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Thread: PC Optimum - SDM and PC Unite Feb.1 2018!!!!

  1. #1756
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavvyLady View Post
    i just noticed that my SDM receipt shows the correct balance, I got 10,000 pts today, and my pc card balance shows I earned 10,000 but my balance isn’t updated.
    I get that kind of stuff a lot and found that if I sign out and then back in again every thing goes back to normal
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  2. #1757
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Michele View Post
    Watch your balances
    I just did a shop at sdm my receipt showed the correct balance but when i went to no frills my app only had the base points from the sdm transaction. The app showed the points in the transaction list but the balance was not updated
    I called and its been added.

    Sent from my SM-J320W8 using Tapatalk
    I had the same thing happen today. I went to Shoppers and got my points showing correctly on the receipt. Then went to City Market and those points I just earned didn't show up. It looks correctly in the points overview but the details are all wrong and the total is not updated.

  3. #1758
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    Quote Originally Posted by plc View Post
    I had the same thing happen today. I went to Shoppers and got my points showing correctly on the receipt. Then went to City Market and those points I just earned didn't show up. It looks correctly in the points overview but the details are all wrong and the total is not updated.
    This happened to me on 2 different cards I just put in a points inquiry. On 1card it’s 26000 Points I spoke to someone and the are unable to add my points the have to escalate it to higher authority. The other is 30200 Points. Just have to wait and see hat happens on Monday
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  4. #1759
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    Has anyone used the household feature since it was enabled again? If so, please share any specifics you have on what you have and haven't done, what is and isn't working as you expect, etc.
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  5. #1760
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavvyLady View Post
    i just noticed that my SDM receipt shows the correct balance, I got 10,000 pts today, and my pc card balance shows I earned 10,000 but my balance isn’t updated.
    Mine is also not updated as well.
    I got 25,000 points today showing up on my receipt but not on my app
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  6. #1761
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    yes and mine doesn't show also I got 22,000 at shoppers and on my desktop it doesn't show the new total -so no need to complain I guess if I log out and then in maybe it may show
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  7. #1762
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    I did another shop this evening and the Points didn’t show up it’s only when I shop at SDM.
    I was told that there is a glitch in the system and as long as it’s on the receipt it will show up with in 24 hours no need for a points inquiry. So I am going to wait until Monday
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  8. #1763
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    They're at it again. $36 in missing points that appeared on my receipt. My balance updated on my receipt. It appears as a transaction in my account, but my points balance didn't increase...
    Newfiescreech and Ciel like this.
    Apply every possible promo code to your cart, at every store that you visit (and get points for cash back on top of that?). It's sweet and easy with HONEY.

    Always use Ebates and get cash back at over 600 online stores! Use this link to get $5, FREE

  9. #1764
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    Hi - Anyone using the *Household* feature? I'm thinking about trying it and would like to hear your experience

    How is it working for you? Do you think you are getting the same offers as you each would have gotten separately?

    Any problem or any advantages you can tell us about? Or have you tried it and found it didn't work for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arjon View Post
    Has anyone used the household feature since it was enabled again? If so, please share any specifics you have on what you have and haven't done, what is and isn't working as you expect, etc.
    @Arjon - You know what they say about great minds...!

    Yes, please share your experience with using household if you're doing it/have done it!
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  10. #1765
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    I did another shop this evening and the Points didn’t show up it’s only when I shop at SDM.
    I was told that there is a glitch in the system and as long as it’s on the receipt it will show up with in 24 hours no need for a points inquiry. So I am going to wait until Monday
    I still haven’t received my 10,000 pts and my purchase was done Friday morning, I did put in a points inquiry and I asked that they check back to all my SDM purchases since I would see the totals on my receipts but didn’t always check the total on my app. This only happens with SDM, with all the grocery stores the points are added immediately!
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  11. #1766
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by torontogal12 View Post
    They're at it again. $36 in missing points that appeared on my receipt. My balance updated on my receipt. It appears as a transaction in my account, but my points balance didn't increase...
    I have same problem ..yesterday was 20x points if you purchase $50.00 or more showing as a transaction in my account..check my point balance and it didn’t change ..I’ll wait couple days and if it doesnt change ..I’ll be doing inquiry on missing points .
    Ciel, plc, torontogal12 and 1 others like this.

  12. #1767
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    I did another shop this evening and the Points didn’t show up it’s only when I shop at SDM.
    I was told that there is a glitch in the system and as long as it’s on the receipt it will show up with in 24 hours no need for a points inquiry. So I am going to wait until Monday
    Yes flemeth.. I’m having same problem ..only when i shop at SDM that my points doesn’t show up ..dont Loblaws have all those glitches figure out yet !! Always problem with points since they combine both together...i will wait 2 days ..just see if my points actually goes to my account ..if not i will do missing points message .
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  13. #1768
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    @Arjon - You know what they say about great minds...!

    Yes, please share your experience with using household if you're doing it/have done it!
    Not me personally, but my parents are using the household feature since they messed up during the changeover back in Feb. My step mother ended up unattached from my fathers account as they once were instead with her own PCO account. So to link them they have made a household to merge their accounts back together (Instead of just adding her PCO account # to my fathers account). It seems to work fine so far, just as they had it before. Points are still shared easily between them and are earned as they once were.

    One of them can redeem no problem and they simply earn from one pool of offers as they did before. So for them, it is much like nothing has changed since the merger.
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  14. #1769
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Molly View Post
    My sister went to a Loblaws garden centre and the cashier wasn't going to scan her card. My sister told her she thought there was a good points deal on, so she scanned the card and gasped. She would have missed out on 28,000 points since she spent over $100.
    Why ??? wouldn’t cashier want scan your sister card ..thats what their suppose do ..scan our cards we get points ..wether we get points or not ..thank god !! cashier did ..cause I wouldn’t want get home to see that i was entitled to points and didn’t get them ..all kinds out there omg 😯
    Ciel and torontogal12 like this.

  15. #1770
    Newfiescreech Newfiescreech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    What is Top T?
    So sorry Silk ..didn’t see your message until now ..TOP T ...means a SC member helping another SC members ..more you reply’s back to their questions in one day could be TOP T for day ..sorry again Silk
    Silk and Ciel like this.

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