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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #25066
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    Bring a chair, cause it's gonna be a loooooong wait, since 85% of new cases are from those with double-dose inoculation.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  2. #25067
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Double-vaxxed aren't DYING in those numbers, however. Getting ill is one thing, but dying is quite another.
    Which is the point of @GoJays post.

    As of December 18, 2021, there have been around 8,013 confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 among unvaccinated Canadians since the start of the national vaccination campaign in December 2020. In contrast, just 1,077 (10.2%) COVID-19 deaths were reported among those with full vaccination status during the same time period. This statistic illustrates the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths in Canada from December 14, 2020 to December 18, 2021, by vaccination status.
    Natalka, harbie, GoJays and 1 others like this.

  3. #25068
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    Do you want to go to war Belakey? 'Cause we can go to war...

    I love this! Thanks for the reminder.

    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    here's what my schedule looks like for the foreseeable future...

    side note...
    anytime I hear role call...I think of this skit:

    have a great afternoon everyone.
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  4. #25069
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Double-vaxxed aren't DYING in those numbers, however. Getting ill is one thing, but dying is quite another.
    Which is the point of @GoJays post.

    As of December 18, 2021, there have been around 8,013 confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 among unvaccinated Canadians since the start of the national vaccination campaign in December 2020. In contrast, just 1,077 (10.2%) COVID-19 deaths were reported among those with full vaccination status during the same time period. This statistic illustrates the number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths in Canada from December 14, 2020 to December 18, 2021, by vaccination status.
    Lynn49, GoJays and danger_dan like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  5. #25070
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    My 2 cents

    Name:  Screenshot (741).png
Views: 167
Size:  214.3 KB
    Natalka, harbie, Lynn49 and 3 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  6. #25071
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    you can't inject heroin into your veins because that's against the public good
    Absolutely false. There is no law under the Criminal Code of Canada to prohibit this action. The Code criminalizes possession, production, and distribution of heroin.

    Otherwise, he is correct about private property rights; owners get to decide, rightly or wrongly, the terms and conditions for access to their property. But it's ownership rights and not public good, however owners may try to mask their decisions.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  7. #25072
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Hi everyone.
    Will make this fast since I don't know how long my tablet will allow me to actually type.

    Hoping the new year is going great for all of you!

    Things here are crap, health-wise, for both of us. Sigh.

    Weather wise, we were stuck in a stinking hellhole of a polar vortex, -50 windchill is no fun. Averaging -30s to -40s since before Christmas. The last week of it we had trouble with pipes freezing.

    We have a respite now - in the teens, and maybe even minus single digits.

    Love to you all. You know which ones of you!
    Skippy, Lynn49, GoJays and 4 others like this.

  8. #25073
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    Bring a chair, cause it's gonna be a loooooong wait, since 85% of new cases are from those with double-dose inoculation.
    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    Absolutely false. There is no law under the Criminal Code of Canada to prohibit this action. The Code criminalizes possession, production, and distribution of heroin.

    Otherwise, he is correct about private property rights; owners get to decide, rightly or wrongly, the terms and conditions for access to their property. But it's ownership rights and not public good, however owners may try to mask their decisions.
    OMG! What is your issue??? You argue every comment and post anyone makes! Not just here, but other threads as well! Sometimes the post is just meant to be funny! Don't find it funny? Move along! You completely missed the point of my meme yet you felt the need to chime in and made yourself look foolish in the process.
    Natalka, harbie, Lynn49 and 5 others like this.

  9. #25074
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  10. #25075
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    God love ya Gordon Ramsay
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  11. #25076
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    OMG! What is your issue??? You argue every comment and post anyone makes! Not just here, but other threads as well! Sometimes the post is just meant to be funny! Don't find it funny? Move along! You completely missed the point of my meme yet you felt the need to chime in and made yourself look foolish in the process.
    Sigh, when mis-information is posted, it needs to be identified as such. Otherwise, you get fools who do things like walk around in public expecting that their double-dose inoculation is somehow protecting them and others from infection. In this age of mis-/dis-information, there are just too many willing to spread ignorance (deliberately or otherwise) and waaay too many gullible individuals who will accept it as truth and act accordingly, often in dangerous ways.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  12. #25077
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    Good morning all.
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  13. #25078
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning gang.
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  14. #25079
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @HermanH ? BLOCKED. No one voted you in as police chief, most of your posts are negative and knit-picking, and you assume we're all gullible, imbiciles in need of direction and protection.
    I won't be seeing your posts from now on, and certainly not responding. Bye-bye.

    Good morning!!

    Oh, boy, there's a shiny thing in the sky this morning! I wish someone could explain to me what it is!!! Bwahahaha!

    Another fun day playing with my cricut, exercising grey cells, and counting the days until Spring.
    66 days.

    Not much going on, still can't believe kids are being tossed together in schools unvaxxed, vulnerable...but hey! They need socialization! I just don't get it.

    Gordon Ramsey.....not a fan, but wow, good on him!! Lol! It is a little disturbing however, that he read it at all.

    @GoJays ....thank you for posting what we all thought!! Blocking is the way to go....he can post to the wind!

    Enjoy your day, everyone! I hope you all have a shiny thing in your skies today!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Thu, Jan 13th, 2022 at 11:31 AM.
    Natalka, harbie, GoJays and 3 others like this.

  15. #25080
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    YES!!!! ^^^^^ Blocked is the solution.

    So my left knee is back to normal! The milder temps must be what allowed this miracle to occur and I am very grateful.
    Knee brace, heating pad and tense machine are all back in cupboard and NO Tylenol.
    I may even bake or cook today!
    Since the weekend the guys have " gotten by " on leftovers and some bakery fresh kaisers with oven roasted turkey meat.

    No flyers on my deck yet, but tbh....I'm not venturing out despite the fact that DH has just a single spotted banana remaining. No banana for him on Friday if he takes this one into work today.

    Frankie has had kiwi, plum and a sesame snap placed in his cage over the last few days. He is hilarious! The little fart is small but he picks up and tosses things around the cage that are unfamiliar. Then he might approach and try to nibble them.
    Oh brother..... this constant ripping strips of paper towel off the bottom of the cage ( that is what I use on the bottom ) is weird. Don't females do that when they are trying to make a nest?

    Frankie? are you a girl?
    Natalka, harbie, Lynn49 and 3 others like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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