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Thread: Chat-a-Thon 2017-18 Thread!

  1. #10846
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    I thought of you when I saw this @danger_dan

  2. #10847
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  3. #10848
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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    and a bonus one today..

  4. #10849
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    DING DING DING!!! We have a winner! it is the Bonus post by @Go Jays. ha ha ha .
    A very quick hello and I am off again....too many things to get done today, I better start now.

    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  5. #10850
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Good morning, folks! Ha! @Go Jays - I love the Blind Guy one!

    @walkonby -you're right-you're up and running in a flash!

    I'm thinking about it. It looks vewwy, vewwy cold out there ( As Elmer Fudd would say.)

    Tuesday-the BEST day of the week, as my DH used to say. (I guess it's traditionally slow in the car business on Tuesdays, so he would try to build himself and co-workers up.)

    I'm going to try this "getting up" thing. "Get my motor running.....Stay off of the highway,..... looking for adventure.......on a cold November day....... Hey, darlin'......gonna let it happen.....give my doggie ...a love up that herbal tea and .......Watch probes in Space........Born To Be Mild!"


  6. #10851
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avoncallingu View Post
    Wow, Newfiescreech! Were you on a hovercraft? It would take me a YEAR to get to all those malls!

    Glad your whirlwind trip accomplished so much!

    Tootie and I took our last walk and the wind was incredible!

    What a terrible piece of news for Oshawa! The working world is definitely changing! Glad I am at this end of it!

    Cleaned out my fridge tonight of things that had "expired." Garbage gets taken out on Wednesday. Our recycling right now is a bit of a mess, as you have to walk past the construction zone to get to it. Tar and Styrofoam bits and portapotty - not an inviting place to walk.

    Well, I am going to fill the dishwasher and hit the sack. Hope to get a good sleep. Nothing official on the calendar tomorrow -but something always comes up. I have to finish up a few things that I started today.

    Didn't pick up any groceries today, so supper was a strange conglomeration of perogies, fried onions and zucchini as well as brown beans. Filling but far from gourmet! I can see @Lynn49 wincing now!

    I boiled some sweet potato so that Tootie can have some fiber in her diet.

    Well, goodnight people! Sleep well and may God bless!
    Hahaha ..good one avoncallingu...once Landed at Pearson airport .. i put my body in auto pilot 👩✈️ and took off flying around Ontario ...from one mall to other and few those malls i had visit twice ..every morning i was out hotel by 8am and didn’t get back in until 9:00 pm or later most nights .it was steady go go ..main thing everything on my list was check off ..though when i got off plane in st.johns airport.. i was ready to take another vacation ..go down south to warm and sunny resort ..sit on beach and just relax for few weeks .that could only be a dream right now close to Christmas take another its time get things ready for Christmas 🎄 lots do forsure around here meeting and December 7th our annual Senior Christmas party ..then December 15th our kids Christmas party and then December 22nd is our community Christmas parade and santa comes gives all kids treat bag plus we prepare lunch for everyone every minute i can get now to Christmas it will be busy busy time sit 🤔 think or even day dream .its back to rat race again .
    Natalka, Lynn49, walkonby and 2 others like this.

  7. #10852
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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  8. #10853
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoJays View Post
    I thought of you when I saw this @danger_dan
    Yup, Nailed it!
    That's me, every morning...even more so in the winter, except it's me standing my our bedroom window looking out at the snowy driveway...
    Natalka, Lynn49 and GoJays like this.

  9. #10854
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Morning all.
    All that rain yesterday and last night melted all the snow we had around...our back property is now a swamp...
    Cooper had fun playing in the swampy back yard and rain last night...and I had 'fun' cleaning him up before we came back inside!

    Why aren't there enough hours in the day...?
    too much work...not enough time...

    Have a wonderful day dear friends!
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 1 others like this.

  10. #10855
    boogey-man slayer danger_dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Terrible rainy weather, not enjoyable at all for driving. One very close call came at 8:30 a.m. and if I had not noticed how fast this SUV was approaching I would have gone into my totally legal left turn on the green light to enter the hwy ramp.
    I hesitated looking at his vehicle, not quite making my turn yet, then I hit my brakes!
    He swooshed right through the solid red light!!
    Not only that but now I was almost late making my turn and the other vehicles on the right of me were antsy to go.
    Honestly!! Was this guy even aware he had run a red light??
    @walkonby , glad you're okay and nothing serious happened!
    As far as I'm concerned, If i'm driving, and I end up in the middle of the intersection because of some stupid driver who runs the red light...everyone else can just bugger off, even if they've got a green light. They can just wait the 10 seconds it takes for me to realign and get out of the intersection, unless they'd rather clean up destroyed car parts and (likely) blood and other crap off of their vehicles because of a crash!
    Natalka, Lynn49, GoJays and 1 others like this.

  11. #10856
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    @walkonby so glad you were able to avoid that accident!

    An arse going through a red light, speeding, was how I had my first accident - a year and a half after I got my first beautiful Mustang - which got totalled. So did his trans am. I had no injuries. Because I was turning left and he hit the passenger side. Way back in 1983..

    @Newfiescreech you give new meaning to power shopping! Glad your trip was worth it!

    @avoncallingu - thanks for the earworm!!!

    @GoJays you make my morning with your memes!

    Freezing rain on top of snow here, so glad I am not driving.

    Today is my nurse visit day. They do not phone ahead, as the others did, so one has to be ready all the time.

    Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone. Stay safe!
    Last edited by Natalka; Tue, Nov 27th, 2018 at 10:15 AM.
    Lynn49, GoJays, walkonby and 1 others like this.

  12. #10857
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Good morning!

    @Newfiescreech , I think you've set the record around here for power-shopping!! That mall near Parry Sound...was the the Cookstown, now a Tanger outlet? We stop in there every time we head to TO...some really nice stores and bargains there, best place to buy Crocs sandals. You were only 1 1/2 hours from me! So your big shopping is done, now the madness of the holiday season starts for you, so much volunteer work you do! What's the population if your city? It sounds like an idyllic Christmas community!

    @avoncallingu , that's one way to clear out your fridge before Christmas! That's something I have to get to here, but tossing stuff out that we purchased for ingredients, yet I couldn't toss what we didn't use. Until now. Give sweet Tootie a snuggle for me.

    @GoJays , once again you've made me smile this morning...that "blind driver" van was hilarious!

    @walkonby , I've always hesitated a few seconds, looked both ways if I was first in line, at a green light. Last year that saved my life: I got a green light, looked to my left to see a transport truck barrelling right through a red light! Walks, I would surely have died, getting hit on my side by that huge truck. I drove home trying to keep from crying from being so frightened, thinking of what might have happened. I get to that intersection now and still get chills. Thank heavens you also avoided an accident.

    Ok! On with the day!
    Have a wonderful day, everyone!

  13. #10858
    Canadian Guru avoncallingu's Avatar
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    Alright, gourmet and expert chefs, I am going to a potluck next Thursday with 1 French chef, 2 gourmet cooks, 3 expert nibblers and What do I Make for Pre-Dinner Appetizers- that are fairly easy and I can prepare before hand cause I don't have no partridge pear tree!

    Thanks in advance!!!!!

  14. #10859
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Hope every one is doing well. Going with my aunt to Wendy's tomorrow. I'll have a salad and a baked potato with bottled water. Trying to stick to my diet. Afterwards doing my laundry at her place.

  15. #10860
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Avon, I am a good cook, but gourmet is out of my league.

    I would probably make pork wontons, because they are easy, you can make them a day ahead, and they are as yummy as fresh the next day.


    So I got a call from the home care nurse - good to know some do phone - and told her it was fine to come right over.
    Well there was a knock in like two minutes, but it was Dr. Nellie, my fave doc from Seniors First. She said she was nearby and hadn't seen me in a while so just came to check on me. Wowsers!!!

    She just started examining me when the nurse came - they didn't know each other (different programs), but the Dr shared vitals as she examined me. All is well, then the Dr left, nurse still had some questions.

    First thing she said was "Is she your doctor?" - and I knew what she meant because Dr. Nellie is a bit of a whirlwind, dresses cool/funky etc.
    So I had to explain to the nurse how I am with both home care teams, and she said how very lucky I am - don't I know it!!!

    Hm, I gained a bit of weight. Nice to have a good appetite, but I obviously wasn't very careful this past week.
    When I had to stand to get weighed and the nurse saw how hard it was to do that, and each step, was - then she said she understood why I wasn't very mobile.
    When we were done, she asked if she could give me a hug, she was very sweet.

    Poor Vader cat got confused. She came out for love from Dr. Nellie, who returns her feelings - but then the 'strange' nurse came, so Vader went to hide.
    She got used to the same nurses coming, and now it's usually a different one each week.

    I ordered a BP monitor from Amazon yesterday.
    Today, ordered a walker from a mobility company here - all they had in stock in the model I want was silver, so she ordered me red. I just figure why not have colour, and I dislike black things though sometimes they cannot be avoided.

    My son said if I had to get a plain black one, he would have one of his Auto body buddies do up some flames or something. Actually he thought I should have purple.

    ...sorry this is so long, I just let it all hang out!

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