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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #4216
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Congratulations, bluerose on your new "puppie". I think you are very wise to assign the walking duties to your husband. Ear scratching is a good job to take on.

    Flemeth -you are always adding to this post-great to have you with us!

    Hicks -watching the Bluejays -oh my, that hit that Strohman took was hard to see!

    Natalka-those pictures of the kids going back to school in Ukraine were precious! White bows for kindegarten?

    My BrotherB and his boys went to the CNE today -they were going to a concert of someone that I have never heard of and eating deep fried hotdogs wrapped in pickles and bacon and then deep fried. Also got to see the airshow.

    I hope they have hit the "Alka Seltzer" booth😁.

    I'm hoping to get to church tomorrow. Start with some routines as the summer fades away.

    Well, back to trying to find room for things where no room exists. I could have SWORN we gave away/sold most of our CDS and DVDs. I guess we owned more than I thought -plus my BrotherR 's have arrived now too.

    In order to DO something, I have to MOVE something to get at it.

    Definitely complaining about things that are mere annoyances compared to the thousands of people suffering in the south. Perspective, avon, perspective!

    Hoping you are all snuggled up with loved ones near and moving through a happy weekend.

  2. #4217
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn49 View Post
    Good morning!!

    12 here this morning on the island and sunny, so it's going to be a lovely day.
    We can do some packing up today, since I won't be back this year. DH, DD, her DH and their friend here will be in our campground's annual golf tournament tomorrow so I'll be alone all day. Our GS will be with all his friends here and visiting me and his other grandparents who'll be arriving today. I may take-off for a while and visit that two-story flea market (Avon, anything you left behind there?) for a while, maybe go for lunch. Everything is within a 5-minute drive or less.

    Um, @Newfiescreech.....thank you for the invitation, would involve snow, right? I think I'm allergic to snow. I mean I haven't been officially diagnosed. Yet. But I'm pretty sure it's a thing. And I've got it.
    Oh, that is one trip, though, that we want to make, but right now we're staying pretty close to home until I'm more able to walk properly. We have two short trips this month that'll involve a lot of walking, so we'll be testing me, but we'll still need my wheelchair.

    Enjoy the long weekend everyone! Is anyone travelling this weekend?
    Hahaha ..lynn good one allergic to snow ❄️..yeah !! I'm sure some doc can diagnosed you for this problem remedy for your problem is long johns and lots lots hot toddies. You Sure won't fine it cold then.. only hot'll think your having hot flashes ..but all to due with those thermal long johns me dear lol im thinking toddies might have little affix to LOL have wonderful long weekend my soon heading bed ..its been long week planning ,preparing and serving food for our annual festival poor body is aching and so sore ..thank god its over with today ..back tomorrow clean floors and straighten things away fire hall ..take good care yourself sweetie
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  3. #4218
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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  4. #4219
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    good morning @Natalka ! Early birds and worms!

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  5. #4220
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Good morning every1. A rainy one today, but I hope it's a good one for you.
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  6. #4221
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    yes, I was getting all set for the doggy walk, but passed on that when I saw the weather. They will be sent out back soon instead.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  7. #4222
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Congratulations @bluerose . I'm sure it'll be wonderful the have Emma as part of your family.
    I don't know about the food, but when I got Jake, I was told never to use any sort of collar. According to him, it's the #1 cause of death in dogs, other than illness. When they leap or jerk, it can break their necks.
    I strongly suggest a harness. There are special ones that they use for training 'Service Dogs' so they can't pull. It looks like this.
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  8. #4223
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    yes, I was getting all set for the doggy walk, but passed on that when I saw the weather. They will be sent out back soon instead.
    I tried to get Jake to go out back, but he refuses to go out in the rain. I'm going to have to walk him before I leave for church.

  9. #4224
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    Good morning everyone .Have a great Sunday.

  10. #4225
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good almost afternoon everyone, I hope U have a really good Sunday
    Congrats on your new addition @bluerose !
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  11. #4226
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    Good morning everyone. Today is moving day for my DD to University . Never been so stressed. Couldn't sleep just thinking how much we are going to miss her and also worried until she settles in Residence. I can see a hard week ahead for me . have a great Monday everyone
    Natalka, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 1 others like this.

  12. #4227
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Hugs, flemeth!
    I now live in Waterloo and they have put out reminders on the local news that today is "move-in" day and residents might be wise to avoid University Avenue.

    They should have big boxes of tissues at the residences to handle the tears. Take care, mama!
    Natalka, 22hicks, Lynn49 and 1 others like this.

  13. #4228
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quick good morning!
    Packing everything up, D.h will just have to make one more trip here to close up.

    BIG th-storm overnight heading to you folks in the south.....get errands done now, you sure won't be goingbout later! Not nice weather for the university crowd's moving day! @flemeth , your little girl is off on a beautiful adventure! I know how hard it is when a DD moves out...just start planning those big dinners she'll run home for!

    Enjoy the day, everyone!
    Natalka, 22hicks and dededi like this.

  14. #4229
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Good morning every1.
    I hope you're all enjoying your long w/end.
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    Natalka, Lynn49 and dededi like this.

  15. #4230
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are having a good weekend!
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    Natalka, 22hicks and Lynn49 like this.

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