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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #4441
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone!

    @danger_dan, no rain here at all! Dh is golfing this morning! It's clouded over the past couple of days, but it's dry out there. We live in a sort of trough here and if you ever see storms heading east from the great lakes, they seem to magically divide just before hitting's such fun to watch. Everything heads north, and south towards the Parry Sound area. We live in a charmed area, Dan! Hahaha!
    As for light, save the expense of rewiring your shed....DH picked up a security light at CT that he secured to our fence at our wiring and it lights up the entire yard when he's out there with the pup at night! I think it was about $30?? Its white, a quite large rectangle...I love it out there. You two sound like you're really "nesting" now....oh, to start over....knowing what we know nowvof course!!

    @flemeth, thank you....She texted her DH last night...they all went to bed at 8pm their time....must have been a long (hic.,) day from 6am in Toronto, until a noon landing there, 2pm our time...8hrs, then security, poor muffins, hahaha.....but I'm sure they'll all find ways to relax there, even though the weather isn't promising to be very nice. They all brought board, card games, and she's hoping to get some studying done for her exam next month, too.

    Ah! The sun's coming out. That always makes a more cheerful day!

    Have a terrific day, everyone!
    @avoncallingu....."important visitors"? Lol! Oooohhh sure...and be careful, they may check under the carpets! Hahaha!
    Last edited by Lynn49; Tue, Sep 19th, 2017 at 10:31 AM.

  2. #4442
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Joey can't decide who to take to his movie premiere.

    Monica: well Ross didn’t care enough to be here, so I think he’s out. You snooze you lose.

    Chandler: He’s not snoozing, he’s teaching a class.

    Monica: Well then somebody’s snoozing.

    Lol, hope everyone has a good day.

  3. #4443
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    a good day to everyone! Sure hope we don't get rain today because I splurged on a car wash!
    Wasn't sure how many prepaid washes I had left on my card and I got a real moment of nervousness once I drove through the narrow entry to swipe it.
    Thankfully it lifted the door for me to enter....I was so relieved thinking I would never have be able to back out of that snake-like path, well not without using many bad words.

    Nothing of importance on the docket for me today, I may catch up on some recorded shows or dive into one of those 3 books before I have to return them to the library. The pavement is all resurfaced ( again ) where we are. I guess they will still have to return to paint crosswalk markings and such, but at least those huge and noisy trucks are gone!

    I started to watch CNN but as soon as 45 came on speaking at the UN....barf! I simply cannot listen to him anymore. I can only tolerate the highlights of what he said as discussed by the hosts and the various panel members.
    Seems like he wants a war with NK.
    Last edited by walkonby; Tue, Sep 19th, 2017 at 01:23 PM.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  4. #4444
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    What a busy day; I finally have time to come by and say hello.
    I hope every1 had a good day.
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  5. #4445
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Had fun in London today. Had borscht for lunch and many very bad treats.

    The car shop couldn't find anything wrong which was good because they didn't even get to LOOK at it until 1 hour before I was to leave so they wouldn't have had time to fix anything. They didn't charge me anything, though. Which was good or they may have seen my "not-nice" side!

    Lynn, I always confuse "Costa Rica" with "Puerto Rico" and I was so nervous when I thought your daughter was going to Puerto Rico even before Maria decided to head it's way.

    That was the last place that DH and I took a cruise from. It's a very beautiful city. But I am hoping everyone headed for the hills. There was such a lovely shop down by the port. Such beautiful architecture. I hope they come out of this ok.

    Watching Finals of America's Got Talent. Amazing talent and stories!
    Will chat with y'all tomorrow.

  6. #4446
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Thank you, @avoncallingu ....she texted a pic to her DH which he showed us skies, gorgous pool....she said when it rains it lasts for about an hour then everything is so fresh again. Which means, dang they'll actually get to go on those horrible adventures....
    I'm sure it's lovely there, but her heart is still in San Miguel...they're trying to drag us there, but honestly, I don't feel like going back to Mexico again...and the flight...ugh. I'm not a happy flier anymore...

    Have a lovely week, my about we drop in on you next week?! hahaha!!!

  7. #4447
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Yes, yes, yes!

  8. #4448
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    Good morning everyone hope you all had a great day. @Natalka hope u a OK I am not sure if I miss any thing posted but I am sure u have not been on here for the past week I was reading back last night on some of the thread .

  9. #4449
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Good morning Fam.
    It's coffee time...
    Have a wonderful day peeps.
    Newfiescreech, 22hicks and Lynn49 like this.

  10. #4450
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Morning folks.
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  11. #4451
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good Morning, folks! All those nasty treats I had yesterday left me awake until almost 5. I could move to another time zone and not experience any jet lag at this rate!

    Move?? Did I say "Move?" Someone just tie me down, will you?

    I WAS looking at world cruises last night though. If you want to go on a cruise, now is the time to book it. The cruise industry is falling all over itself trying to lure people who are second-thinking because of the hurricanes.

    Poor Caribbean! A friend pointed out the irony of "Maria" hitting Puerto Rico (Reference to "West Side Story" with a song that apparently says "Puerto Rico - with the hurricanes blowing')

    Well, I had better lie quietly for a few minutes until this headache goes away.

    CHOCOLATE-are you really WORTH it?

  12. #4452
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning, everyone!!

    DD called her Mom from Costa Rica this morning, oh, it was priceless hearing her voice again! We usually chat on the phone here a couple of times a day so I really missed that....everyone's gone on a 3-hr bus trip into Nicaragua to visit the volcano, but she stayed behind to relax and get some studying done. She's not one for "views"...gets that from her Mom...we'd be like Chevy Chase while looking at the Grand Canyon...yep, yep, moving along!! Ziplining tomorrow and she's all in....gah.
    They're so blessed that of all the places they considered going, Puerto Rico, the Dominican, Mexico...they settled on Costa Rica and avoided the sad disasters that have occured in those areas. Prayers for those in the wake of storms and terribly sad...

    DH and SIL have gone to the island to close up for the season so I'm alone with the two pups...I think I'll take them to the dog park since I can't walk them long enough to get any exercise, but first I'm going to make "cloud bread" to have with carb "bread". Then for dinner, cauliflower pizza crust then topped with salsa, pepperoni and freshly grated parmessan. So a nice, busy day here and I'm feeling so much better today!

    @avoncallingu , yes, chocolate is worth it, Love, but maybe not with everything else you may have indulged in yesterday, poor muffin...what an awful night you had! I hope you can get a nap in today and some quality sleep tonight. You'll need your energy to keep up with me next week! Hah! As IF.
    @danger_dan , we are expecting rain today...sometime. I'll let you know if it divides before it gets to us..haha!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!

  13. #4453
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    this is a very hurried hello!!
    Hope everyone is doing o.k. Sunny skies again here, love that. I'll return later.

    I love this pic

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  14. #4454
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    this is a very hurried hello!!
    Hope everyone is doing o.k. Sunny skies again here, love that. I'll return later.

    I love this pic

    Times like this I hate being a carnivore.

  15. #4455
    LIVE EVERY MIN. 2 THE MAX 22hicks's Avatar
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    Glad you're feeling better today @Lynn49 . Nice to hear your DD's voice, and know she's safe & sound.
    Gorgeous & sunny here today. Can't believe we had to wait till Sept. to arrive before we got any summer.

    What an awful night @avoncallingu , but of course chocolate is worth it !! Have a nap today.
    Newfiescreech, ROMEO and Lynn49 like this.

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