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Thread: May 2017 Frugal Chatter thread

  1. #181
    Smart Canuck avrose's Avatar
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    Good evening all! Tonight DH and I are going to see Bill Burr! So excited!! These are the first tickets in ages I did not put on a credit card. I had no cash before payday and he sold out, I was so sad, then he opened a second show and I had money! lol We are going out for dinner first with a gift card we got for xmas.
    Hope you all feel better soon Angela!
    Check out Tangerine with my Orange Key!! 40411099S1

  2. #182
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avrose View Post
    Good evening all! Tonight DH and I are going to see Bill Burr! So excited!! These are the first tickets in ages I did not put on a credit card. I had no cash before payday and he sold out, I was so sad, then he opened a second show and I had money! lol We are going out for dinner first with a gift card we got for xmas.
    Hope you all feel better soon Angela!
    Enjoy your evening!!

  3. #183
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Sweet sparrow: I am sorry to hear of your MIL passing.
    Angela: I love that chips may have helped you feel better.
    natalka: yay on the new set of wheels.
    It seems like forever since I checked in so lots to catch up on. Kitchen starts Tuesday. I will be sure to post some before and after pics. I am especially excited this whole project including extras will be paid for once it's done. We have some costly extras including 4000 for a new kitchen window.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  4. #184
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    Aren't windows a ridiculous price Lilo? We did our whole house a few years ago and man we were in sticker shock. I know you really have to shop for quality and price as well as installation is the most important part.

  5. #185
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Good morning, all! It's warmed up here, so it should be close to 20 for the weekend.

    Have fun, those of you travelling away for the long weekend - well, and the same to those of us who will be homebodies!

  6. #186
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    Morning! TGIF for all us working fools! Leaving early to start the long weekend woohoo! My man put together the new fireplace thing together. He is picking up a years worth of wood for us from a friend for free today when he is finished work. So tonight we plan on having our first fire It is a cool day today so perfect night for a fire.

    Off to buy a 2 day festival ticket for DS $171 wow. (Need credit card to purchase online) They sure to rip people off if you ask me. He has wanted to go for years but always had to work etc. But I'm pretty sure it was only $20 bucks the first year!

  7. #187
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Fireplace sounds great! Enjoy the cozyness @Frugalbigmama !
    Newfiescreech, Angela273 and Ciel like this.

  8. #188
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Sobey's has updated its Weekly Offer dashboard-I went to see what offers I have this week and noticed the difference.
    I seem to keep getting 10 bonus AM wus $35 offers and few individual AM product offers (or a discount on products if I buy a specific brand of meat/tea/grocery).
    Decided to start cutting grass around 6pm last night as no storm came along, but some grey/orange clouds did scoot by at 7pm.
    Feel like making a rosemary focaccia tonight as the day is cold enough and the herb fragrance will be delightful. Will admit I am tired of cooked pasta by now though it is inexpensive.
    The tulips are starting to drop petals (wah!) this week. Good show by the new and old bulbs for 2017. Grape hyacinths did not make it past last weekend. The dusty miller plants are showing a greenish hue-they had been cut back twice (once by me in March and again by Mom last month)-this week from the silvery-white hue.

    I will hold off buying any fresh fruit or vegetables until Tuesday then stick to the marked down produce areas and maybe get one box of salad as it lasts for several days. May need a dressing too.

    Will admit to missing some SCers on the forum of late! @Raeja @cath007 @MillieH and more!
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  9. #189
    Easy Glider GoodBoy's Avatar
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    Have a great long weekend all!

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  10. #190
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Focaccia took about 15min to make and to put away to rise first time for 1h then 30min in pan. Good thing I can be distracted for those amounts of time. I like my verison of the flatbread over the store version because I am generous in the amount of dried rosemary that is put as topping as well in the dough. Coarse salt finished off the topping-yum!

    Eggs have a best before date of May 23. Think another chiffon cake and batch of cookies are on my to-do list tomorrow.

    My long weekend has a beer purchased from May. 4-am enjoying it now.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  11. #191
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    May coupons that expire-the 50 cents off Barilla pasta expire on May 31. I was looking for May coupons and don't want to toss the pasta ones out yet.
    I was able to print off three Tasty Rewards coupons on Tuesday-two of them expire on May 30 and one on May 31.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  12. #192
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    got a second scop today(had one yesterday at freshco on my yogurt) at lowes scopped ant killer spray 5.99=free
    -also saved 34.99 on no tax day at lowes we bought a big patio umbrella as we cant take the sun out back on our 2 year old deck -it is shady come 2.30 p.m -but then again I am not 20 even with a sun hat sitting in the sun
    -yeah daughter and Sebastian are coming for a few days this afternoon cant wait ,just made a homemade pot of turkey soup from the easter turkey -yummmm gonna go have a bit for my lunch

  13. #193
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    I finished weeding my garden plots one last time and started to turn the soil with my spade, my brother usually tills my garden for me. Dh took our son for a little bike ride and spotted a neighbour putting his garden tiller away. My husband just made arrangements for a neighbour to till my garden tomorrow. Neighbour offered to do it for free, but Dh insisted we'll pay him something. I usually gave my brother $20 for tilling my raised garden beds.

    Our son loves his one-on-one time, even if it is while our shopping with me. I bought my tomato plants this morning at the Farmer's Market. I already have all my seeds purchased. It'll be hard to stop the kids from playing in the garden once it is planted. They understand better once you can see the little plants.

    Shopped at NF this morning. Spent $89, but stocked up on some stuff. Redeemed $30 in points, earned 5,850 in points, used $14.75 in coupons, $4.75 in rebate apps, also pm'd cucumbers and yogourt. The parking lot was extra busy due to their fenced garden section. I was returning my cart when a guy offered me $2 for my cart, it's an extra $1 in my pocket.
    Last edited by Angela273; Sat, May 20th, 2017 at 11:11 PM.
    Help me out with Swagbucks and we can both earn gift cards and PayPal money
    Pm me for a referral link if you’d like to earn a $10 bonus! when you create your Checkout 51 rebate account
    Caddle Referral Code:
    ANGELA67343 and we will both earn $1 bonus

  14. #194
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Oh what a week, just as I was waiting for our new Sales Manager to come in for his training I got an email from one of our production plants that the lead hand has been hospitalized. As of Wednesday I have been in our production plant trying to do the computer side of production which is something I know very little about, I understand the computer part but it is how the production sheets work that took some time to understand. Our lead hand was hospitalized Monday night, Wednesday they were transferred to another hospital where they were able to determine what was wrong, treat them and they were released on Thursday but it will probably be bit before they are cleared to come back to work.

    Friday night after work I was a bit of a mad woman in a good way. I got off work ran to No Frills to grab Ground Beef and Nachos then I had to get across town which is no way easy right now with construction made it to Costco but had less then half an hour before Mom got off work and I needed to pick her up. When in Costco I was on a mission, I was in and out of Costco in under 20 minutes. We needed:
    Kirkland Allergy Pills (if you need these best place to buy them $18.99 or $19.99 for 200)
    Kirkland Robax ($7.99 for 80, best deal around)
    Probiotics ($18.99 for 60 this is an insane price and they are a great quality)
    Garbage bags (with the mass cleaning going on we are going through these, I only use Costco brand due to strength since we use a dumpster)
    Peanut Butter (thought I had some in the basement don't, so best deal as no one had on sale)
    Foil Pans (use these all the time in the oven and on BBQ saves clean up, you get 30 for $6.99)

    My body so wanted to do nothing yesterday but one thing seemed to roll into another and at the end of the day it was super productive. I ended up:
    Cleaning the walls, ceiling and floor in the Bathroom
    Cleaned the stairs way (wiped everything down)
    Cleaned the outside of all the cabinets in the Kitchen (still need to do the appliances)
    Cleaned the Kitchen floor
    Cleaned the deck in the backyard

    Not sure on the plan yet for today I see we have some fruit that needs to be used up so maybe I will do some baking to use it up and give us snacks for this upcoming week.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
    Last edited by SassyAshley; Sun, May 21st, 2017 at 07:49 AM.
    Newfiescreech, Ciel and GoodBoy like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  15. #195
    Canadian Guru
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    Morning! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Yesterday was productive. All yard work done with new mulch. Grass cut. New gazebo put up. All laundry done and dried in sunshine and put away. Drove DS and his friend to Wasaga beach. Came home and we made a nice steak dinner with salad. Now I am ready to pack for our night away. Wake up honey I'm ready to go

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