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Thread: A new beginning in getting HEALTHY...2017, here we come!!!

  1. #1126
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Forced myself to take a recovery day yesterday. By that I mean I still did my yoga (vital for my back and leg injury) and we went for a 30 min walk in the evening when it had cooled down.

    Not sure what the plan is for today…..

  2. #1127
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Still walking on my busy physical work days. Today is strength day at the gym when Dh gets home.

  3. #1128
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Still the usual workouts every day but the highlight was Saturday.

    First thing in the morning I did 40 min of yoga and then I met up with one of my SIL’s and walked the trails for 45 min while chatting about some health stuff. Not only was I happy with the walk but the chat was SO needed! Then I came home and Dh and I squeezed in a 30 min strength session before the gym closed.

    Sunday was a 15km trail and hill ride. Of course it started off overcast but then the sun came and it was a scorcher! Still a great time.

    Monday was active recovery so just walking the neighborhood.

    Back at it this morning with 40 min yoga. The weights and walk will be done after Dh gets home and the house is cleaned

  4. #1129
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Even though I’ve been busy I haven’t stopped working out. Weights and running when we arrived at our hotel when we went to the hairdresser. We were up at 3am and on the road at 4am and after a 5 1/2 hr drive, 3 hours in the chair, lunch and a short walk around town, another 2 hr drive we made it to the hotel at 4pm! Quick reset and a 30min power nap then off to the gym.

    Strength training 3-4 x times a week (only did 3 this week as my shoulder was acting up ).

    Chose to pickleball and walk last night instead of riding. Not sure what’s up today after work.

  5. #1130
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    Quote Originally Posted by harbie View Post
    Forced myself to take a recovery day yesterday.
    I am facing the same. I noticed some tenderness in my left knee and hope that I have not developed bursitis. I had it in my right knee last year and took forever to heal. I hope that I caught it in time to rest and let it recover quickly. Looks like I'll be walking for the next while.
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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  6. #1131
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Played a fantastic game of pickleball with hubby last night as the sun started setting. It was beautiful and much cooler than the 30 degrees we had during the day!

  7. #1132
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    Well my credit card was charged for my gym membership today (I had put it on hold for the summer) So I will be going later today!
    It will be good to get back into a routine.
    Also looking forward to Fall hikes. The best time of year in my opinion Planning a hiking road trip in October and very excited for that.

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  8. #1133
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Ran an easy but incline 4k on Tuesday , went back to physio same day for a deep shockwave , ultrasound and massage treatment so Wednesday was a recovery day of just walking. Today is strength training again and if I have the energy I’ll do a short run. Our gym is doing a BINGO for a variety of activities and I’m just going to challenge myself. The Roman chair leg raises are what I’m most scared of. I’m most likely to only be able to do knee bent version especially when I’m doing 10 pray for me

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  9. #1134
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    For those of you who use ice packs, be careful not to apply them too long. I have been trying to reduce the inflammation on my left knee, so I applied a pack while watching TV. I may have left it on for too long and suffered a cryo-burn. It's the large dark patch shown over my inner left knee.

    I heard about cryo-burns decades ago, when I saw an article about how ranchers were using freeze-branding instead of the more traditional branding irons, since it supposedly did less damage to the cattle. I think I just branded myself. I hope that the discoloration recovers over time and that I haven't permanently disfigured myself. Oh, well. What has been done has been done. :-(

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    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  10. #1135
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    Sorry but I can’t like that one @HermanH . Hopefully it’s not permanent.

    Hit the gym last night after work for a strength workout but ended up cutting it a bit short since the lovely group of kids were taking over the squat rack and most of the cable area . I don’t have time to wait for them to finish their sets when they choose to walk away from the machines and then decide they’re not done when I start to set up.

    Regardless I got a decent workout in. Not sure what the plan is for today.

  11. #1136
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    I tip toe in here quietly as I've managed to drop 9 pounds since October 8th. Intermittent fasting + a roughly followed 1500 calorie daily plan.
    The lean proteins are my mainstay, ALL leafy greens, complex carbs ( anything white has been eliminated, rice, spuds, bread ). Gave up the
    Coke Zero ( artificial sweeteners were making my sweet tooth worse ). I've gone " no sugar ", except for fresh berries, I've stopped adding salt
    to my foods at the table, but still enjoy foods like black olives, corned beef, cheeses, hummus and just don't fret anymore about that sodium.
    Come to think of it I hardly add salt to stuff when I cook. It will be a long trip to get back to a healthy weight but for my back and " new knee "
    to benefit the most this is step one, as well as the stretches and floor exercises.

    Fun, fun, fun!

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  12. #1137
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    Welldone @walkonby !! You are an inspiration for sure!! Love that you've figured out a change in diet that works for you.

    9 lbs is almost a full bag of potatoes!! Incredible!!

    I was proud of myself last night...DH was craving a pizza or something and I said I can make or order you one but I just feel like a salad.
    He agreed on a salad "with bacon bits" we had nice salad made with my price matched lettuce (I swear it tasted better lol).
    Sliced fresh roasted turkey breast, cubed swiss cheese, bacon bits, ranch dressing and mine had cucumber.

    I "need" to keep on the right track and opting for meals to help with weight loss.
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  13. #1138
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    I've started an 8 week weight loss challenge on Myfitnesspal. It's my 3rd try at and having no luck yet but many of the team members have had great success over the years...they keep up with the challenges to stay accountable. I thought I'd share the weekly challenges here in case anyone finds them of interest

    Week 2
    Exercise daily (ideally shooting for 30 mins or more)
    Get outside for 10 minutes a day
    Declutter - spend at least 10 minutes a day ...ideally up to 30 mins
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  14. #1139
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    Quote Originally Posted by crafter View Post
    Sliced fresh roasted turkey breast, cubed swiss cheese, bacon bits, ranch dressing and mine had cucumber.

    I "need" to keep on the right track and opting for meals to help with weight loss.
    I have found that the dressing or condiments like mayonnaise is really where a massive number of calories hide. If you are working towards weight loss, you might consider leaving those elements out or switching to something lighter.
    harbie and crafter like this.
    My food may not befit a king, but I eat like a horse.

  15. #1140
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermanH View Post
    I have found that the dressing or condiments like mayonnaise is really where a massive number of calories hide. If you are working towards weight loss, you might consider leaving those elements out or switching to something lighter.
    Yes @HermanH you have a valid point with that. For now, we're just trying to get back into the habit of eating more salads, etc and then we will tweak from there.
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