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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #29236
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    Oh @Lynn49. So sorry to hear that you had to make the difficult decision of letting your baby girl go and now you have to still wait. I am sure Jenny know in her heart that you love her.((((HUGS)))
    @flemeth , thank you, if she doesn't know now, she'll know when she's crossed over (which is my belief)'s so hard to see her like that and those seizures take everything out of her...I did call her vet this morning, explained it all to a very sweet technician there who'll report it all to the vet and we'll see whether a double dose of her seizure medicine would work or're right about the wait: it's killing me......

  2. #29237
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    oh my @Lynn49.
    Such a sweet girl. I know its such a hard decision to make and then to have to wait for it once the decision has been made.
    I know somewhere inside she knows it's you and knows how much you love her.
    Oh, @danger_dan , yes, the wait and expecting her to endure another seizure tonight, tomorrow, is just killing me, my heart hurts to much for her. Such a gentle little soul doesn't deserve this and although I know I'll be a basket case when she's gone, I have to try to spare her any more pain; those seizures take such a toll on her little body, and yes, the wait is almost unbearable...........thank you, Dan....

  3. #29238
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    oh my, I missed all the posts BUT as you know @Lynn49 I am here for you. What can any of us say to ease that pain in your heart? Jenny has been the source of so many comical episodes in your time at camp and at home. She was and always will be a Princess! I loved the stories you shared of her policing the outdoors from behind her front window. If any person or a squirrel dared to tread by she'd let them know they were not welcomed on her street!
    Just know we all will be there in spirit with you tomorrow. So very sorry you are saying goodbye to her.
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  4. #29239
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    oh my, I missed all the posts BUT as you know @Lynn49 I am here for you. What can any of us say to ease that pain in your heart? Jenny has been the source of so many comical episodes in your time at camp and at home. She was and always will be a Princess! I loved the stories you shared of her policing the outdoors from behind her front window. If any person or a squirrel dared to tread by she'd let them know they were not welcomed on her street!
    Just know we all will be there in spirit with you tomorrow. So very sorry you are saying goodbye to her.
    Thank you, Walks, I sure have shared her antics with you over the years, haven’t I? I’ll remember her strutting her stuff wherever she walked…here, at camp, patrolling the hallways in the seniors’ residences we visited together, that Doxie wiggle…We did double her seizure med yesterday, so saved her from that, at least. She’s so peacefully sleeping at the moment…omg, I’m going to miss so much…..but nope, that didn’t last….she must be in pain…time for her gabapentin…
    Last edited by Lynn49; Tue, Mar 5th, 2024 at 08:45 PM.
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  5. #29240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Thank you Walks, I sure have shared her antics with you over the years, haven’t I? I’ll remember her strutting her stuff wherever she walked…here, at camp, patrolling the hallways in the seniors’ residences we visited together, that Doxie wiggle…We did double her seizure med yesterday, so saved her from that, at least. She’s so peacefully sleeping at the moment…omg, I’m going to miss so much…..but nope, it won’t last….she must be in pain…time for her gabapentin…
    Last edited by flemeth; Wed, Mar 6th, 2024 at 09:32 AM.
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  6. #29241
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    Thank you, @flemeth …I can use all I can get. Thank heavens I have my Husband here to help me as I fall apart. Our last night together……

  7. #29242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Thank you, @flemeth…I can use all I can get. Thank heavens I have my Husband here to help me as I fall apart. Our last night together……
    @Lynn49 I am thinking about you how difficult tomorrow would be. Your SC family will be there in spirit. We are all here for you
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  8. #29243
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    Good morning everyone.
    @Lynn49 ((((HUGS)))). Thinking about you and your family
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  9. #29244
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    Our Jenny was released from her pain and from the distress of her Alzheimer’s this morning. I cradled her little head and told her how loved she is, thanked her for her love as she fell asleep. I was a mess at the time, of course, and still am.
    i feel absolutely shattered.

    Thank you walkonby, flemeth, Dan, for your compassion and support….
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  10. #29245
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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  11. #29246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Our Jenny was released from her pain and from the distress of her Alzheimer’s this morning. I cradled her little head and told her how loved she is, thanked her for her love as she fell asleep. I was a mess at the time, of course, and still am.
    i feel absolutely shattered.

    Thank you walkonby, flemeth, Dan, for your compassion and support….
    @Lynn49 . ((((HUGS))))
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  12. #29247
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    yes @Lynn49 most of us have bore the burden losing our precious furbabies and I think that's why we feel your anguish so hard. Otoh, what a comfort it must have been for Jenny to hear your voice as she left this place. The deafening quiet in the home can be the toughest part to accept now. (((hugs always! )))
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  13. #29248
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    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your girl today. Though I'm sure you don't think so right now, it is a blessing that we are able to say what we want to and be with our fur-kids and help them go. We should be so lucky to be with folks who love us and slip away quickly and comfortably.

    I always think that to be a well loved animal must be the best life of all--going on trips, sleeping in comfortable beds, forgiven for nearly everything.

    Be kind to yourself over the next while.
    Tweets77, walkonby and danger_dan like this.

  14. #29249
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    yes @Lynn49 most of us have bore the burden losing our precious furbabies and I think that's why we feel your anguish so hard. Otoh, what a comfort it must have been for Jenny to hear your voice as she left this place. The deafening quiet in the home can be the toughest part to accept now. (((hugs always! )))
    I thought I was ok this morning, @walkonby, I woke up at 7:30, said “good morning” to Jenny, made myself a Keireg, texted DD, Hubby got up so I put the coffee on…all was well. Until I brought my breakfast into the diningroom and there was no Jenny asking, “What are WE having, Mom?” That was it. Tears.
    I know that’s how this works, but that deep, raw pain is so hard to take.

    Im home alone for the first time, and am feeling quite fragile….

    One day at a time.
    Last edited by Lynn49; Thu, Mar 7th, 2024 at 01:22 PM.
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  15. #29250
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex78 View Post
    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your girl today. Though I'm sure you don't think so right now, it is a blessing that we are able to say what we want to and be with our fur-kids and help them go. We should be so lucky to be with folks who love us and slip away quickly and comfortably.

    I always think that to be a well loved animal must be the best life of all--going on trips, sleeping in comfortable beds, forgiven for nearly everything.

    Be kind to yourself over the next while.
    Thank you, @alex78 (were you born in “78?). Beautiful thoughts and concerns, to be sure. Yes, after nearly 14 years of playing, laughing, crying together, I owed her and me those final moments of sharing the love we had for each other as she returned home. I was never fortunate enough to be with each of my parents when they passed but I was so lucky to share with my Mom my thoughts on our life together. I’ll never think that someone in the very late stages of dementia is so far away that they can’t hear us…in spite of her near coma-like condition, there were tears. I told her that it was okay if she wanted to leave, to be with Dad, we’d never forget her. Before I left, I asked the nurse if I should stay, she said no, she’ll be well looked after. Our phone rang at 1:10am.

    Well, that was quite the story just to illustrate that although Jenny was sedated before that final injection, I know she heard me, and understood me. I’ve had too many wonderful things happen I don’t question that or their abilities to let us know they’re watching over us.
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