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Thread: PC Optimum - SDM and PC Unite Feb.1 2018!!!!

  1. #1651
    Smart Canuck luckbealady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    0 offers on my card for the 5th week . Is it only me not having offers TIA
    26 offers for me this week. I don't think I've had a week yet where I didn't have some sort of offer
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  2. #1652
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotsasavings View Post
    I haven't shopped at SDM as frequently since the merger but, with a little strategic planning, there are still some AMAZING deals to be had.

    Thanks very much, @johnb56789 , for posting in the deals section! His SDM shopping trip reminded me about the bonus 3,000 PCO points WUB2 specific Dove products.

    On Saturday, I bought:

    20 x Dove 4-pack bar soap @ $2.99 each = $59.80
    4 x Dove hair products @ $3.99 each = $15.96
    for a total of $59.80 + $15.96 = $75.76 + $9.85 tax = $85.61

    I earned:

    1,125 regular points
    12 x 3,000 WUB2 = 36,000 in-store points
    25,000 weekend bonus points WUB $75.00
    15,000 digital/personal offer of 200/$1 spent on Dove products
    for a total of 1,125 + 36,000 + 25,000 + 15,000 = 77,125 PCO points = $77.12 value

    I also earned 2 x $1.00 CO51 for the bar soap so a total value of $77.12 + $2.00 = $79.12

    So, including tax, I spent $85.61 and earned back $79.12 for a difference of $6.49!

    Oh, I also received a bonus coupon of 10,000 PCO points WUB $40.00 this week Monday - Friday.

    Most of the soap will be included in gift packages I donate each Christmas.
    Does any one know when the points offer in store for the Dove product end TIA
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  3. #1653
    Smart Canuck Grey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    Does any one know when the points offer in store for the Dove product end TIA
    Get 3000 bonus points®* when you purchase any two (2) participating† Dove products.

    Offer valid from Saturday, April 21 to Friday May 18, 2018

    Search & Win using Swagbucks! Redeem for gift cards.
    Click >>> Swagbucks <<< and start earning your own.

  4. #1654
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grey View Post
    Get 3000 bonus points®* when you purchase any two (2) participating† Dove products.

    Offer valid from Saturday, April 21 to Friday May 18, 2018

    Thank you very much @Grey I have an offer that I wanted to do but have to wait until this weekend
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  5. #1655
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    I have SDM Friday offer 7500 points wus $40 on anything, but in the term of use it said $30 which one would it work$30 or $40. TIA
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  6. #1656
    Smartie Canuck greentires4me's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apple pie View Post
    I have SDM Friday offer 7500 points wus $40 on anything, but in the term of use it said $30 which one would it work$30 or $40. TIA
    Mine ends tomorrow it says on it for 7500 pts.

    I don’t understand what your trying to ask about the 30 or 40$ point...or my brain just not computing right now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  7. #1657
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    Quote Originally Posted by apple pie View Post
    I have SDM Friday offer 7500 points wus $40 on anything, but in the term of use it said $30 which one would it work$30 or $40. TIA
    @apple pie my DH card also have this offer whis is confusing if you try it out Please post if you spent $30 or $40? TIA or any one else who have this . This will make me make a trip tomorrow for the dove

  8. #1658
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apple pie View Post
    I have SDM Friday offer 7500 points wus $40 on anything, but in the term of use it said $30 which one would it work$30 or $40. TIA

    My guess is that it's $40. It seems more likely that someone cut and pasted the details from a similar offer and forgot to change the $30 than that they made a mistake on the main panel of the offer by putting $40 when it should have been $30.

    It's not a particularly good offer at $30 anyway, 16.7x if one spends the minimum $30. $40 would be even worse, 12.5x.
    Last edited by Arjon; Thu, May 3rd, 2018 at 12:34 PM.
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  9. #1659
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arjon View Post
    My guess is that it's $40. It seems more likely that someone cut and pasted the details from a similar offer and forgot to change the $30 than that they made a mistake on the main panel of the offer by putting $40 when it should have been $30.

    It's not a particularly good offer at $30 anyway, 16.7x if one spends the minimum $30. $40 would be even worse, 12.5x.
    Please shed some light on my planned purchase to buy the Dove soap and get an In store bonus of 3000 Points for every 2 @Arjon TIAis it worth it
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  10. #1660
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    I have SDM Friday offer 7500 points wus $40 on anything, but in the term of use it said $30 which one would it work$30 or $40. TIA
    I have the same offer, but in my terms of use it says $40
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  11. #1661
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    Oh, and I got 21 offers today. Most ever! Half of them are for things I have never bought, and unlikely to buy, but still-I think we're going in the right direction.
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  12. #1662
    Frosh Canuck
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    Does it matter if I buy the items in Shopper's or the grocery store when using the emailed offers?
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  13. #1663
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    can you Redeem points at SDM when you have a WUS X amount to get X amount of points TIA
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  14. #1664
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    can you Redeem points at SDM when you have a WUS X amount to get X amount of points TIA
    if you redeem pts at SDM you will not receive any bonus points, especially not the WUS ones
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  15. #1665
    CaLoonie Mrs_Dean_Winchester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    @apple pie my DH card also have this offer whis is confusing if you try it out Please post if you spent $30 or $40? TIA or any one else who have this . This will make me make a trip tomorrow for the dove
    i would check your offer's terms again... mine said $30 this morning and now i see that its been corrected to $40. hope that helps!
    Newfiescreech and Ciel like this.

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