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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!
Thu, Sep 7th, 2017, 10:14 PM #4291
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Aw, @cabmonk, I'm so very sorry you're in so much pain, and hope that the steps you're taking will bring you relief. It must be excruciating. Wish I had more suggestions or could be of some help...just know I'll send up prayers for you, Hon. {{{Gentle hugs.}}}
Thu, Sep 7th, 2017, 10:32 PM #4292
Thanks @Lynn49 , yeah the pain is unbearable especially during a bad attack. Sunday morning I wasn't bad and actually managed to clean etc. Sunday night I couldn't sleep and couldn't even stand up. The pain was so bad in my knee I couldn't properly bend my leg. My aunt got me the motrimax and people sitting outside let her in lol, I couldn't get downstairs. I had wanted to make healthy snacks so bought all this frozen fruit and had it ready to go with yogurt in the blender cup of my magic bullet and come to find that it's broken lol. My aunt is going to lend me her Ninja pro blender Friday for a couple weeks.
Thu, Sep 7th, 2017, 11:11 PM #4293
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Cabbie-I have seen my brother go through extreme pain which might have been gout. A rheumatologist injected his knees and ankles with steroids and drained off fluid. He literally jumped off the table and walked away! Has you physician mentioned injections? It's awful to think you are so much in pain.
Take care folks!
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 12:38 AM #4294
Thanks, I can only go to a clinic or er. They always say there are things that for me they didn't feel would work. I have had shots before which I was told were only to make the pain go away until you could get some other meds from pharmacy. Anyway I prefer to try naturally. I'll keep tinkering.
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 07:46 AM #4295
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@cabmonk I am certain changing your diet that way will bring you many positive health benefits including relief from that dreaded gout issue. With the apple cider vinegar are you supposed to add capfulls to food or a glass of water or is it to be taken it on its own?
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Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 08:21 AM #4296
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Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 08:41 AM #4297
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I swear it...the guy who is charge of scheduling road work, must think to himself...
So tomorrow is a Friday after a short work week...most people are looking forward to finishing up the week and enjoying the can I F**K up their morning commute into work!?
Got it, I'll schedule bridge work on HWY 401 heading into the City, and make sure there's at least 2 of the 4 lanes closed off at all times, right during rush hour!
Any ways, Good morning peeps.
It's Friday. Have a wonderful day, and stay dry. Looks like we're going to get a bit of the wet stuff today.
Enjoy the weekend everyone!DANGER
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 08:49 AM #4298
@walkonby Thanks, I'll keep trying. The apple cider vinegar is 2 tablespoons twice a day. They say take it straight or add to 8oz of water. People also say it's ok if you use it in other things like food inc making salad dressings. I ordered it online from which had a pretty good price. Also was told it must be the raw unfiltered type with mother.
Last edited by cabmonk; Fri, Sep 8th, 2017 at 08:51 AM.
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 09:38 AM #4299
Good luck cabmonk with the apple cider it does have many benefits if you can handle the taste I hope you feel better soon. Yesterday I changed my settings on how a thread displayed and put the newest on the 1st page and the oldest on the last page! then I got lost and did not know what I was looking at so I changed it back. Our new dog Emma is doing well she ignores me 98 % of the time except at dinner time she knows I am the cook lol. My hubby the 1st mate is the one with the pick up truck that takes her to the woods so she is sticking with him. The leaves are changing color over here and well I guess Autumn has arrived. Have a great day everyone. A woodpecker just came knocking on the front door and made Emma bark.
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 09:44 AM #4300
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Good sunny morning every1, but more rain's on the way.
I'm so sorry you have to suffer through such awful pain @cabmonk . Praying something helps you soon.
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 10:03 AM #4301
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Good morning everyone.
I hope U can get something really soon for that pain @cabmonk !
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 11:13 AM #4302
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Good morning, everyone!!
Nothing new to report, which is probably a good thing..working on the quilt, going to do some shopping...Hubby, SIL and his two buddies have all teamed up again in the club championship this weekend so I'll be alone to get into whatever mischief I want!! Hah!Should be fun!
I'm glued to CNN this morning and their extensive coverage of approaching Irma and trying to get the word out to everyone to leave, particularly on the east coast, the Keys....people are actually in the keys staying IN their boats!!!! One couple has a pair of Doxies, the poor little ones! They deserve better. Honestly...I'd be on I-75 in a heartbeat! We've driven that highway many times and I can't believe how it's at such a stand-still of vehicles trying to go north!! Guess we'd be in that mess.....keep praying for those who have the good sense to leave and for those who have no sense at all and are staying! I hope they find those people who are 'riding it out' in their boats to interview them again after the storm! to do stuff!!
Have a safe, lovely autumny day today!!
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 11:42 AM #4303
@Lynn49 the worst part about the people staying behind is the risk that they force others to take in the name of their safety. I think the emergency workers should be able to get out as well. No one needs to try and be bigger than this storm.
Friends don't let real friends pay full price.
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 02:27 PM #4304
Thanks guys, I'll keep trying everything possible so I don't have pain. My aunt dropped off here nutri blender this afternoon after min broke yesterday and says don't break this one lol
I made some ice cream using just mixed berries and a couple spoons of vanilla yogurt and it turned out good. So far pain is pretty much gone and still holding since yesterday.
Fri, Sep 8th, 2017, 04:03 PM #4305
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Hi everyone Hope u all are having a good day @cabmonk I am glad u are in less pain today hope that as the days goes by you feel much better I hope and pray that everything you are trying would work for u to be better.Have a great day everyone
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