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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #8611
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    *Expletive* stupid Monday morning drivers! *expletive**expletive* half asleep *expletive* idiots *expletive* driving 80 in the *expletive**expletive* fast lane because you're too damn hung over to deal with the sun in your rear view. It's in your *expletive**expletive* rear's *expletive* behind you! Not staring you in the face, BEHIND YOU!

    What a great *expletive* start to the week!

    Is it too early to start drinking?
    Thinking I need to have a bottle of Bailey's stashed away at my desk...add a little extra creamer to my coffee on days like today. Thoughts?

    Rant over.
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 2 others like this.

  2. #8612
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    *Expletive* stupid Monday morning drivers! *expletive**expletive* half asleep *expletive* idiots *expletive* driving 80 in the *expletive**expletive* fast lane because you're too damn hung over to deal with the sun in your rear view. It's in your *expletive**expletive* rear's *expletive* behind you! Not staring you in the face, BEHIND YOU!

    What a great *expletive* start to the week!

    Is it too early to start drinking?
    Thinking I need to have a bottle of Bailey's stashed away at my desk...add a little extra creamer to my coffee on days like today. Thoughts?

    Rant over.
    Here @danger_dan
    a " calming goat " just for you.....hope she helps!!

    ha ha

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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  3. #8613
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Good morning everyone.
    Sorry about the rant above. I made sure I kept it Family Friendly...had to protect those virgin eyes/ears out there...
    I'm looking at you @GoJays !

    Busy weekend at our place...had all the in-laws over; MIL & FIL, BIL and his GF and their puppy. Full house with the Lady and I and Cooper too!
    Lots of outdoor work completed with all that extra help around.

    Looks like it's going to be a nice week... with the exception of maybe Wednesday and the rain, but heating up nicely for the long weekend!

    Have a good one folks.
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 2 others like this.

  4. #8614
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Here @danger_dan
    a " calming goat " just for you.....hope she helps!!
    ha ha
    LoL thanks @walkonby , that did help!
    Lynn49, walkonby and dededi like this.

  5. #8615
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Oh, Dan, glad you let it all out!
    Nice to see the second post about your good weekend!

    Good morning, everyone! Hot one today, humidex of 35 coming. Ick.

    Nice day here yesterday, son came over to help with some clearing and cleaning, what a hon. Then we all made supper together, which was yummy! Oh, how I miss cooking daily!

    Enjoy whatever the day brings you!

  6. #8616
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good Morning, folks!
    Have to follow up on income tax related issue today before I get taxed on funds that DH had in the States which were to be transferred tax-free into a Canadian RRSP. I hired a US tax person so they would KNOW this and I seem to be doing all the work.

    Also following up with Social Security.

    Getting very excited about my trip north to see Lynn and family. I have my Uber booked with a friend of one of the couples I married with an amazing deal for the drive.
    It's supposed to be "my kind" of day today- 24 degrees and sunny.

    Busy all afternoon with appointments for Brother R and myself.
    Nat, that sounds like a lovely day with hubby and son yesterday.

    Dan, did you get the rain we had on the weekend? I t would be quite a scene with all the relatives and doggies dodging the raindrops! Sounds like you had fun.

    We had a potluck at church yesterday. My tummy was telling me that something I ate shouldn't become part of my regular diet.
    My pull-out bed mattress and chair cushion foam should be ready today or tomorrow to be picked up.
    And Canada Day this weekend. I always like to get some red and white hanging baskets but the only place I have seen them was as I drove by a Freshco on my way to the wedding this weekend. Maybe I will try the Freshco here in Waterloo.

    Have a great one, folks.
    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  7. #8617
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    I hope everyone had a good weekend and stayed dry ir your in southern ontario!
    Dan good thing your a gentleman can't imagine how bad some of those words were in your post.

    Name:  goodmorningmonday_zpsf5b9f10b.gif
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  8. #8618
    Canadian Guru dededi's Avatar
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    Name:  f47d060ef844583de49e7a23409745f2.jpg
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    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 3 others like this.

  9. #8619
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    OH good grief...."love Shaq", a potty-mouth, a calming goat, and Tobleronistan?!!
    Is it ANY wonder why I check in everyday?!
    Never a dull moment....

    Glad you found your "zen", @danger_dan ...did it come out of a bottle like you suggested?
    @avoncallingu , I'm so excited for you to come up to camp and then home here for a visit!! Our SIL's b'day party at camp will be a smash...40 years old. You may have to direct DH and I back to the trailer by the end of the evening. How are you at making coffee in the morning?
    We all just hope the weather cooperates; nothing like over 20 people huddled in their trailer... It would be a very intimate party.....

    Well, folks, I'm just spending the day painting...SIL's b'day is in two weeks and since we'll be away for 4 days in there, I'd better decide to finish it in the next day or two.

    We only got the slightest drizzle of rain, but jeepers, 12 this morning when we woke up! 18 now, so DH ventured onto his golf-course, 22 this afternoon, but wow, no wonder I didn't hear birds chirping at 4:30! Their wee teeth were chattering too much to let out a chirp!!

    Enjoy your sunny day, everyone!! Back to work here!

    I hope my trees look happy today...

    Natalka, GoJays, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  10. #8620
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Avon, check with Canadian Tire for red and white flowers, here they always have them on sale at this time.

    Aw, I want to go to see Lynn, too! Enjoy your time together!

    Nurse just left, a little embarrassing because I was sleeping when she came. Everything continues to progress, so that is very good. Lost more pounds thanks to three days of doubled up water pills. Now I'm back to one, but there is still a fair amount of swelling.

    It was the first time I saw this nurse, but wow was she good. Especially about talking to me about not being overwhelmed by everything together the things which are wrong with me, but that each thing is being tackled one at a time. Yeah, I cried, that's how I know a nurse is good!

    Going to just try stay cool and hydrated this aft, not like I can really do anything anyways. I have gone beyond bored.

    Smell ya later!

  11. #8621
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danger_dan View Post
    Good morning everyone.
    Sorry about the rant above. I made sure I kept it Family Friendly...had to protect those virgin eyes/ears out there...
    I'm looking at you @GoJays!

    Busy weekend at our place...had all the in-laws over; MIL & FIL, BIL and his GF and their puppy. Full house with the Lady and I and Cooper too!
    Lots of outdoor work completed with all that extra help around.

    Looks like it's going to be a nice week... with the exception of maybe Wednesday and the rain, but heating up nicely for the long weekend!

    Have a good one folks.
    Yeah... I've never heard those words before
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  12. #8622
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    @GoJays , they're very, very bad words.
    I'm pretty sure Dan doesn't use 'em often, but when he does, watch OUT!!

    If you're ever with him on the 401,...just...
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  13. #8623
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    @Lynn49 , I think I could make @danger_dan blush with my potty mouth
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  14. #8624
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    @Lynn49 , I think I could make @danger_dan blush with my potty mouth
    You've got one of those, too?!
    I have no idea, my Dear, where mine originated, but it just comes out when I least exoect it!
    Thank heavens it never makes an appearance when my DH is within earshot!
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  15. #8625
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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