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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #25456
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    good morning everyone.
    Another week...

    I do believe that I've given my contact info to a few of you here...If I haven't already, feel free to reach out.
    I'd hate for things to just end one day out of the blue to to loose contact with such a wonderful family we've become

    any who...back to the grind.

  2. #25457
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    I dont know how to work Instagram.樂
    I didn't either but it's easy to learn. And if you don't want to see someone or someone to see you, you can block them ENTIRELY
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  3. #25458
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  4. #25459
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  5. #25460
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    And a bonus because I was late today...

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  6. #25461
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    good morning everyone.
    Another week...

    I do believe that I've given my contact info to a few of you here...If I haven't already, feel free to reach out.
    I'd hate for things to just end one day out of the blue to to loose contact with such a wonderful family we've become

    any who...back to the grind.
    Hmmmm, not sure if I have it @danger_dan .....

    Name:  I'm reching out.jpg
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  7. #25462
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone.

    @natalia , I'd hoped you'd touch base with us to let us know how you're doing, but hoping for better news. George is certainly a concern but you both must be so relieved to know that mesh has been repaired. His stomach pain is an issue: has he told his doctors about it? When he was in the hospital, all the resources would have been there to check him out, now I hope he contacts his doctor to determine what's causing his pain.
    So many surgeries have been cancelled, unfortunately. Would you have been able to walk, had your surgery been done? I can imagine the difficulty of thin bones not supporting an appliance like a replaced knee, but I hope your surgeon can find a solution for you. Being in bed, not walking, must be so difficult for you and your boys. Thank heavens for Milan; a generous, kind son and caregiver. But like flemeth asked, I can't believe George was sent home without stronger pain relief, so it makes it essential that you ask your doctor to set up homecare for you both. There just has to be a better way than Milan having to take time off work. Please investigate that.....

    As to Ukraine, I've also walked around for the past few days so close to tears for it's people. To drop bombs onto military facilities is one thing, to kill children and women is unforgivable! May putin rot in hell, but I hope he rots here, soon, the sociomanical devil!

    It's a sunny day here, so in the month that heralds spring, with temperatures moderating , I can't help but feel things just have to and will get better. Or, as a professor once smiled and called me, a " Pollyanna" which I accepted as a compliment, hahaha!

    Take good care, everyone! I wonder if Ontario will completely drop mask-wearing by the end of March...I know so many will be relieved....there are already people walking into stores here without masks and not being confronted at all. So it starts.....
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  8. #25463
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Hmmmm, not sure if I have it @danger_dan .....

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    I think you did, @danger_dan , but that was so long please send again?

    I also don't understand how I CAN hit "like" on the previous page, change the page: nope. Ridiculous. So I'm not ignoring anyone, it's just another irritating glitch on this site!
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  9. #25464
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    It's a sunny day here and less windy. My chore at the moment is trying to figure out if my parents new insurance deal has mail in forms or issues cheques. They appear to want exclusively just take a picture of receipts and upload and just pay by direct deposit, which is fine for me, but isn't how my parents keep their finances. It's these technology types of things that infantilize older people and make them feel useless much faster than they should and also make caregiver types feel overburdened. But hey, I'm sure their insurance company saved a bundle...

    My grandmother was a Ukrainian, born in Krakow when it was not part of Poland. At the end of her life, she only spoke English about half the time which was amazing because she hid speaking it for most of her life. When I finished university I spent a couple years traveling and working in Eastern Europe. Certainly resilient people, as you @Natalka demonstrate.

  10. #25465
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    Good Morning! I am Ukrainian. My parents came to canada in 1950 when i was 9 months old so ive lived all my life in Canada. But i have always identified myself as Ukrainian. Ukrainians are very resliient people. We built up the Prairies. I hate to see whats going on there and i still have family there but weve lost contact over the years. I hope and pray that they stay safe. I pray for Ukrainein the face of Russian agression.

  11. #25466
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    I think you did, @danger_dan , but that was so long please send again?

    I also don't understand how I CAN hit "like" on the previous page, change the page: nope. Ridiculous. So I'm not ignoring anyone, it's just another irritating glitch on this site!
    message sent
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  12. #25467
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Resilient and stealth...all road signs have been changed and gps blocked

    Basically the sign reads: f*** yourself, go f*** yourself, and f*** you russia

    Last edited by Lynn49; Mon, Feb 28th, 2022 at 12:56 PM.
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  13. #25468
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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  14. #25469
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Amazing determination, but it's only the first week. The situation is not likely to improve for months. Hope that they can hold out.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  15. #25470
    Canadian Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    good morning everyone.
    Another week...

    I do believe that I've given my contact info to a few of you here...If I haven't already, feel free to reach out.
    I'd hate for things to just end one day out of the blue to to loose contact with such a wonderful family we've become

    any who...back to the grind.
    @danger_dan don’t think I ever have it. I am not on Facebook book or Instagram

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