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Thread: PC Optimum - SDM and PC Unite Feb.1 2018!!!!

  1. #1261
    Smartie Canuck greentires4me's Avatar
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    I don’t get shoppers offers neither at first I did then nothing after that I get more points shopping at and then no frills or superstore.

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  2. #1262
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dior17 View Post
    I am getting very frustrated with PC Optimum. Everything was ok until I added my DH to my household 2 weeks ago. As soon as that was done I was given 2-3 horrible offers not related to any past/future purchases. I removed DH from my household and hoped everything would return to normal. This week I go the same 3 crap offers again! Pc jewelry, expensive shampoo and fancy hand soap non of which I have EVER purchased. I used to get amazing offers for fresh food items we usually purchase..
    Maybe your history of offers is different, but I don't remember ever having a week under PC+ where I didn't have at least a handful of offers for things I had never purchased. I very much doubt it was ever as few as 2-3. It wasn't a consistent proportion, but my gut feel is that it averaged at least 1/4 of my offers, and probably more.

    So in my experience, it was normal under PC+ to get offers that weren't drawn from my purchase, and accordingly, I don't expect this to be significantly different under PCO.
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  3. #1263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arjon View Post
    Maybe your history of offers is different, but I don't remember ever having a week under PC+ where I didn't have at least a handful of offers for things I had never purchased. I very much doubt it was ever as few as 2-3. It wasn't a consistent proportion, but my gut feel is that it averaged at least 1/4 of my offers, and probably more.

    So in my experience, it was normal under PC+ to get offers that weren't drawn from my purchase, and accordingly, I don't expect this to be significantly different under PCO.
    In the past I would average 12-20 new offers per week with a good ratio of items I have purchased vs. never purchased. I like a good variety of offers that encourage me to try new brands and products I may have not considered purchasing previously. This is not the issue I have with the new program.

    In the past 2 weeks I received 3 offers TOTAL for the week. All of which are not of any value to me. In my years of collecting PC points I had never had a week with only 3 bonus offers except for the last 2 weeks.
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  4. #1264
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    It would not surprise me that the new program algorithm is not working super well still and thus scrambling to put out any offers of relevance to PC Optimum accountholders. I see that today's flash sale is 20x points in relation to cosmetics purchases of a minimum value. Aside from two times over the years that I bought either a matte nail polish or press on nails as a gift for someone, I don't buy cosmetics. Maybe this is a leftover remnant from having signed up to beauty boutique e-mails when Optimum points were given out for signing up to their e-mail list.

    I pushed two current offers (600 pts for every $3 spent on T&T products and the points offer for $5 spent on Joe Fresh apparel in-store or online) back for a week.
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  5. #1265
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    I got this offer and was super excited. Bought a ton of different items. Got exactly zero points. Did you have to complain for yours?
    Quote Originally Posted by innaor View Post
    Torontogal12, I agree, it's an awesome offer. I stocked up on various canned veggies, also bought tahini, canned pickles and hummus. The canned veggies actually were free with 0.02 overage per can
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  6. #1266
    CaLoonie Mrs_Dean_Winchester's Avatar
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    just curious.. those of you who do the points inquiry online, do you typically get a response fairly soon? i did one last week and didnt get a response or adjustment so i did it again in case it didnt get through. put in another one for today's shop and still havent heard back. i will msg customer service if i dont heard back again.

    not sure if they are just backed up or not getting a response on my account.

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  7. #1267
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodBoy View Post
    More hits the fan ...

    PC Optimum tells customer her privacy may have been violated in switch to new program
    Customer's account may have been combined with that of another cardholder

    Sent from my iPhone
    This happened to me. Finally got it sorted out and a new account set up.

    Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
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  8. #1268
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs_Dean_Winchester View Post
    just curious.. those of you who do the points inquiry online, do you typically get a response fairly soon? i did one last week and didnt get a response or adjustment so i did it again in case it didnt get through. put in another one for today's shop and still havent heard back. i will msg customer service if i dont heard back again.

    not sure if they are just backed up or not getting a response on my account.

    I was getting them within a day or two, but now they seem to be super slow. I put one in on 13th and one in on the 17th and I haven`t heard back for either of them.
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  9. #1269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs_Dean_Winchester View Post
    just curious.. those of you who do the points inquiry online, do you typically get a response fairly soon? i did one last week and didnt get a response or adjustment so i did it again in case it didnt get through. put in another one for today's shop and still havent heard back. i will msg customer service if i dont heard back again.

    not sure if they are just backed up or not getting a response on my account.

    When the merge an inquiry for me was adjusted quickly . Last week I put one in for my shoppers shop and I had to send all the info about 3 times and every time I was getting a different response saying that the offer was valid for a different date. I had to be firm because I know I was correct eventually I was credited because I was not giving up
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  10. #1270
    Smart Canuck Arjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs_Dean_Winchester View Post
    just curious.. those of you who do the points inquiry online, do you typically get a response fairly soon? i did one last week and didnt get a response or adjustment so i did it again in case it didnt get through. put in another one for today's shop and still havent heard back. i will msg customer service if i dont heard back again.

    not sure if they are just backed up or not getting a response on my account.

    Claims were dealt with very quickly (seemingly under 30 minutes) until about a week ago when reports started to surface that this was no longer the case. No indications afaik as to why this has changed.
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  11. #1271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colsgirl View Post
    I was getting them within a day or two, but now they seem to be super slow. I put one in on 13th and one in on the 17th and I haven`t heard back for either of them.
    I am also waiting from one from the 11th and the 15th . Not sure what is taking so long and I can’t call because it’s from my DH card and he works late and does not have the time to do so
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  12. #1272
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    I did a points inquiry on the 10th and got a response in about an hour. Hopefully they'll continue responding quickly for those who are in points limbo. That's frustrating!
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  13. #1273
    Canadian Guru
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    Loblaw stumbles on Optimum-PC Points merger, bread rebate woes

    Problems with the merger of its loyalty cards and the $25 bread rebate lands Loblaw Companies on Ellen Roseman’s most wanted list in 2018.
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  14. #1274
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    March 31 is year-end for many retail chains, including Loblaws. It would not surprise me if corporate Loblaws might be noticing trends in inquiries and maybe advising CSRs not to put things through so quickly if IT has issues and if said IT might mean the UK firm supporting the program (time differences and all that) needing some time to figure out the glitch and come up with revised code/testing etc. quickly.
    2021-Bring on the sunshine, sweets & online shopping.

  15. #1275
    Smart Canuck
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    So dh’s card saga continues..Finally got an email re dh’s card situation saying case closed issue resolved. So I check online...not fixed. So call again...on hold for 1/2 hour. Now they say his card is frozen and it is going to take another 6 days to get it resolved. Ugggh! Said they freeze accounts that have over 200,00 points to protect them...I called bs on that and said if that is the case my card would have been frozen as well. I am wondering now if his card was one of the ones that was linked incorrectly and now some random person has his information. So now we wait again. If not fixed in 6 days I will seriously consider moving all our prescriptions to recall which is across the street. All this trouble and not a single offer of extra points to compensate.
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