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Thread: Where to find good price on non-dairy milk

  1. #1
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    My family has been drinking a lot of non-dairy milk lately (soy and almond mostly), and it can be pretty expensive - double the price of cow's milk or more. It seems like even the boxes of multiple cartons aren't a great price. Does anyone have any ideas for how to get it for cheaper? Especially shelf-stable stuff so I can stock up?

    One of my thoughts is to buy the soy milk I've seen in some Asian grocery stores (Asian brands), but I haven't gotten around to that yet. I've also managed to get some at a reduced price because it was close to expiry. Other ideas are welcome!
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  2. #2
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    I do not use self stable non dairy milk but a number of family members do and they purchase it at Costco. To be honest not sure how it compares but it might be a better option
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  3. #3
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    I do search for reduced price non dairy milks at my Fortinos store-that is how I find the choco hazelnut milk to try. But usually I wait for the store to offer Blue Diamond or Dream Blends coconut almond milks for $2.50 per carton or 2 for $5 when I buy one or two cartons when synched up with a PC Plus points offer (in-store or personal).
    Given that almonds require lots of water to grow, the expense and transportation costs plus US exchange rate all factor into costs.
    Have you checked to see if Goodness Me's current sale might have any deals on case pricing? They do online orders.
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  4. #4
    Smart Canuck Purdee's Avatar
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    search in your area, here we have a local chinese store that make their own fresh shanghai noodle, several types of tofu and soy products, that's all they do and they give discount if you buy large quantity

  5. #5
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Interesting question OP. This week, there was a story in the news about nondairy beverages and small children. They don't recommend them for some children under 2, according to dietitians
    Can children drink non-dairy beverages?
    It depends. Children under 2 years of age should not be given non-dairy beverages because they do not have enough fat or protein to meet their needs. Whole cow’s milk is recommended for children under the age of 2. However, if your child has a milk allergy or is vegan, work with a registered dietitian to find the best option to meet his or her needs. Children over 2 years of age can be given non-dairy beverages. Work with a registered dietitian to find a beverage that best meets their protein, vitamin and mineral needs. Call EatRight Ontario at 1-877-510-510-2 for information about non-dairy beverages and your children.

  6. #6
    Smart Canuck
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    Blue Diamond will send you coupons; you can specify you prefer the coupons for shelf almond milk. You can request them every 3 months.
    If you buy this at superstore (on sale I hope), you will probably end up getting a point offer for it next time. Then try to co-ordinate the sale, points, coupons to maximize your savings.
    Last edited by Lavender Lady; Sat, Jun 10th, 2017 at 06:36 PM.

  7. #7
    Smart Canuck
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    If I'm at Loblaws, I often check the organic section to see if they're on sale. Those sales aren't always advertised in their flyers.
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    Interesting, I didn't know that, @Shwa Girl. That's a really informative website - thanks for sharing.
    Last edited by fegonia; Thu, Jun 15th, 2017 at 04:01 PM.
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  9. #9
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    Yes! I just found out about this. Gotta love companies that send coupons out all the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lavender Lady View Post
    Blue Diamond will send you coupons; you can specify you prefer the coupons for shelf almond milk. You can request them every 3 months.
    If you buy this at superstore (on sale I hope), you will probably end up getting a point offer for it next time. Then try to co-ordinate the sale, points, coupons to maximize your savings.

  10. #10
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fegonia View Post
    Interesting, I didn't know that, @Shwa Girl. That's a really informative website - thanks for sharing.
    You are welcome. It's a free service paid by the Ontario government. People can get information they can trust from a registered dietitian.

  11. #11
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    Almond Fresh goes on sale somewhere every couple of weeks for $2.99. Walmart tends to be the cheapest if you are buying just one at full price $4.97. If you want a three pack, try Costco. Comes to about $3.89 each for a 3 pack of organic Almond. They don't sell non-organic
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  12. #12
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    1.89 Litre Cartons of Almond, Cashew, Soya, Coconut milk both sweetened or unsweetened often go on sale for $ 2.99 at Metro, Sobeys, Freshco, Food Basics etc.

    Stock up on them when they go on sale. That's the lowest they seem to go ,$ 2.99 for 1.89 L . Regular price is usually around $5 for them.

    That sale price is almost close to the price of regular dairy milk !
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  13. #13
    Canadian Guru
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    1.89 Litre Cartons of Almond, Cashew, Soya, Coconut milk both sweetened or unsweetened often go on sale for $ 2.99 at Metro, Sobeys, Freshco, Food Basics etc.

    Stock up on them when they go on sale. That's the lowest they seem to go ,$ 2.99 for 1.89 L . Regular price is usually around $5 for them.

    That sale price is almost close to the price of regular dairy milk !

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