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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #24661
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    good morning everyone.
    Lynn49, GoJays and walkonby like this.

  2. #24662
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Good morning all!
    Tomorrow is Happy Rescue Day ( 5th month Anniversary! ) for Frankie Feathers!

    On June 20th ( yes, Father's Day ) , DH found this wee lump of a mostly featherless bird on our walkway and since then he has hopped his way ( a lame leg ) into our home and hearts.
    Name:  Frankie.jpg
Views: 246
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    He is still here driving the 2 cats crazy.

    Name:  Hey there.jpg
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    I figured I'd post this today in case I get distracted tomorrow.
    Last edited by walkonby; Fri, Nov 19th, 2021 at 02:08 PM. Reason: eeks, needed to clarify it's a 5 months anniversary.
    Skippy, Natalka, Lynn49 and 3 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  3. #24663
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Wishing you all a good week end
    Natalka likes this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  4. #24664
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Good morning all!
    Tomorrow is Happy Rescue Day ( 5th month Anniversary! ) for Frankie Feathers!

    On June 20th ( yes, Father's Day ) , DH found this wee lump of a mostly featherless bird on our walkway and since then he has hopped his way ( a lame leg ) into our home and hearts.
    Name:  Frankie.jpg
Views: 246
Size:  88.8 KB

    He is still here driving the 2 cats crazy.

    Name:  Hey there.jpg
Views: 249
Size:  65.8 KB

    I figured I'd post this today in case I get distracted tomorrow.

  5. #24665
    Canadian Guru
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    Happy Saturday all
    @walkonby very cute pic of Frankie you and your family are doing an awesome job being Frankie adopted family
    ROMEO, Lynn49 and walkonby like this.

  6. #24666
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    Just wanted to pop in to wish everyone a great weekend
    Natalka, ROMEO, Lynn49 and 1 others like this.
    Have a great life!

  7. #24667
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Nice to see Frankie!

    Hello, all!

    Moping a bit, not being able to go to our nephew's wedding reception. It was nice to be able to watch the ceremony online, it was here at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral. My BIL, the nephew's uncle, concelebrated with the parish priest, who is also a family friend.
    So my husband has gone, and our son, too.

    About my son... when he was over here earlier in the week, he told me he was wondering how he would feel at this wedding, knowing there were a few people he did not want to see... When he was in elementary school, he was bullied on the school bus and at school by two boys - the two older brothers of the woman my nephew married today. Yup, bullying leaves its mark for a lifetime, Milan is 30.
    At the time, the bus driver knew, it was reported to the teacher and principal - since it was not a one time instance. Nothing was done until I called the mom directly - not that it went anywhere, she didn't believe her little angels would be mean to anyone.

    I am just hoping they don't have to meet tonight...

    My health is the same, similarly crappy as usual.

    Take care, everyone, stay safe and find time for fun!

  8. #24668
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Hi @Natalka ! I hope your son ended up having a good time at the wedding and that everything from his childhood was all water under the bridge. People change, kids grow up
    Lynn49, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  9. #24669
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  10. #24670
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  11. #24671
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning gang.
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  12. #24672
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    Oh, @GoJays , that fly meme...nearly choked on my coffee! Read it to Hubby...isn't it strange how some of them just hit us as far too hilarious sometimes?

    I had a fright last night! I woke to a tapping sound, like woodpecker was tapping on wood very close to the house. Tapping, silence, tapping, silence. I ignored it for a few seconds, then it started again so I pulled up a slat in our blind, nothing. We and neighbours on both sides have big security lights in our back yard, nothing was on. Even a cat can cause them to turn on!
    I slid back into bed to hear Jenny panting. I patted her, then realized she didnt stop. I tried to pull the blanket off her only to discover she had somehow put her head through one on the loops in the blanket on our bed and was CHOKING!!!

    I struggled to free her, then tossed it off our bed! It's one of those huge loopy blankets that became popular this year, but it'll never be on the bed or anywhere near her again! It'll likely be washed and donated.
    But WHERE did that tapping come from that woke me to her struggle?!

    Who would suspect something like that?! Hubby of course, slept through all the drama.

    Our friends in Abbotsford are still evacuated, expecting more rain today; their home is safe so far.

    @Natalka , kids are little s. Most of them grow out of it and I hope that's what happened to Milan's tormentors; unfortunately the survivors never do.
    Our DD once asked our GS if he was ever bullied in school and he laughed and just said, "I'd like to see them try!" I hope Milan was able to enjoy the reception.

    Hubby is 3/4 of the way painting our main floor areas "Chantilly White", such a beautiful change from taupe!

    Enjoy your day, everyone! Whatever's going on, we're safe in our homes. Except for digs and loopy blankets.
    Last edited by Lynn49; Mon, Nov 22nd, 2021 at 10:38 AM.
    Skippy, GoJays, walkonby and 1 others like this.

  13. #24673
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 my heart was in my throat reading about Jenny's very near what could have been fatal choking! I am so relieved that you caught it all in time. Yup. blanket be gone! it'll serve another well I'm sure.
    Interior painting under way? I for one am jealous. Makes such a fresh re-new. Enjoy your Chantilly-White coloured walls.

    What a crazy start to my day. I woke up just before 10 a.m. so I've not even brewed a coffee yet. Instead I dashed down the stairs once I read the clock to uncover Frankie. DH took off before 9:30 to begin 2 visits, one to the dentist and the other for knee xrays and ultrasounds.
    Last night we were enjoying the Leaf game when it hit us that neither of us had performed Frankie's nighttime ritual, so it was after 9:30 before he got his cage all covered up. DH mentioned that we should let him sleep in the next day to make up for that, so in reality my sleeping in was perfect! lol.

    Hoping to go to Cineplex later this afternoon to see Ghostbusters Afterlife. Will depend on DH's sleep barometer. No point going if he is going to doze off halfway through it. We have to head out that way to buy more meal worms anyways, so fingers crossed we see the flick.

    Carry on as if it's NOT a Monday, those days bring many down.
    Skippy, Lynn49, GoJays and 1 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  14. #24674
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    "Hoping to go to Cineplex later this afternoon to see Ghostbusters Afterlife. Will depend on DH's sleep barometer. No point going if he is going to doze off halfway through it. We have to head out that way to buy more meal worms anyways, so fingers crossed we see the flick."

    I'd just get popcorn or a chocolate bar, but you do you
    Last edited by alex78; Mon, Nov 22nd, 2021 at 05:50 PM.
    GoJays, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  15. #24675
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    @Lynn49 my heart was in my throat reading about Jenny's very near what could have been fatal choking! I am so relieved that you caught it all in time. Yup. blanket be gone! it'll serve another well I'm sure.
    Interior painting under way? I for one am jealous. Makes such a fresh re-new. Enjoy your Chantilly-White coloured walls.

    What a crazy start to my day. I woke up just before 10 a.m. so I've not even brewed a coffee yet. Instead I dashed down the stairs once I read the clock to uncover Frankie. DH took off before 9:30 to begin 2 visits, one to the dentist and the other for knee xrays and ultrasounds.
    Last night we were enjoying the Leaf game when it hit us that neither of us had performed Frankie's nighttime ritual, so it was after 9:30 before he got his cage all covered up. DH mentioned that we should let him sleep in the next day to make up for that, so in reality my sleeping in was perfect! lol.

    Hoping to go to Cineplex later this afternoon to see Ghostbusters Afterlife. Will depend on DH's sleep barometer. No point going if he is going to doze off halfway through it. We have to head out that way to buy more meal worms anyways, so fingers crossed we see the flick.

    Carry on as if it's NOT a Monday, those days bring many down.
    @walkonby , if there hadn't been a knock-knock-knocking somewhere, I wouldn't even have been aware of her breathing!!! Our fur and feather babies, huh? So precious to us.

    I'm still staying away from movie theatres, but I can't wait until ENCANTA comes to Disney+! I really want to see it...loved the Coco one and The Book of Life...this one looks even better!!

    Only one wall left to paint! Boy the kids will be shocked when we invite them over for dinner or just Prosecco and appys and they realize they have that weekend free that they've put aside to "help" my Hubby paint, lol!! I can't wait!!

    Sweet evening, everyone!
    walkonby and danger_dan like this.

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