftygranny View Post
    A cologne thief with really bad taste in colonge?? Was your door unlocked? Sounds like he came in a realized someone was home or the barking deterred him. any foot prints in the snow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Oh, Lynn, how scary - and odd...
    Quote Originally Posted by lecale View Post
    Did an air freshener fall over?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    @Natalka, I don't recall being that scared in a very long time!!
    @lecale, no air fresheners in the house at all...I had a roast cooking, but whew! That men's cologne overpowered everything!
    Quote Originally Posted by FallenPixels View Post
    Make sure you lock with deadbolts etc. If you really do think someone was in the house and you have keys hanging/in a bowl sometimes they just make quick copies to come back too
    Quote Originally Posted by dededi View Post
    @Lynn49 OMG that even made me shake when i read your post. When ever i'm home alone i make sure all locks and deadbolts are locked. Hope you are OK!
    Quote Originally Posted by cabmonk View Post
    @Lynn49 that's crazy I hope you are ok tonight. Just be careful and maybe get neighbours to be on the lookout for someone next few days or ask if anyone has anything missing. Maybe it was a ghost lol. The guys on ghost adventures thought sometthing had hissed at them and were freaking out until they realized it was an automatic scent spray that is motion actived lol. hope you rest well tonight.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Thank you, everyone...I also keep all our steel doors double bolted, and .I was only a few feet from the back door...our neighbour was just outside out front door, so absolutely no one came in, thank God. I sometimes smell flowers, esp in the car, and someone once told that was an angel, or someone from the past.....kind of spooky spiritualism. But Drakkar N-o-i-r? ( kept wanting to autocorrect to Nair! Lol!) "Tis a mystery......
    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    Good morning Fam.
    @Lynn49 , what a fright you must have had. Stranger breaking in, stroke, Jenny letting one heck of a doggy toot off with a strong cologne scent and scaring herself...whatever it was I'm glad you're alright.
    Oh @Lynn49 , how terrifying for you. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and alone.

    I'm glad the neighbour was out front, and you've double locked your doors.
    It doesn't sound like a stroke, thank the Lord, but maybe a spirit. Animals are sensitive to them.
    The bang (perhaps a door slamming) then Jenny barking is a sure indication that someone, or something, was there. I have no thoughts about the cologne, but sure sounds like someone came in, then left in a hurry when they found someone home, and a dog barking.

    Bottom line, you're ok, and that's all that really matters.
    I pray that nothing like that happens again.

  3. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22hicks View Post
    Hello every1. I've been so very busy, but had to pop in to say hi, and see what's been going on. OMG

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    Good morning, @22hicks !!

    Maybe global warming hasn't hit Saskatchewan yet? We're not as lucky as you southerners,'s -11 now, going up to -9....sigh....still no signs of spring...

  4. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by 22hicks View Post
    Oh @Lynn49, how terrifying for you. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and alone.

    I'm glad the neighbour was out front, and you've double locked your doors.
    It doesn't sound like a stroke, thank the Lord, but maybe a spirit. Animals are sensitive to them.
    The bang (perhaps a door slamming) then Jenny barking is a sure indication that someone, or something, was there. I have no thoughts about the cologne, but sure sounds like someone came in, then left in a hurry when they found someone home, and a dog barking.

    Bottom line, you're ok, and that's all that really matters.
    I pray that nothing like that happens again.
    Thank you, @22hicks , I just noticed your post....nope, not even a remote possibility that anyone came in, the doors are always double-bolted, thank goodness...I'm the most paranoid person around, so that's never a problem and the cologne was at the side door just above the staircase where my craft table is..just a couple of metres away.
    I guess it was a lost first thought was of our DD's former boyfriend...I thought, "Oh, heavens, I hope he's okay!!"

    DH just left to do a grocery run and I'm not going back downstairs to my crafting table.
    Something like that....ya don't forget easily.

  5. #200
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    hicks - glad you could pop in - if you are still coughing, maybe it's time to get a cough syrup with codeine - I know it's a last resort, but it works; I used to get bronchitis lots, and it's all that would help. Here we have to ask for it at the pharmacy, it's not a prescription, but you have to sign for it.

    Global warming, no. Climate change, sure.

    It has gotten warmer, windchill is only -34. Bonus of these crazy cold days is the beautiful shining sun and clear skies!

  6. #201
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    I've been working my tail off. Did my friend's grocery shopping, since he still can't drive, and took him to his doctor's appt.

    Yesterday started in ernest on the Christmas decorations.
    Well the last are now packed away, I even took down my own tree & got it downstairs, but not put away. My back is objecting.

    Then started a good cleaning and putting 'stuff' back where they belong. Not done yet, but going to get something to eat first. I can't find some of the knick knacks I'd put somewhere to make room for the Xmas decorations. Annoying.

    The minister, and a few parishioners are coming over tomorrow but I'm no where near finished the cleaning, and I wanted to do some baking. But I'm not sure I can handle much more, so I may have to visit a bakery tomorrow.

    Ok, the oven buzzer just went off. I hope you enjoy your evening.

  7. #202
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    ^^^ @22hicks ....You are making me tired!! I know what it is like when you like things " just so " for visitors. Hope your back allows you to continue. Seems like the day is over but it is just barely evening?? Think my 8 a.m. appt today caused this!!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  8. #203
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    So scary, power was just off for five minutes. Scary because with these awfully cold temps, it would be insane if it were longer. Made me ensure I knew where the flashlights and candles were, anyway, and got the portable radio ready.

    The first winter we were in this house, the power went out for like five or six hours on a minus thirty or so evening and into the night- I had never been so cold in a house ever, it was just nuts.

    Praying we have power for the evening and night - things are supposed to be warming up starting tomorrow.

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  9. #204
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Nat for a minute I thought you were going to say scary because of lynn's story.

    Anyway I finally went ahead and ordered my bean bag chair and an ottoman to go with it.
    Total came to $228. I got $150 more pay from christmas then I thought and jan 27th is a $150 bonus. Would have been $225 but we missed our sales targets for october.

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  10. #205
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    cabmonk you must have a very fit back to commit to sitting that close to the ground. Yoga master?

    Hicks I still have my xmas mini lights up and they are not coming down until it stops going black outside at a ridiculous hour. I hope the neighbours don't think we're crazy lol but we are in a shady spot to begin with, and every twinkle of light is needed these days.

  11. #206
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Lol, I had a really small kids bean bag which was great for watching movies. So this should be much better.

  12. #207
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    Lynn- I have just been catching up. How awful that you had to go through this scary situation.! I would certainly mention it to your doctor. I don't know if you remember a commercial on TV that had the woman saying that she always "smelled burnt toast" but I can't remember what was causing her to have this happen.

    Please look into it.

    Worried about the situation. Don't want you to be scared in your home!
    Here's to all you great SC'ers
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  13. #208
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    @Natalka - I'm glad you got that warning, just in case. Fingers crossed you don't need them though.
    Hey, I seem to remember you having a power failure, either last winter, or the one before. You being so cold, wrapped in blankets, etc. Was that just a dream?

  14. #209
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    ^^^ @22hicks ....You are making me tired!! I know what it is like when you like things " just so " for visitors. Hope your back allows you to continue. Seems like the day is over but it is just barely evening?? Think my 8 a.m. appt today caused this!!
    I know how you feel. The house is almost done. I just have to wash the hardwood floors, and I'll do them in the morning. They can be drying while I walk Jake.
    It's 9:30 - I should start my baking, but I REALLY don't feel like it. My back is killing me, so I don't know if I can stand for another couple of hours. We'll see.

  15. #210
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Congrats @cabmonk. I hope your back will tolerate that bean bag chair as well as you think it will.

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