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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #5566
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    I remember one of our neighbours in Vancouver. It was a series of weird with these people. First thing they had a cat with no eyes. They invited us over for thanksgiving one year and before we got there they burned their kitchen down but still insisted on having dinner. As I'm sitting there eating I couldn't help but keep looking towards the kitchen which was a total write off. One day the husband said here I have a lamp for you. I haven't used it in a while but it's in excellent condition, here I'll show you. I took a step back because it really didn't look safe. he went to plug it in and it blew up lol. One day maybe I'll write a book with some of these things.
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  2. #5567
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    You have had some experiences @cabmonk ! If I wrote a book about when I travelled it would need to be delivered in brown paper wrapping!!! Not my experiences of course !
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  3. #5568
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Hey at least it wasn't my kitchen. Oh yeah there was also a time when I was like 7 and I was in Florida with my dad and he thought I had been kidnapped or something. He woke up in the morning in our hotel and I wasn't there because I snuck out to spend the night with the family next door haha.
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  4. #5569
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cabmonk View Post
    Hey at least it wasn't my kitchen. Oh yeah there was also a time when I was like 7 and I was in Florida with my dad and he thought I had been kidnapped or something. He woke up in the morning in our hotel and I wasn't there because I snuck out to spend the night with the family next door haha.

    Soooo .... do you often go to neighbouring houses to sleep there?
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  5. #5570
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Lol no no, It was just the family of a boy I had met in the hotel earlier. I forget if they asked me if my dad was ok with me being there or they did ask and I said yes.
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  6. #5571
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Cabbie-your dad had every right to be worried-the news is filled with stories of little kids disappearing while on holiday.

    Well, the day took the "umph" out of me.

    Tootie the patootie was by herself for a longer time today while we had appointments. Her whole body was shaking with excitement when we got in.

    Good Boy - what about that horrible weather they've been having in England. I think Santa crossed The British Isles off his list.

    Lynn- you are truly "Mrs. Christmas!"

    Back to watching schlocky Christmas Movies.

  7. #5572
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Oh yeah for sure I don't blame him. This also was a long time ago when I was 7 and I'm 44 now.
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  8. #5573
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Cabbie-your dad had every right to be worried-the news is filled with stories of little kids disappearing while on holiday.

    Well, the day took the "umph" out of me.

    Tootie the patootie was by herself for a longer time today while we had appointments. Her whole body was shaking with excitement when we got in.

    Good Boy - what about that horrible weather they've been having in England. I think Santa crossed The British Isles off his list.

    Lynn- you are truly "Mrs. Christmas!"

    Back to watching schlocky Christmas Movies.
    Hahahaha...well, @avoncalling, I sure feel like it some days! To top things off we're having the kids and gs over for dinner tomorrow. I always like to have that one, relaxing, special dinner with them here before things really get out of control with all the Christmas preparations. I really, REALLY love this time of year. We just have some wrapping to do, appys to make and an outfit for Christmas dinner to pick out, and done!

    So you did some running around today? In that horrid cold?? I guess appointments are necessary evils, so I hope that tomorrow you'll be at home, relaxing. Did your migraine eventually go away?

    Take care, Sweets!!!
    @22hicks , thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers always, my Friend!

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  9. #5574
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Hiya ... forecast for the time I am planning to be in London is 8-10C ... I will keep a stiff upper lip and carry on!

    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Good Boy - what about that horrible weather they've been having in England. I think Santa crossed The British Isles off his list.
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  10. #5575
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Morning, not as much activity around the whole site lately and on this thread. Some people have moved on and others are not well. All the people that are not doing too well like @Natalka and @22hicks I hope everything improves for you guys quickly and you are back to normal soon. @avoncallingu I hope everything goes well for you too.

    I want to get my haircut and this is one style I was looking at but might not suit me but sometimes you need to take chances.
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  11. #5576
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Nope, @cabmonk ...I just can't click "Like" on that......I guess it's the style for you kids nowadays, but.....
    I'm old fashioned.....

    So worst job in the whole world when preparing dinner for company? Ironing a white cotton damask tablecloth! No wonder they had those huge tablecloth ironing devices in the olden days! This is a workout! Hey! I worked out today!!!

    Well, enough of a rest....have a wonderful Friday, everyone and a great weekend!!

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  12. #5577
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 Yeah yeah pfft lol. No I understand, anyway I'm still deciding. Have a good day and weekend.
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  13. #5578
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cabmonk View Post
    @Lynn49 Yeah yeah pfft lol. No I understand, anyway I'm still deciding. Have a good day and weekend.

    If you want to try it - why not?!! It will always grow back if you do not like it Ignore the Fuddy Duddy!
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  14. #5579
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cabmonk View Post
    @Lynn49 Yeah yeah pfft lol. Nïo I understand, anyway I'm still deciding. Have a good day and weekend.
    Lol, you too, Cabbie...have a wonderful weekend!
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  15. #5580
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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