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Thread: PC Optimum - SDM and PC Unite Feb.1 2018!!!!

  1. #736
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    Website let me do a points inquiry... hopefully things are back up and running for good
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  2. #737
    Smart Canuck web3's Avatar
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    I tired to read back for an answer but do we know how householding works?

    My card and my husbands both had different offers. I added my husband to mine to make a household. Now when I log in under either account, they both have the same offers. Not sure I like that aspect of it...
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  3. #738
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by web3 View Post
    I tired to read back for an answer but do we know how householding works?

    My card and my husbands both had different offers. I added my husband to mine to make a household. Now when I log in under either account, they both have the same offers. Not sure I like that aspect of it...
    How long ago did you add your husband? There are situations where offers don't update right away like they presumably should / will when the households feature is running as intended.
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  4. #739
    Smart Canuck web3's Avatar
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    I added him on Saturday. All the offers are the same except mine has 2 sdm exclusive offers.
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  5. #740
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by web3 View Post
    I added him on Saturday. All the offers are the same except mine has 2 sdm exclusive offers.
    Are the offers for both accounts the same set that your account had before you created the household? As I posted last night, that was my experience yesterday, but the invited account didn't stay in the household long enough to see if the set would change after a while. But I was thinking it might take a few hours for them to change, not since Saturday.
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  6. #741
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    Just adding a data point: We have 3 cards in our physical household, which I pretty much manage. We have not set up a virtual "PCO household" because we want to maximize our variety of coupon offers. We have never been Superstore shoppers, we have always been solid SDM shoppers.

    So far, not one of us has received a single coupon we can use at SDM. Even with the whole mystical appearing/disappearing/dancing/flirting coupon show that's been going on.

    But we have all received coupons for things we can only buy at Superstore and would *never* buy (like whole fresh pineapples, or huge bags of produce, or Joe Fresh jewelry). I'm not impressed at all.

    Haven't shopped at SDM since Feb 5. I miss it. Hope they straighten this program out soon.

  7. #742
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    I'm missing my 20x the points on milk coupons! But I have a plan!

    Pretty sure the $4.65 for milk is a "regular price" since it never shows up with an S beside the price. So, I think I'm going to go buy 6 milk tomorrow with the 20% off (text coupon), 4.65*6*.8=22.32 and then I'll do a $20 redemption If they aren't going to give me bonus points buying milk, I may as well redeem for it after 20% off

  8. #743
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    So took dh’s card to rcss because when we log in it says to take card to store and have cashier fix it. Went to customer service of course they said they can’t help me. But my old pc plus points show up at store but not when I log in. My old optimum points show up on website but not on card. Put in another inquiry a few days ago. Still no response.
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  9. #744
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    Quote Originally Posted by scouponer View Post
    So took dh’s card to rcss because when we log in it says to take card to store and have cashier fix it. Went to customer service of course they said they can’t help me. But my old pc plus points show up at store but not when I log in. My old optimum points show up on website but not on card. Put in another inquiry a few days ago. Still no response.
    I am also still eating to get mine fixed. Was told it would take 24 hours but it’s been more tan 4days
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  10. #745
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    I had merged my Shoppers card to my PC plus account online, got the confirmation email, used my card at Shoppers and got the points and thought everything was ok on Feb 3rd.

    Today I went to Shoppers and my card did not work, the cashier said it needed to be linked and gave me a new card with a key fob. I suspect this has something to do with the recent upgrade for the appl. Also I only have one SDM offer and 17 grocery. While the grocery ones are for products I buy, only one Shoppers offer is disappointing.....will wait now for senior days and get 20% off.
    Last edited by barbis9; Mon, Feb 12th, 2018 at 10:17 PM.

  11. #746
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    I am still annoyed I have not even one shoppers offer. Only Loblaws and all offers for crap I have never even thought of buying. I go to Loblaws twice a year and go to Shoppers twice a week but their algorithm hasn't figured that out... It has become useless. This better change or off to Sobeys I go
    Apply every possible promo code to your cart, at every store that you visit (and get points for cash back on top of that?). It's sweet and easy with HONEY.

    Always use Ebates and get cash back at over 600 online stores! Use this link to get $5, FREE

  12. #747
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    did anyone find out if there is a way to set some cards to earn points only? i have the MC and also the key fob. i don't want to use the key fob until i can set it to earn points only. thanks
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  13. #748
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    Quote Originally Posted by flemeth View Post
    I am also still eating to get mine fixed. Was told it would take 24 hours but it’s been more tan 4days
    Well at least they told you 24 hours...just got an email back and said I would get my points by feb 28! Really that is just over 2 weeks! Not cool pc optimum, not cool! If you can see my points are missing then just give them to me...why make me potentially wait 2 weeks. And with people not getting any shoppers offers who is going to shop at overpriced shoppers now. I can’t see this change being very good for shoppers when you look at as a least for my perspective
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  14. #749
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scouponer View Post
    And with people not getting any shoppers offers who is going to shop at overpriced shoppers now. I can’t see this change being very good for shoppers when you look at as a least for my perspective
    Perhaps it's still premature to make the pessimistic assumption that PCO has been changed to what we're seeing now. Afaik, there's no solid reason to think our SDM offers won't increase and improve as the program gets fixed and fully implemented, granted nothing solid afaik to indicate this will happen either.

  15. #750
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquaria View Post
    did anyone find out if there is a way to set some cards to earn points only? i have the MC and also the key fob. i don't want to use the key fob until i can set it to earn points only. thanks
    No way atm afaik. Fwiw, I suspect this functionality will be available at some point, but this is pure conjecture.
    Newfiescreech, barbis9 and Ciel like this.

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