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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #25246
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Cannot believe we have to brace for another " digging out " scenario. Thanks ( I think ? ) @danger_dan for that bit of news. Yeah I " liked " your post reluctantly but that doesn't mean I'll forget....hee hee.

    The 3 of us here finally made it to the top of the Rexall wait-list for the booster! Of COURSE they contacted us now when I'm still getting through this tooth thing and have managed to get a sore throat that has me sounding like Kathleen Turner.

    The thing is you must respond and book a date/time within 24 hrs. of getting that email or they remove your name from the list.
    There were NO weekend spots open, so the nightshift workers have to conform to day people hours and pay the price in lost sleep.
    It was this or not get the booster.

    Happy Happy Joy Joy!!
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  2. #25247
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    I don't like your post @danger_dan, however I "liked" your post
    i get it. "sorry...not sorry" vibe.
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  3. #25248
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning...we're in for +-1 cm on Tuesday, so whew, all that digging out! Finally it's my turn to tease you all down south; the shoe is usually on the other foot. However, I do hope the snowfall is less not more.

    It appears that the Ottawa police are scared to ticket anyone or charge the yahoos for anything in Ottawa. If we all decided to honk our car horns all night you can be damn sure the police will be at our door! Just try voiding outside on a monument, walking in and out of stores without a mask intimidating staff! Chicken crap police!

    Well, @GoJays , I couldn't agree with you more....I just can't anymore, either....bring on another great flood! I catch enough of the news in the morning to find out if the world is still revolving, then it's on to the history/discovery/ sports channels.

    Stay well, everyone, as best you can.
    GoJays, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  4. #25249
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnb56789 View Post
    I still currently work at RCSS (St.Catharines) as a Full-Time Night Grocery Clerk.
    I wonder if some of the stocking/staff problem at RCSS is self-inflicted.

    My favourite Girl Friday at RCSS is leaving after 10 years. She tried to get full-time hours, but they kept limiting her to hours just-short of full-time status. She is more than willing to work, but they refuse to give her more. She has made it clear to RCSS that she wants to work and a full-time position, but says that they continually give full-time positions to others. So, after 10 years, she is giving up and going to screen luggage at the airport.

    The news reports businesses whining and complaining about staff shortages, but how much of that is simply intransigence on the employers' part? They could pay overtime, create new full-time positions, or increase wages. Instead, they want to maintain the cheap pool of labour and their profit margins. Grocery chains like Loblaws reported record profits for 2020.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  5. #25250
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    i get it. "sorry...not sorry" vibe.

  6. #25251
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    I wonder if some of the stocking/staff problem at RCSS is self-inflicted.

    My favourite Girl Friday at RCSS is leaving after 10 years. She tried to get full-time hours, but they kept limiting her to hours just-short of full-time status. She is more than willing to work, but they refuse to give her more. She has made it clear to RCSS that she wants to work and a full-time position, but says that they continually give full-time positions to others. So, after 10 years, she is giving up and going to screen luggage at the airport.

    The news reports businesses whining and complaining about staff shortages, but how much of that is simply intransigence on the employers' part? They could pay overtime, create new full-time positions, or increase wages. Instead, they want to maintain the cheap pool of labour and their profit margins. Grocery chains like Loblaws reported record profits for 2020.

    Our staffing/stocking problem is DEFINITELY self-inflicted. Pay is not great for part-timers, although I will say our department is so short that virtually EVERY part-timer (ALL 5 OF THEM) is at 40hrs/week. But the problem is in the wording of our contract, even if something happens where they work more than 13 weeks at 40hrs, the chance of arguing the creation of another full-time position for them is 0%.

    Overtime seems to have been happening a lot more lately (especially with COVID). Before, there was almost NEVER OT, but before COVID we were properly staffed... Now, we will get the occasionally OT approved, but never much (MAYBE one extra person once a week).

    I got EXTREMELY lucky with my Full-Time position, getting it after 2.5 years... It NORMALLY takes about 5-6 years to get Full-Time at most Loblaw stores, IF YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT DEPARTMENT!. I know some people in my store with OVER 12 YEARS as Part-Timers, with NO POTENTIAL TO MOVE UP IN THEIR DEPARTMENTS... Some departments don't even have full-timers aside from Department Managers. It seems Grocery Overnights is the EASIEST department to move up to full-time in, then move on to something else from there. Something I was trying to do (Grocery Overnights Full-Time INTO PC Express Assistant Manager), but even sometimes it doesn't work.

    All-in-all, Loblaw (At least RCSS from what I have experienced), does not care about loyal employees and will just try to keep themselves filled with "cheap" part timers wherever possible...

    /My little bit of ranting over

  7. #25252
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Leafs came from behind and won!! 6-4 Broke the Devils hearts I bet! Matthews gets his 400th point and a hat trick to boot, o.k. the 3rd goal was an empty net goal BUT we'll take it. Bo fans in our stands so a single hat was tossed on the ice by someone?
    Best part is we get a repeat on Tuesday with the same team! Leafs travel to their rink this time.

    So far no white stuff here?? Did I brace myself for nothing or will it sneak in flake by flake while I sleep? Either way I am not venturing out tomorrow. Nighty night everyone!!
    Lynn49 and GoJays like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  8. #25253
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnb56789 View Post
    Our staffing/stocking problem is DEFINITELY self-inflicted.
    Thanks for the RCSS insight. Looks like it is a systemic RCSS problem. You don't have to work at RCSS to see some of their problems. I told my Girl Friday that they don't deserve someone like her and congratulated her on making the move. She is going to stay part-time with 2 shifts a week or so, just to maintain her employee discount. She said that her dad would never allow/forgive her for giving up the discount.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  9. #25254
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  10. #25255
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  11. #25256
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  12. #25257
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Hmm. I don't know why that one is so small. Anyway, whatever. @walkonby , the snow/rain/slush is supposed to start sometime tomorrow morning, after raining the entire night... gross, then the temperature dips in the afternoon and it begins in earnest
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  13. #25258
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    Good morning all
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  14. #25259
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning all.
    Bracing for the white stuff!
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  15. #25260
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, all! -2 here, expecting 0-1cm of snow...guess Hubby best rev up his snowblower!

    @GoJays , you've outdone yourself this morning...that "offended" one just shows us how soft as well as self-centered we've become...not like us on here, of course. Just pampered weaklings, life's now too easy for most of us and we expect more and more by doing less and less. Meanwhile TV shows are pushing wealthy bimbos misbehaving in luxury and making so many people feel they deserve it, too, yet don't have the bodies to attract sugar-daddys. They see fake shows of 20-somethings fake-buying million dollar homes with no mention of how they make money. Love the meme about...."he sharpens coloured pencils on weekends, and she's a stay-at-home mom", lol!
    It's all out there and dumbasses want it, cant find it, and become unhappy complainers. They hate their own lives and like unhappy people do, they make sure everyone else is, too.
    (The shrink elegantly hops off her podium)

    JAYS, I never knew that about Bosnia! So nevermind swimming, no port access for goods without the good (?) grace's of Croatia?! Wow!😳

    Ok! I was going to join Hubby on his and Jenny's walk today, but big wind isn't fun with my breathing now, if it settles down later, it'll be balmy enough to head out

    Enjoy the day, everyone!!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Tue, Feb 1st, 2022 at 11:33 AM.
    Natalka, GoJays, walkonby and 1 others like this.

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