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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!
Fri, Sep 15th, 2017, 09:11 PM #4396
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I'm glad your pain is so much better @cabmonk , but dealing with a mouse problem, isn't that the landlord's responsibility?
Fri, Sep 15th, 2017, 09:33 PM #4397
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@cabmonk , I thought the same thing as @22hicks : shouldn't the landlord take care of that problem? They're getting into the building, not just your apt, after-all. When we close up our trailer in the fall, actually we've already done this and the more experienced campers tipped us off on this: DH scraped shreds of Irish Spring soap and put them around the wheelwells, and he stuffed Bounce sheets throughout the trailer. It's going to smell darn nice in the sping.
is that something you coukd try? Apparently mice hate those smells.
Anyway, I still agree with Hicks.
However, I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling better! Yay, you!
Fri, Sep 15th, 2017, 09:47 PM #4398
Thanks @22hicks and @Lynn49 , Yeah pain is better but now I have pain in my back, not gout lol. Should be even better in a few days if I keep doing what I'm doing.
Yeah I hear ya on the landlord, he gave me $20 to buy traps and stuff. I went crazy and bought that $30 trap and things like steel wool. I also have to be careful to not let garbage sit longer than a day and make sure all food in cupboards is sealed well. There never used to be mice until this winter and than boom. I thought I got rid of them from my room months ago but they came back. I think I did a good job on the hole lol.
Fri, Sep 15th, 2017, 10:03 PM #4399
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@cabmonk , I was told they can dislodge and even chew through steel wool, sorayfoam insulation....If you keep any extra flour, starch, etc in your cupboards, don't. I keep all that extra stuff in our fridge and freezer. Even chips, biscuits...test to find out if they'd be okay in your fridge. Good luck, Hon.
Fri, Sep 15th, 2017, 10:15 PM #4400
Thanks, I try to keep most stuff in the fridge. I had just plastic bags stuffed in the hole before lol but it didn't fill everything so some mice just got past it. I'm hoping that steel wool will at least help a bit better, not saying it's fool proof. I heard several places that they can chew through steel wool but if they eat it, it kills them. I might try to add some kind of steel ring on top of it nailed to the floor in a couple weeks.
Fri, Sep 15th, 2017, 10:48 PM #4401
Also, my hope is that the mouse doesn't see the hole and just decides to go to someone else's room lol.
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 12:10 AM #4402
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I bought sonar high pitched mouse scarer-awayers. They worked well.
Had a terrible "teacher-nightmare" before I woke up this morning -took me a while after I woke up to feel comfortable. Yes, it's been at least 10 years since I taught anywhere. Iguess, "Once a teacher, always a teacher."
Well, I have been offered and accepted a Baptism the third weekend in October. Feels good to be back "on the circuit. "
I tried to avoid using my migraine meds this morning but working so intently on my couple's wedding ceremony really gave a major headache. I managed to get cupcakes made and invited a friend for supper but I did take an hour rest with a blanket over my head and took migraine med then.
Cabbie -I am SO glad that your pain has been reduced!
Re: Hallowe'en- I really like the "gentle" Hallowe'en stuff but I hate the gory stuff -which is kind of a contradiction of terms, I guess.
In the past few years, I have not lived in places that get trick-or-treaters. I miss that, but, our puppies in the last few years were really spooked by the comings and goings.
I used to dress up as a witch - nice witch-to hand out the treats.
I finally got rid of the totally awesome costume that I made for myself in my first year of teaching -no one would want to wear IT these days -It was a purple and pink clown costume.
No room to store it and really no need for it!
Well -It's Open Doors tomorrow and there are a couple of places I want to go to and then to our church to be part of the "Hosting."
It seems that I read about some things I need to pick up in shops, too. I'll see what I can get done.
So I'll wish you a good night.
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 02:44 AM #4403
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Well folks, looks like it might be another one of those nights.
I forced myself to satay in bed for the past 2 1/2 hours, no luck, so here I am.
I folded a load of laundry, washed a load of dishes, well, most of them. While washing a glass it just burst in my hand, and sliced a nice gash over my knuckles, which were inside the glass at the time. So much for dishes.
The bleeding's stopped, so I thought I'd pop on here for awhile.
I dress up too I a number of different costumes @anoncallingum and usually go to a Halloween dance. I've won a few 1st place prized. I've made some of my costumes, but others are a mixture of made and bought. Don't know about this year, I have no one to go with.
Here one of my many costumes.
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 09:31 AM #4404
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Good morning everyone.
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 10:06 AM #4405
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Good morning everyone have a great Saturday
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 11:45 AM #4406
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Good morning, everyone!!!
@avoncallingu , DH and I still compare nightmares that we occasionally have: him teaching and me at a wedding ceremony. Mine usually involve having the wrong ceremony with me, or having to set the tables, etc at the ceremony, doing the flowers (which I used to do from home)...oh, goodness, I wake up SO thankful they were nightmares. DH has them form his teaching days....forgetting lesson plans, teens getting out of hand...I think it's something that goes with the territory when we retire from whatever we were doing. We put them all behind us, but they still creep into our dreams...isn't that strange, though, that they become nightmares???
Have fun with the Baptism...those were my most favourite ceremonies to perform!! Even more-so, the ...oh, I forget now what they're called..the NON Baptisms, the welcoming the baby into the family...loved those!
Well!! Nothing planned, except that I want to take my 3 houseplants outside to re-pot. My jade plant is way out of control and boy, do I hate pruning!! I feel as if I'm hurting it! Stupid, yes...but I still ask permission first. I know....perhaps a padded room is in order? I propagated two leaves from it, one now is about 8" tall so it needs a new pot, and I'll transplant the leaf into the original one. Then my schefflera .... it's grown in a strange way, the middle stayed small but the two outside branches are growing like crazy...I'm hoping to split them, DD wants a couple of matching plants for her office, but I've never done that before. I may have to google something.
Okay! So much for my interestnig day! What's on all of your agendas today??
Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone...and I hope it's as shiny there as it is here!!
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 12:30 PM #4407
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Good late morning all.
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 12:49 PM #4408
Thanks avon, I hope the pain stays away for a while. Also I want one of the ultrasonic mouse sound things, some says it didn't work and some say it did lol.
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 01:45 PM #4409
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good afternoon all...just read back a bit to catch up and wanted first to say THANKS alot! @22hicks for scaring the life out of both me and Hamlet with that Halloween picture. ( what made me click on it? ....I feel so stupid, it has been awhile and I forgot all about those gotcha memes )
A totally free day, no shopping, no driving anyone anywhere...really no cooking either as we have plans for tomorrow ( family celebration meal out ) and there are enough leftovers in the fridge to get us through today. I'll revisit the cooking late Sunday night maybe.
@cabmonk best of luck ridding your place of mice and hoping you continue to get relief from your back ( and knees )
@Lynn49 I envy the houseplants you have. We cannot have any here. Not even cut flowers in a vase unless they are perched up so high and out of reach from the 2 plant chewing cats. They are both crazy that way.
This winter is going to be a tough one trying to bring indoors not one but now 2 large Mandavilla plants. Last year we kept the red flowering one on top of a mini fridge under a fluorescent light and we struggled with keeping every inch of the top of the fridge blocked so the cats could not have any place to leap onto get at that plant.
I have no idea what we'll do this time.
So, our Jays were winning last night as Cleveland's 22 game winning streak was being broken. I was trying to watch both games simultaneously which was tough in the 9th inning.....ha ha
Hey! did anyone hear the news that Roberto Osuna is a Dad now?
I just heard it this morning that he and Saunders had both been away ( Osuna to Mexico, and Saunders to Colorado ) for a few days to be there for the birth of their new babies? I knew about Saunders and I knew Pillar is expecting their first very soon but how was Osuna's kept a secret?
There are 1 member and zero guests on here right! That has got to be a first!
Everyone enjoy the weekend!!Last edited by walkonby; Sat, Sep 16th, 2017 at 01:47 PM.
Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old
Sat, Sep 16th, 2017, 05:36 PM #4410
Thanks @walkonby - I read mice don't like the smell of peppermint oil, baking soda and mint. So they say smear a bit of mint toothpaste on bottom of door or along baseboards or areas you think thy are coming from. Put baking soda also in areas you think they are coming in and add it to your garbage. Another one was bounce dryer sheets. Lol, so many things to try.
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