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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #29431
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    well this has been a rather disappointing turn of events wrt my recovery from knee surgery. Still not sure what has caused this massive inflammation in my GOOD knee but I'll blame the sudden onset of chilly morning temps and RAIN!
    Since Monday I've been pretty much crippled and bedridden. Could not perform so many of the stretches that require standing and both legs, could only do the ones where I lay on my back in bed, and even those were painful.
    Figures that just before any of this happened I was sailing along pretty good, even had DH remove the raised toilet seat in the bathroom. ( Now I'm cringing every time I go in there).
    My " new " physio sessions start at 9 a.m. today....oh joy! Have a nice day everyone, sorry for the bummer post.
    harbie and cath007 like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  2. #29432
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    well this has been a rather disappointing turn of events wrt my recovery from knee surgery. Still not sure what has caused this massive inflammation in my GOOD knee but I'll blame the sudden onset of chilly morning temps and RAIN!
    Since Monday I've been pretty much crippled and bedridden. Could not perform so many of the stretches that require standing and both legs, could only do the ones where I lay on my back in bed, and even those were painful.
    Figures that just before any of this happened I was sailing along pretty good, even had DH remove the raised toilet seat in the bathroom. ( Now I'm cringing every time I go in there).
    My " new " physio sessions start at 9 a.m. today....oh joy! Have a nice day everyone, sorry for the bummer post.
    @walkonby sorry to hear about your set back in your recovery and that you are in lots of pain. Hoping you can get back on track soon
    harbie, walkonby and cath007 like this.

  3. #29433
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Hugs @walkonby

  4. #29434
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Hugs @walkonby

  5. #29435
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    I'm so sorry you're in pain! Usually, the pain and swelling in the other knee is because of the slight height difference that you have until those ligaments and tendons and scar tissue can be stretched through physio and movement on the new knee. A real kick in the tail to be hurting everywhere! Get that raised commode back and make sure you're taking your pain meds every 4 hours--watch out with Ibuprofen-wrecks your guts. Use ice when you can as well.

    My dad got a bit depressed after his second knee since he didn't bounce back as easily--he was also several years older, but it made him unhappy. He cheered up after a few bars of Walkers Brazil Nut Toffee. While this isn't really medicinal, it sure does taste good. Be kind to yourself!

    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    well this has been a rather disappointing turn of events wrt my recovery from knee surgery. Still not sure what has caused this massive inflammation in my GOOD knee but I'll blame the sudden onset of chilly morning temps and RAIN!
    Since Monday I've been pretty much crippled and bedridden. Could not perform so many of the stretches that require standing and both legs, could only do the ones where I lay on my back in bed, and even those were painful.
    Figures that just before any of this happened I was sailing along pretty good, even had DH remove the raised toilet seat in the bathroom. ( Now I'm cringing every time I go in there).
    My " new " physio sessions start at 9 a.m. today....oh joy! Have a nice day everyone, sorry for the bummer post.
    harbie, walkonby and cath007 like this.

  6. #29436
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    @alex78 Thank you so much for the advice and possible causes for this, I always blame the weather....ha ha . Good ( sort of ) news that last night I was able to do the FULL rotation on my stationary bike with both legs! To be able to really push down and forward with the operated knee meant so much.

    Round and round I went ( with light tension ) but was a huge improvement from the last few times. I did about 4 minutes of cycling but it made a difference.
    It may have improved because of the 3 times I went outside in the hot sun to do some grounding. Then DH and I did a once around the walking park, ( took about 15 minutes at my speed, lol ) BUT...I only used 1 finger to glide the walker on my right, not relying on it to support me.
    I'm still too scared NOT bring the damn thing for a distance away from my house in case I need to sit. So your dad was very brave to do both knees!
    Kudos to him for that. I think that Toffee was the best medicine!

    This morning I finally got the chili made. I splashed a bit of red wine in it JUST because! ha ha
    harbie, GoJays and cath007 like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  7. #29437
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Glad to hear your doing a bit better @walkonby . A client of mine had his knee replacement done finally after it was bone on bone and he was bowing with his leg . He said surgery was easy, recovery was super hard BUT now after several months he feels incredible. He can’t run anymore (that’s what did the damage) but he’s back cycling. He does go down south in the depths of winter but our winters are not only cold but WET and that is miserable even for me!

    I was hurting yesterday from physio but nothing like you @walkonby . My therapist upped the shockwave and deepened the massage . Guess it needs to be done.

  8. #29438
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    I blame your injuries on this:

    A little wine she said...

    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    @alex78 Thank you so much for the advice and possible causes for this, I always blame the weather....ha ha . Good ( sort of ) news that last night I was able to do the FULL rotation on my stationary bike with both legs! To be able to really push down and forward with the operated knee meant so much.

    Round and round I went ( with light tension ) but was a huge improvement from the last few times. I did about 4 minutes of cycling but it made a difference.
    It may have improved because of the 3 times I went outside in the hot sun to do some grounding. Then DH and I did a once around the walking park, ( took about 15 minutes at my speed, lol ) BUT...I only used 1 finger to glide the walker on my right, not relying on it to support me.
    I'm still too scared NOT bring the damn thing for a distance away from my house in case I need to sit. So your dad was very brave to do both knees!
    Kudos to him for that. I think that Toffee was the best medicine!

    This morning I finally got the chili made. I splashed a bit of red wine in it JUST because! ha ha
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  9. #29439
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    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Saturday
    @walkonby glad that you are felling a bit better
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  10. #29440
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    oh no... @walkonby...I am so very sorry for you .That you have to restart the physio sessions and going trough that again.But I am glad you are feeling a bit better.Please be kind on yourself and take it easy..take care my friend and have a good week end !!! *** HUGS***
    Last edited by cath007; Sat, Jun 15th, 2024 at 12:43 PM.
    walkonby likes this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  11. #29441
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Father's Day, Frankie's 3rd birthday and the guys week off work are all over. The upcoming work week I'm sure the guys are dreading as the heat will weaken them as with most physical jobs. Lighter fare is on the menu for them for meals. Salads and sammies and tons of extra beverages.

    In contrast I self cleaned the oven at 3 a.m. by pushing " start " and then had to turn the A/C up more to feel comfy again.
    The 2 beef meat pies I made yesterday and the new batch of chili I will be making today will all be food they can have at the A/C environment.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Last edited by walkonby; Mon, Jun 17th, 2024 at 09:33 AM.
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  12. #29442
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  13. #29443
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  14. #29444
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    Good morning everyone.

    Not so very nice weather here . It’s indoors day for me Will either read or watch Netflix.

    Have a great day everyone and try to stay dry.
    harbie, GoJays and walkonby like this.

  15. #29445
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Plus 1 for me @flemeth . I have physio at 8:30 then it will be back to the A/C bunker! ( home ) . I intend to take in the first episode of Season 2 of House Of Dragon!!
    What I found delightful on Netflix was a series of interviews with David Lettermen. There are about 5 seasons, I just watched a few from the latest season, with Miley Cyrus,
    Charles Barkley and Cardi B. They are really good interviews.
    harbie and GoJays like this.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

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