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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!
Fri, Aug 26th, 2022, 11:08 AM #26716
Fri, Aug 26th, 2022, 11:24 AM #26717
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morning gang.
Fri, Aug 26th, 2022, 02:51 PM #26718
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oh @GoJays say it ain't so!! I feel your pain wrt your DD leaving for University. Where did the years go eh?
You two must be so proud of her though, and that will help to balance out the heavy drinking you may want to participate in.
Stay strong, and when she phones home DON"T slur your words or she'll know somethings up! lol
( I love to kid )
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Sat, Aug 27th, 2022, 02:06 PM #26719
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Good morning everyone
Sat, Aug 27th, 2022, 02:09 PM #26720
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I’m stalling on getting things done today. Meal prep is on for our bbq today but I have ZERO motivation. I’d prefer just to stay home. It’s not the same being invited out for dinner now that we eat plant based. I end o still having to make dinner only now I have to transport it to. Much easier to stay home.
Now the sun is out and I’d prefer to relax on the deck but I have to get going.
Have a great weekend
Mon, Aug 29th, 2022, 10:23 AM #26721
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It's THAT day again, the day where it all starts to either go downhill or just remains the day of dread after a relaxing weekend. Hoping that all of you had a joyful weekend. We did, as we visited some, ate some, ate some more, then waddled back to the vehicle and home again, home again.... so necessary to fill our emotional tanks.
I snapped a pic this morning while taking Claudius out for his patio stone stroll. So far only these 2 sunflowers ( out of 8 I think ? ) have bloomed in the flower bed. No matter, it sure brought a smile to my face, a simple flower that packs a punch.
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Mon, Aug 29th, 2022, 12:26 PM #26722
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Happy Monday peeps!
Mon, Aug 29th, 2022, 03:11 PM #26723
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Good almost afternoon all.
Start of vacation so not much planned but relaxing.
Mon, Aug 29th, 2022, 04:10 PM #26724
Good day fellow folk of this thread! Hope everyone is off to a good start this week, where has summer gone? Actually it's still here 29 without the humidity 38 with!
Glad I had enough sense to go outback and get some stuff done earlier before the day warmed up.
Had a great time with DS, now I'm still recovering from it all. Lots to do that I had a good reason to ignore. It will get done when it does.
Got a laptop for my birthday which is nice. I just have to remember to use it as have done so long without one.
As I can't remember specifically who said what I will just wish one and all good health and a great week ahead!Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.
Mon, Aug 29th, 2022, 09:31 PM #26725
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Hello, my imaginary friends, as our DD calls you...except for @walkonby , who she has met!
Back from camp just catching up on the news here.. @walkonby mis-behaving as usual, @GoJays , oh my goodness what a transition for you and your family! We're so close to our Daughters that it would absolutely be so hard to let them go!Developing a drinking problem as Walks suggested is one way to cope, to be sure, lol, but I do hope you can find a healthier solution. These days they're never far away with texts, zoom, emails; can you imagine sending them off in the olden days when "poof!" off they went, just phone calls to keep in touch with them.
I wish her the very best in her new school year!!
Our GS will be attending school not 1/2km away where he went to Gr 7, 8, where our kids went, and where my Hubby taught, oh noooo....across town! By bus!!!Leaving ALL his elementary school friends behind!! But, he's looking forward to the new adventure, too!!
It was a gorgeous week at camp, a golf tournament with our 6th Avenue friends...our DD, my Hubby and their 3rd came first and won the tournament, then the pot-luck dinner, then omgosh, THE most fun we've ever had with that stealing gifts game!! it was hilarious and our DD was so amazing, trying to continually steal her first gift, me stealing it for her, etc...they all sure got a kick out of her and want to make sure she participates again next year!
The next weekend is Game Day with so far, about 40 teams signed up for ladder ball, Kam Jam (my favourite game to play with the family!), corn hole and's insanely fun and competitive, lol!! It's going to be a fun day...DD and her Hubby, my Hubby and his friend are partners so I'll have lots of cheering to do....I really should buy those kids' pom-poms from the dollar store! Hahaha!
Hope you're all enjoying the week...winding down to fall!!!
Mon, Aug 29th, 2022, 09:34 PM #26726
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Mon, Aug 29th, 2022, 09:45 PM #26727
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Every construction site we've passed this summer!!!
Tue, Aug 30th, 2022, 06:49 AM #26728
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Good morning everyone.
Tue, Aug 30th, 2022, 11:12 AM #26729
Tue, Aug 30th, 2022, 11:14 AM #26730
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