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Thread: PC Optimum - SDM and PC Unite Feb.1 2018!!!!

  1. #1321
    Canadian Guru
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    Thanks I found the milk offer in my junk mail. Happy me..Thanks @apple pie who respond to my original question about the milk offer and @Arjon and everyone else
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  2. #1322
    Smart Canuck Grey's Avatar
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    Heads up, there's another 20x MILK offer via email just now. Valid from Mar 24 to Mar 30.
    Email subject is "Shop your way to 25,000 points"
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  3. #1323
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    The milk offer combined nicely with 4K pts on $10 snacks
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  4. #1324
    Mastermind Anna Michele's Avatar
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    Was just coming to post about the milk offer starts Saturday...

    Check your emails

    Sent from my SM-J320W8 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Anna Michele; Fri, Mar 23rd, 2018 at 05:17 PM.
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  5. #1325
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    I had the spent get 4000 points on candy/snack offer also had the milk email for 20X Points. Had a personal offer for 200 points for every $1.00 spent on Beans. So I got 1 (4l) bag milk, 4 cans of beans paid $10.00 and I got 6625 in Points not too bad if I say so myself needed milk. Love this offer
    barbis9, Ciel and torontogal12 like this.

  6. #1326
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    Thanks for the heads up on the milk offer this week!
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  7. #1327
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    I didn't get the milk offer, but I got a 3000 points wus $10 on food, drink and snacks so I used it to buy milk. The points weren't on the receipt, so I have put in another inquiry. I have had no inquiries processed in over 2 weeks. I stopped using my PC CC because I'm sick of the points not being awarded and having to chase them ... now when you chase them, they don't do anything.
    barbis9 and Ciel like this.
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  8. #1328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colsgirl View Post
    I didn't get the milk offer, but I got a 3000 points wus $10 on food, drink and snacks so I used it to buy milk. The points weren't on the receipt, so I have put in another inquiry. I have had no inquiries processed in over 2 weeks. I stopped using my PC CC because I'm sick of the points not being awarded and having to chase them ... now when you chase them, they don't do anything.
    @Colsgirl the same thing was happening to to DH so I made a call yesterday and got my points adjusted the rep that I got had me on hold for a long time and he tried to give me only 2000 when he was owed 6400 and I refused it and demand that if I buy the product I should be awarded the points then he tried to give me 3000 and I refused it again and ask for my Full points and he then give up put me on along hold again and the did it. I hope we don’t have to do this again
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  9. #1329
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynngao28 View Post
    I have offer in no frills for every $30 spend get 3000 pc points. If I purchase total $30. And I have $3 coupon, so after coupon is $27 before tax. Can I still get 3000 points?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I have a similar offer this week that say 5,000 points per $50 spent in store this weekend. The specifics on the offer says “For every $50 spent in store after coupons and discount have been applied, and before taxes. Can anyone confirm for me one way or the other?

    edit: Will I still be able to earn points with my specific points offers (ex. Philadelphia cream cheese, Classico pasta sauce, veggies, etc) in addition to the 5,000pts when you spend $50?
    Last edited by Angela273; Sat, Mar 24th, 2018 at 04:09 AM.
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  10. #1330
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    There's another milk offer in today's email titled Spend your way to 25,000 points

    Oops, this was already posted by someone else...
    Last edited by Laurabelle81; Fri, Mar 23rd, 2018 at 11:26 PM.
    barbis9, Ciel and nalaric like this.

  11. #1331
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    no milk offer for me in any email.. the only email i get is the PCO one saying new offers are ready..and it's a horribly formatted email that is nearly impossible to read (i gotta scroll all over the place to find a tiny bit of text)
    barbis9 and Ciel like this.
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  12. #1332
    Smart Canuck sampler's Avatar
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    Question: If my family member has a pc bank account with pc plus points can they transfer their existing points to my Optimum points account? I see they have a family friends pool option but I don't know if this is for future points, will they allow previous points earned to be transferred ? Has anyone tried that? Seems like that would be the best option to pool points with family members, especially with your spouse, right?
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  13. #1333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnightly View Post
    no milk offer for me in any email.. the only email i get is the PCO one saying new offers are ready..and it's a horribly formatted email that is nearly impossible to read (i gotta scroll all over the place to find a tiny bit of text)
    @Midnightly my DH milk offer from last went to my Junk mail .
    Mine is for this week and it went to my regular mail.
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  14. #1334
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela273 View Post
    I have a similar offer this week that say 5,000 points per $50 spent in store this weekend. The specifics on the offer says “For every $50 spent in store after coupons and discount have been applied, and before taxes. Can anyone confirm for me one way or the other?

    edit: Will I still be able to earn points with my specific points offers (ex. Philadelphia cream cheese, Classico pasta sauce, veggies, etc) in addition to the 5,000pts when you spend $50?
    @Angela273 YES
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  15. #1335
    Smart Canuck
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    Watch your points if you have any returns. I purchased several different products which had bonus points - vitamins, bananas, bread, chips etc. I returned the vitamins and all of the bonus points from that receipt were subtracted off. I contacted pc optimum via email and had the 1,800 credited back to my account.
    sampler and Ciel like this.

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